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The Sun is boiling with pressure and breaking out into spots as 11-year cycle peaks in both hemispheres.



This just in!!!:

Since both Trump and Musk's planets are all over the US chart, they all likely succeed or suffer together and anything that brings them down will result from affliction to the US chart, three peas in a pod. So, what’s in the wings for the U.S.? Curiously, eclipses, a tight series of them -- March 13-14 lunar eclipse on US Neptune, March 29 solar eclipse on US Mars/Pluto, September 20-21 solar eclipse on US MC, Feb 17/2026 solar eclipse on US Moon, all within a degree, with transiting Neptune and Saturn right on the IC in the mix. These are strikingly similar to the pattern directly preceding the Dec 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, with lunar eclipse on US Neptune, then solar eclipse on Mars/Pluto, then solar eclipse on MC tangled with transiting Neptune (half a Neptune cycle ago) closing in on MC. It's a near-exact repeat (same days, same degrees, same order) but without the final one on US Moon like now. Other similarities are Jupiter and Uranus in the same positions as 1941. Treacherous surprise attacks. Of course, this time we could be doing the treachery, but that's already not a surprise, so more likely something from left field (but perhaps more internal considering the Neptune and Saturn on IC), yet to come...

...hang on and watch the news... 

And after that...now we're getting asked to look for the exact dates (beyond general eclipse brackets) that have really harsh aspects to US in this astrological Pearl Harbor redux and they all seem to line up in the first three days of January 2026 -- full Moon opp Sun conjunct Mars 1/3, prog Moon opp prog Mars (exact), prog Sun opp natal Neptune (exact), Mars and Sun sweeping opposition to natal stellium the month before all that. Within the previous time frame (1941) pretty similar, but again a little more inward than outward, suggesting inner-located surprise rather than outer.

... now back to the general outlook:

This spring and summer are a continuing convergence of trends of intensity, starting with remarkable fireworks from the Sun as it moves through the sunspot-cycle maximum, with the Sun’s northern and southern hemispheres competing with increased activity. This is associated with lots of craziness at the historical and technical level, from Chizhevsky's cycles of mass excitement to electrical breakdowns like the Carrington Event now extended to all our satellites in space and thus all our communications systems. The net result is raised craziness all around, where general inner anxiety and tension allow things to get out of control when they might otherwise have been contained. More on that and even a daily comparison of “the Big One” with current spots are regularly covered on Spaceweather.com  

The second big deal is the shift of Pluto to Aquarius. In Western history the last visit of Pluto to Aquarius (a 20-year stint) framed the French Revolution, the “best of times and the worst of times”. It’s not gentle on the populace at large (Aquarius) but it also forces change that upsets social structure in the process.

Then there’s Uranus finishing its trip through Taurus and moving into Gemini. Ultimately, it’s happier in Gemini, so technology may be in better tune with things in general, despite the fears of AI enslaving the world.

And of course, there’s Neptune finishing its stint in Pisces with Saturn joining it and both uncomfortably moving together to Aries. Religions and belief systems may see sudden shifts, which will be alternately reliefs and last-gasp terrors in changing cultures, where religious beliefs conflict with general secular human rights.

But you get the trend – all the long-period outer planets, with Saturn thrown in, are switching to new signs, and all that they’re associated with, such as extended socio-cultural evolution, change style accordingly. These are beyond personal or economic control, and will be new cross-currents that shift all the rest.

Almost done, down to the yearly scale, we’re still in the phase of the roller-coaster created by the bowl distribution of the middle and outer planets, a yearly effect until 2027-28 as Earth makes closer approach to those beyond its orbit except alternately for Mars, which every other year is an outlier. Clue for understanding: planets Rx are closer to us, we're reestablishing out relationship, not out of touch...

America, America...

And finally, and semi-locally, there’s the déjà-vu-all-over-again of America’s surprising re-embrace of Donald Trump, the P. T. Barnum of politics, who lives on the sucker-born-every-minute philosophy mixed with personal neediness for attention and control, for whom the more extreme or shocking the enticement the better, however illusionary. America’s second attempt to believe him will work out even worse than the first one, but most of the fundamental astrological reasons are already encapsulated in what we wrote on his first rise, so see them in our last few pieces like 5-10 stories down in our articles section, where it's deja-vu-all-over-again, so why write more? The general message: America has some critical zodiacal degree areas which Trump has his astrological finger on. The result: another period of splashy but confused decline of America’s influence in the world until total disaster forces it back into prominence late in the game at a terrible price to all concerned, as happened in WWI, WWII, 9/11 and more. And another repeat, yet to come...

Despite the old meme of "no one ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American people," the key is not only periodic brain-block (Mercury-Pluto opposition), it's self-absorption.  The "American dream" is personal wealth (Jupiter-Venus conjunct), and all else devolves from that. People migrate to America to get richer, people already there want to stay that way by comparison to subsequent interlopers. So, internationally and historically, America is a peculiarly me-first country, which will be on your side only when it feels forced to be (as with alliances and foreign aid), mainly in real or misperceived extremity, and even then almost too late in the game for itself, so likely way too late for others. Sadly, we’re seeing one more round of the same, with a boiling Sun pumping up the extremes…

All in all, another uncertain but intense year or so for navigation in general...


Recent Stories:

Electrified (Spaceweather) – That’s what happened to the Earth during last big solar storm, the ground beneath our feet was percolating electrical voltage of the sort that brings down power grids…

New Water on Ceres (PSI) – The largest asteroid has brand-new water deposts, at the poles and elsewhere, only 6,000 years old. What’s with that?...

Young Ocean Moon (PSI) – Saturn’s Moon Mimas is all ocean, but only recently…

How Pluto Got Its Heart (Bern) – By an oblique collision, similar to how we got our Moon…

Lopsided Spots (Spaceweather) – Lots more Sunspots in the Sun’s North, compared with down under. Startling view…means a double peak, this cycle…

Pole Switch (Spaceweather) – The Sun’s poles are fading, and about to switch…happens just as solar max approaches…

Pure Tones (Spaceweather) – A  pristine sine wave, like a super-low flute tone, enveloped the Earth’s magnetic field overnight, music from the Sun, gently reverberating all around us…

Sooner, Stronger (Spaceweaather) – Solar max is coming sooner, and bigger, than predicted…

The Blobs Are With Us (ASU) -- …in us, actually, giant masses inside Earth are remnants of Theia,  which also formed the Moon…

Celestial Music (Chandra) – If you’re not already synesthetic, new Chandra site will turn deep sky images into musid!...

Chiron’s Rings (PSI) – They’re not really rings, but evolving debris that comes and goes…

Planets Get Tails (PSI) – Encounter with Jupiter and Saturn give Centaurs like Chiron comet-like tails…

Virtual Exoplanets (YouTube) – Award-winning 360-degree virtual reality documentary on exoplanets…immerse yourself…

Aurora Sounds (SpaceWeather) -- Those space-driven Northern Lights translate into real sounds on the ground...

Dark Matter Day (DarkMatter.com) -- Make Oct. 31 truly astral, welcome those trick-or-treaters into a black hole...it's worldwide, no kidding...

Astrology Myths Not To Believe (Bustle) – Debunking the debunkers, refreshing…

Moon and Pluto Should Be Planets (LiveScience) – To astrologers, they already are…

The Goblin (NPR) – It’s orbiting far out, and may be pointing to something bigger, farther out…

Full Moon Patents (thenextweb) – Patents under a full Moon, wild and crazy? Find out every lunar month…

Coronation Fireworks (Spaceweather) – The Sun exploded in perfect sync with entrance of King Charles II…

Can ET Hear Us? (SETI) – Not until our broadcasts get a little stronger…

Death Star (Keck) – Think you’ve got bad transits? Try this one, the end, my friend…

Ring Around Quaoar (NY Times) – Rings around outer planets are common, but this one shouldn’t be there. The planet’s discoverer Mike Brown is baffled…

Strange Tides (Spaceweather) – The Moon’s gravity affect’s the Earth’s plasmosphere, but offset at 90 degrees, like gravity is acting like a current, affecting a magnetic field at right angles, a la Faraday…

Galactic Shock (NRAO) – There are sounds in space – if you’re in the right scale -- this one as big as the Milky Way itself…

Leap Year: On The Horizon (NY Times) – Pre-Aztec culture kept exact calendar by notches on the horizon…

Sing-Along-Sun (Spaceweather) –Turns out the Sun has two overlapping cycles, sung like a round, and not 11 years but 17…

Mars Tsunami (PSI) – Viking Lander sat down on the edge of a tsunami from 3 ½ billion years old three kilometer asteroid strike ago, like the one that killed the dinosaurs…

Killer Asteroid (Noirlab) – Big, and crosses Earth’s orbit…

Here a Henge, There A Henge (Daily Grail) – Far apart in space, synced in time, what made them do it?

Synchronization – (Big Think) all sorts of systems, from crickets tp fireflies to humans to planets all mode lock and roll into the same beat. How is it done, is this as above, so below, and around the corner, too? We’ve been on this track for years…

Crust Afire (Spaceweather) – The Earth’s whole crust went electric as gamma ray burst like never seen before made the whole planet pulse with electricity…

Stonehenge and Japanese Stone Circles (Smithsonian) – There seems to have been a time when everybody just up and did it, independently…

Dung Beetles (Spaceweather) – They can navigate by the stars…story has been around for a while, but obscure…

Spanish Stonehenge… (CNN) -- …arises from the deep, like the cathedral engloutie…

Betelgeuse Blast (Spaceweather) – If our Sun did this, we’d be toast…

Earthquake Balloons (SpaceWeather) – Listening for quakes, in the high atmosphere. Can it be done on Venus?...

Ducking for Cover (Spaceweather) – During a magnetic storm, some places are better to be than others…now there’s a map, to see where to flee…from and to…

Roaming Black Hole (NASA) – Cast out into darkness, it’s barreling through space, invisible. This one isn’t about to gobble us up, but there are lots more, unlocated…

Pale Uranus (Noirlab) – Why is Uranus so much paler than Neptune, when they’re made of the same stuff? It’s haze. “Excess haze on Uranus builds up in the planet’s stagnant, sluggish atmosphere and makes it appear a lighter tone than Neptune.” Turns out Neptune is the speedier one and Uranus is in a fog. Astrologers take note

Stonehenge Goes Deep (Independent) – They were doing more than looking at the skies, and for thousands of year earlier…

Volcanic Heat (NASA) – A really choice eruption right about now would make global warming look chilly by comparison. If the Earth outgases, species vanish wholesale…short but spectacular is OK, but any more spells doom…

Sunspot Quickstep (Spaceweather) – This cycle’s sunspot activity is way ahead of the curve, with chock-a-block solar storms piling on each other long before predicted…

Oldest American Sun Calendar (Science Alert) --  Not quite as old as Stonehenge, but the first in the Americas, this site isn’t mysterious or arcane. It’s a series of markers – you stand back at the official spot and watch sunrise (or sunset) and it will tell you exactly was day it is. No mumbo-jumbo, just a nice, clear date stamp to help run your budding agro-civilization…

Mercury’s Tail (Spaceweather) – The planet has a sodium trail millions of miles long, like a comet, salty old sailor…

Storms Ahead (Spaceweather) – Here’s how the Sun spins off its big blasts, which form spiral fronts that sweep past individual planets as they bear…

Falling Out of the Sky (Spaceweather) – The sun is shooting down dozens of our satellites, with only a modest geomagnetic storm…a cautionary tale…

Saturn Afire (Keck) – Poles are aflame with radiance – not from the solar wind (like us), but super yin-yang winds that light up the planet and cloak its rotation rate…

Our Champagne Bubble (NY Times) – You know, the one our whole solar system is in…linked 3D graphics show all…

You Think Pluto Is A Planet? (NY Times) – Or Eris? Or any of the other big newbies? The Gray Lady wants to know…

Gravity Moves Us (PhysOrg) – Yes, we do move in sync with the Sun and Moon (at least) at large down to cellular levels…

Heating Up (Spaceweather) – The solar cycle is putting out way beyond expectations, looks like climate change may be a solar-system-wide phenomenon…is more mass excitement on the way?...

Lighthouse in the Sky (ICRAR) – Is it a dwarf, a pulsar, a magnetar, something else? Newly-discovered flashing beacon is like none other…

Rogue Swarms (ING) – The idea of just one small, exiled planet, ejected from its star system, was unsettling. Now here’s seventy of them, and giants, crowding a single area, homelessness on a cosmic scale…

Malayan Megaliths (Cilisos) – Ancient standing stones that trace the skies and memorialize are everywhere, turns out Malaya is covered with them…it was a trend, way back…

Double Helix (NRAO) – Some astrologers will be gratified to hear that the DNA shape does, indeed, exist at macrocosmic levels…

Feeding Monster (ICRAR) – Seen from here, this nearest active black hole is sixteen times the width of the full Moon, and it’s tearing up the sky…

Covid Vax By Sign (SLTrib) – Scorpios and Virgos lead the way in not getting vaccinated in Utah. And, those signs are proportionately more likely to be in Utah…

Life’s Global Antennae (Labroots) – Microbes are connected with nanowire filaments that conduct electrical signals. Nothing would be more supersensitive to incoming electromagnetic and gravitational variations, the global receiving dish that connects upward to the rest of us.

Sounds from Space (Chandra) – Galaxies, stars, nebula turned into sound by Chandra telescope…

Blue Moon (Sky and Telescope) – For once and for all, let’s get this definition straight…from the pages of Sky and Telescope, who screwed it up to begin with…

Hot Jupiter Explained (Keck) – 800 degrees F in the upper atmosphere, what gives? Turns out Sun-driven auroral discharges heat up what should be way sub-zero, like ours. Could that happen here, as Sun activity increases?

Spots Rising (Spaceweather) – Solar max may come early, the Sun heating up faster than expected just like things down here on Earth…

Animals Steer By Stars (NY Times) – From dung beetles to seals, experiment show we’re not the only ones using the sky to guide us…

Antikythera Update (BBC) – Nice film short on this remarkable astronomical device, as its secrets continue to reveal themselves…

The Pulsing Sun (NASA) – Gigantic rhythms of sound come boiling out of our star as it whirls and tugs its inner boiler from deep inside…

Moon Trackers (The Scotsman) – Moon-tracking monoliths on Mull are dusted with cracked quartz to illustrate unknown rituals…

Moon Floods (Reuters) – Moon’s “wobble” will double flooding in already-drenched Europe…

Giant Comet (Spaceweather) – As big as a minor planet, three times the size of record-breaking Hale-Bopp,  it’s on its way but will only reach Saturn…

The Next Cycle (NY Times) – Scientists are awaiting the blossoming of the just-beginning sunspot cysle with bated breath. It could be unusually strong when our vulnerability is unusually weak…that depends on how soon the terminator event occurs…

Scattered Showers (SETI) – Like once in 4,000 years…but from ancient, and dangerous, comets. And if you want to know what’s coming at you right now, check this totally cool interactive meteor map

Comet Mercury (Spaceweather) – The planet nearest the Sun is streaking like a comet, leaving a sodium trail lighting up the sky. If comets are passing messengers of the gods, Mercury is that way full time...

Solar Storm Shutdown (Spaceweather) – If you were communicating over short wave, anywhere in North or South America, suddenly, you weren’t – in what sounded like a massive tsunami…

The Great Storm (Spaceweather) – The 100th anniversary of when wall plugs erupted and communications went down…

Storm Tracks Across Time (JSAWASC) – We know where the great planetary patters were over the centuries, but how about the great solar storms? That history is taking accessible shape with this 500-year timeline. Take a look, esp. at Fig. 1…

Internal Waves (NASA) – Where the Moon's gravitation pumps the oceans up and down on subsurface structures, huge moving waves are formed, with major consequences…

Vesta Hits Botswana (SETI) – An asteroid spun off by Vesta just crashed into Africa...

Eclipses Au-Go-Go (Spaceweather) – Jupiter’s moons will be eclipsing, along with others all over the solar system…

Spanish Stonehenge – (mymodernmet) – Astronomical observatory revealed after being underwater…

Solar Storms Beach Whales (Spaceweather) – One we missed from last year…the weather in space can make whales get lost and fatally run aground…

Uranus Emits X-Rays (Chandra) -- …of two different origins, at least, partly the result of its cosmic weirdness…

Double Threat (Spaceweather) – The chance of major, disruptive geomagnetic storms just doubled…

Switchbacks (NASA) – The two-million miles per hour wind blast from the Sun flips and flops its magnetic polarity, like ongoing slaps in the face, on its way to buffet us here on Earth…

Gears, Gears (Ars Technica) – Even more of the workings of the ancient Antikythera planet-tracking device has been revealed…

Zodiacal Light (NASA) – That faint foreplay at dawn is Mars’s doing, turns out…

The Moon’s Tail (NY Times) – At new Moon, our companion surrounds us with sodium…

Lunar Link (Medical News) – With menstrual cycles, yet another look…

Sleepless Again (Washington Post) – Full Moon keeps you up, another new study reveals…

Pole Flip (Guardian) – the last one, 42,000 years ago, may have helped snuff the Neanderthals, among other big changes…we’re due for another ere long, so let’s hope we weather global warming before adding insult to injury…

No Planet Nine? (Science Alert) – The evidence for yet another planet from multi-discoverer Mike Brown may be an artifact of expectation…

Scouring The Moon (SpaceWeather) – newly-discovered, the Moon gets a solar wind blast from the Earth each month, depositing water on the Moon.

Perfect Storm (Spaceweather) – They don’t happen often, but in a unique 1-2 punch, another one will…

New Universe(s) (Vice) – Struggling to put the new outer planets into your horoscope? How about a new universe…!

A Musical Note (Spaceweather) – Over Norway, in the magnetosphere, 2 min. 14 sec. wavelength.

Historical Cycles (Atlantic) – From another cycle point of view, 2020 and the next ten years are fraught with perilous change, indeed…

Earth Faster and Closer To Black Hole (NAO) – By 7 km/s and 2000 light years…

New Constellations Discovered (LiveScience) – In an Egyptian temple, just by cleaning off a neglected ceiling. Nobody knows what they are, including “Ra’s Geese”…

Sunspots Rebound (Spaceweather) – After a long solar low, sunspots are crowding back, starting with election week, and with it the usual general “mass excitability” long ago described by Alexander Chizhevsky

What A Blue Moon Is Not (Sky and Telescope) – This doughty astronomy magazine admitted misdefining “blue Moons” generations ago, and now gives a calendar of them, based on the same misdefinition…

Siblings (CFA Harvard) – A little star-demotion is underway. It turns out stars (like the Sun) don’t form and then mother their planets later, they all grow up together, brothers and sisters, large and small. Some real implications about astrological power sharing in that…

Astro-Disk Reevalued (DW) – Although a compelling artwork, the Nebra Sky Disk is not the first sky depiction, and not such a meaningful reproduction after all…

Storms and Quakes (Nature) – A direct link between solar storms, earthquakes, and even “earthquake lights” may finally be established…

Once and Future Megablasts (Space Weather) – The Carrington Event, which shorted out every circuit on earth, was not a one-off. There have been many before, and yet to come…

Rings Like A Bell (Quanta) – The Earth does, thanks to external gravitational squeeze of Moon, Sun, etc. Predicted by Laplace 220 years ago, finally confirmed…

Cosmic Rays On The Rise (Spaceweather) – Leave the planet to escape global warming? Not a good option…appears it’s getting more perilous out there, too…

A Blast from the Silence (Spaceweather) – In 1903, the Sun at quiet solar minumum let loose a storm that pinned the meters…we’re at the same spot in the cycle now, so hold that thought…

Moon Freckles (Mysterious Universe) – A host of lights and other strange movements regularly are sighted on the Moon, and nobody knows what they are. To cover that, scientists have dubbed them “lunar transient phenomena”, nothing like naming it to explain it…

Cycles of Violence (LiveScience) – Here’s another cyclical look at how we got to an explosive 2020 – this time a 50-year period…

Collective Gravity (Mysterious Universe) – First Planet 9 is a figment, then a black hole, now…? Maybe it’s just a bunch of little guys on each others’ shoulders looking like a big guy…

Moonolith (Psydonia) – The Moon is more peculiar and beyond ordinary than one would ever consider…

Moon Spirits (Metcalfe) – When we go to space are we messing with the Moon?...

Shifting Times Ten (Mysterious Universe) – The magnetic poles are whipping around, working up to another shift? More here

Bio Documentary on Astrologer (Time) – Netflix has done a bio-doc on the life of Puerto Rican astrologer Walter Mercado, delighting all…

Planet Nine = Black Hole? (Harvard) – The only way to tell is from flashes of space debris falling in…the size of a grapefruit, you could stick it in your fridge, except it would destroy the world…

Very Nearby (Unige) – Forget all those distant stars that may have Earth-like planets in habitable zones…there’s one at Proxima Centauri, the nearest star, right down the block…

Solar Lens (Planetary.org) – Can’t see details  those planets around distant stars? Use the Sun as a magnifying glass…

The Great Storm (Spaceweather) -- …of 1921…everything electrical just blew up, caught on fire…maybe something like this is around the corner, the virus just a prelude…

Astrological Cycles (Medium) – They’re the only constant…and they said this was coming, as we have been noting…

Planet Nine (Scientific American) – The mystery planet ould be a mirage…poof!

Self Care (Hellogiggles) –Astrology can be a form of self-care…well, what can’t…there is no problem a good solution cannot cure…

Japan’s Stonehenge (BBC) – It even does leap years…

Earthquakes and Tsunamis… (Spaceweather)– Both ring like space storms from space …

Gridstrike (Spaceweather) – Where you are when the solar flares hit will determine if your lights (and everything else) go out. Here’s a map…

Astrology Cure (LA Times) – Will reading books on astrology do better than drinking bleach?...it’s all the rage… especially in the Subcontinent…

They Predicted It (Yahoo) – You had to be asleep not to predict this one, in general…we’ve been in print about it since 1998…

Tricky Waters (Globe and Mail) – Astrologers are having a rough time with Corvid-19, partly because they didn’t see it coming…perhaps because, as we have noted, they couldn’t, except in the most general sense

Sign in the Sky (NextWeb) – Comet Atlas may turn out to be the brightest in decades, an omen, a portent to oversee the 2020 catastrophes here and yet to come?...

Turn Back Time? (Astronomie) – No, you can’t, after all, at least on some pretty big scales. This is a game-changer…

Slime Mold in the Sky (Spacetelescope) – Turns out the way giant clusters of supergalaxies grow and spread their tentacles is the same way the humble slime mold does…as above, so below, or the other way round…

Solar Storms Strand Whales (Spaceweather) – When the Sun starts putting out, whales fatally lose their way…

Zodiac Shaming (LA Mag) – Diss-ing signs, it’s the latest. Even Bloomberg is doing it, but he does have a passle of Aquarius, next to the national Moon, just like FDR…

New Moon (Atlantic) – Not the phase, an entirely new moon, just captured and circling Earth…for a while, anyway…

Shelley Ackerman Dies (BroadwayWorld) – Old New York friend and colleague, R.I.P….

Apps Rising (Wall St. Journal) – The old dog’s take on why the new media kids love their astro-apps…

Fixed Star Fainting (Spaceweather) – Betelgeuse, the brightest star in Orion, has suddenly faded, frequently a symptom of an imminent nova explosion. If that becomes 2020’s most memorable sky …

Astrology Paved The Way (Guardian) -- …for predictive analytics…still does…

A Coping Mechanism (Mic) – Astrology can be that, too…

Kookie Obsession (Seattle Times) – Astrology has come back from the edge, now it’s just so edgy…

Too Vast To Be Grasped (India Post) Beyond edgy, that’s for sure…

When Pluto Meets Saturn… (Daily Beast) -- …opposite Trump’s Saturn, sounds hairy…

Hot Music Above the Sun (Exeter) – Why is it hotter outside the Sun than inside? It’s like an orchestra, playing together, where the sounds and overtones meet (and heat)  above the surface…

Retro Fix (TheCut) – This article reflects the typical Mercury retro manta: it messes everything up. No, it’s when you get close enough to discover the mess already made and fix it, then go ahead…

Only Wrong Once (Metro) – This astrologer claims to be fail-safe…because there’s another univers in which every prediction comes true…

Pick Your Program (TVB) – European TV is trying astrologers to hone in on viewership. This one is simplistic, but astrology is a potentially a marketing moneymaker tool

Astro App Mania (Post) – DIY astrology apps are in high gear, proving there’s no expertise like no expertise…

Transplant Stall (Deccan Herald) – Opposing family astrologers fight over best time for kidney operation…

King Tides (News-Journal) – Sometimes it takes global warming to notice what the Moon already does to us, anyway…Floridians are finding out…

Earthsong (AGU) – when we slip through a solar storm we sing…listen to it…

Astrolgy in the Age of Uncertainty (New Yorker) – Those Millennials will believe anything, tsk, tsk…must be because they’re insecure…

Sleepless but Lawful (Wellandgood)) – The full Moon may cause you to lose sleep, but doesn’t cause a crime wave, say various researchers. Is there a conclusion…?

Fish Factors (YourSun) – Science aside, fish (and fishermen) know all about the Moon’s phase, and the atmospheric pressure, too…

Adios, Walter… (NPR) – Venerable Hispanic astrologer Walter Mercado has moved on…

Bad Poetry (Wired) –Astrological poets fall foul of political correctness when recommending travel…

Assyrian Solar Storms (Ancient Origins) – Ancients had their eye on spaceweather…

New Dwarf Planet (CNN) – Turns out Hygeia is round, just like bigger asteroids…quick, where’s the ephemeris?...

Murder By Astrology (Strangeco) – from the historical police blotter…

Asteroid Platinum (NewAtlas) – the possible paleolithic Youger Dryas asteroid strike is back in the news, thanks to a tell-tale platinum spike…

Loch Ness Henges (Mysterious Universe) – When the water gets low, they surface…

Black Overtones (Caltech) – Black holes, when they collide, ring like a bell…and their clanging gravity waves have resonant overtones just like anything else, from a clarinet to a galaxy…

Transit of Mercury (SpaceWeather) – Only thirteen times a century does this aspect of Sun and Mercury become so precise, the ultimate Cazimi…

Moon and Your Health (Medical News) – Lots of new indicators that increasingly confirm that yes, the Moon can affect you in all sorts of ways…

Planet Pluto (CNN) – This perennial rolling discussion assumes we can determine what Pluto is, instead of how we see it…Pluto doesn’t care…

Real or Unreal? (Cosmo and Metro) – Here’s a set of contrasting pro and con astrology arguments that rely on belief, on each side…with reality lost in the middle…

Henge with Holes (Express) – Armenian giant stones may have observed stars, way older than Stonehenge…

Pig Fat (Mysterious Universe) – How did Stonehengers move those great rocks to mark the celestial movements? They simply greased the skids…

Chameleon Theory (DUR) – Could be that ordinary space-time doesn’t work elsehwhere, where there are other sets of rules…could that work at other levels?...

Henge Magazine (Henge) – Dropping behind your neolithic ancestors in the sky-to-ground division? Finally, a new publication that helps you fill the gap…

Solar Soundings (Solar Center Stanford) – The Sun rings like a bell, and its harmonics tell all sorts of tales…with this app, you can try it out for yourself, see what fits where…

Black Hole Magnet (Sofie) – Maybe we should be paying more attention to Sagittarius A, the black hole at the center of our galaxy, roughly 26 degrees Sagittarius…all magnetic lines lead there…

Split Personality (CU)) – The sunspot cycle, and its effects on us, may be schizy…think of the Sun as a spherical pot of boiling water, where the scalding whirlpools collide at the equator, and go from there…

Flocking Millennials (NY Post) – They just can’t get enough astrology, spaced-out little creatures that they are…

Cyclones From The Sky (Express) – Don’t dismiss spaceweather, it could blow you away…

Body Parts (Neuroscience News) – The diurnal rhythms of the houses aren’t just picked up by the brain…your skin and liver do it, independently…

Pluto’s Volcanic Ocean (Space.com) – This is just sooo 8th house…and it could support life…

Dying Spot (Futurism) – The Great Red Spot on Jupiter, the greatest planetery storm, R.I.P…see it here...

Lifesavers (Wired) – Drugs that modify the daily pulse of the heavens could save your life…

Free Will, or What? (The Nightshirt) – A proper question for astrologers, and the answer is mostly “or what”…from the author of Time Loops

Werewolves at the Wheel (The Sun) – Car wrecks are more common on the full Moon, particularly when men are in the driver’s seat…

Homeless Moon (Streetroots) – The full Moon is a unique marker for those living in the street or in homeless camps…

Astrology and the Internet (Wired) – Like other things, looked like it would help, but turned into a nest of vipers…

Destroy Your Friends (BuzzFeed) – Like, who wouldn’t want to?... with astrology memes, yet…

Screw an Air Sign (Bustle) – Tired of all that earthy stuff? Here’s something more heady…oh, spare us…

Geomagnetic  Jerks (Gizmodo) – Jumpy lumps are making sudden changes beneath our feet…

Lunar Wildlife (National Geographic) – Nat Geo takes note of all the things the Moon officially does to critters…

Starry Startups (NY Times) – Inspired by the Trump revolution in scientific thinking, it appears venture capital is turning its eyes to the skies…

The Sun Speaks (Spaceweather) – And it sounds like…the sea…

Inner Orrery (Scientific American) – Mentioned eariler, the full story…a planetary ephemeris, written in stone beneath our feet…

Feeling the Field (Gizmodo) – Some of us can sense the magnetism, as our planet fluctuates…

Spring On Other Planets (Atlantic) – Imagine if Sun in Aries lasted not a month, but a year, or twenty…

Location, Location (National Geographic) – How solar storms affect you could depend on what’s next door…

Mercury Closer Than Venus (ScienceAlert) – Really? Well, maybe, sometimes…

When the Sky Meets the Ground (Daily Grail) – It hurts all over…new evidence of multi-comet strike 13,000 years ago, this time from South America…

Signed in Stone (Smithsonian) – The movements of the planets actually leave a record in Earths own rocks…

Apocalypse Overhead (SecretSun) – The entire Book of Revelations encoded in the sky...

Second-Hand Henge (Guardian) – Turns out eighty of the pillars at Stonehenge had already been used in an earlier setup in Wales…waste not, want not…

Sky Stones (Guardian) – The Stonehenge bluestones, with their sparkling crystals on a dark back ground may simply have been Mesolithic screensavers, sort of…and, they were convenient pop-outs...

Far Out and Farther Out (Sciencemag) – Put them in your horoscope…

To The Moon (ESA) – Earth’s atmosphere goes all the way to the Moon…we have a direct, molecular connection…

Chilly, Chance of Dust Devils (Cornell) – That’s the forecast on Mars, now updated daily. Does a planet’s weather up there tune its effects down here. Previous storms on Jupiter and Saturn give pause for thought, so now we can keep an eye out…

Boring Uranus (Forbes) – From the outside, it looks like nothing’s happening, until you take a closer look…

No Nine (Cambridge) – The mysterious, massive, but yet-unfound Planet Nine may have been explained away…

Oyster Moon (PhysOrg) – Oysters open up their valves just before new Moon, regardless of light…an almost-repeat of prof F.A. Brown’s experiments so long ago

Siberia-bound (RT) – The North magnetic pole is swiftly being sucked toward Siberia…recalibrate your compasses…world governments are…because it's affecting your cellphone...

Cycle Balance (StormTracker) – And scale-shifting, this time in weather, is about evening things out…

Cycles and Fractals (BusinessMirror) – Cycles, business and otherwise, don’t just repeat, they mirror and rescale…

Hit By A Rock (Time) – That’s what made Uranus so crazy and weird…

Best Planet (Washington Post) – That would be Jupiter, says the Washington Post. But you know these liberals…The Wall Street Journal might have picked Saturn…

Grandma Says (ChronicleHerald) – That the Moon makes weather, and other things…part of a series...

Java Megs (Live Science) – Not the software, the Indonesian pole-aligned megalithic  temple that now may date back 28,000 years…

Drifting Away (Forbes) – All from each other, we are…off into space…nice explanation and gifs…

What Einstein Believed (TheWeek) – maybe a little more thought-out (if less statistical) than the subjects of the Pew report…

What to Believe? (Pew) – In God, a spiritual presence, unseen higher powers? In America these days it’s a curious mix, evolving…Pew Research sets it out in detail…

Where’s the Moon? (Hyperallergic) – New Yorkers know, just follow the moving arrow…cute

Megablast (Today) – Seems a supernova extinguished the great mega-marine animals, including Megalodon, just as we were becoming our own species. What if it happened again?...

Counting Spots (SWRI) – The rhythms of sunspot cycles across the ages, and what goes with them, may have been unlocked…

Russian Stonehenge (DailyGrail) – Well, of course, they had one, too, didn’t everybody?...

Sunspot Prediction: Not Cool (CESSI) – The next sunspot peak will be big and busy, no help in slowing climate change…

Questions Astrologers Hate (Romper) – Because they’re soooo stupid…a fun and true take on the subject…

Sun Storms and Gas Prices (Bloomberg) – They’re linked, because the sunspot rhythm drives the cold weather that drives up demand for natural gas…

Cave Skies (Un of Edin) – Cave art was reflective of the heavens – those animals weren’t hunting prey, they were constellations. And also witness to catastrophic comet strike

Mercury Melanoma (Daily Grail) – Skin cancer manifests at Mercury’s 87-day cycle…researchers are suggesting it’s from a focus of streams of dark matter…

Sucking Up the Oceans (NY Post) – Not enough water? Earth is absorbing too much, could explode!

Astrology Gang (Times of India) – We’ve taken to ignoring the florid Subcontinental astro police blotter, but now they’re getting organized…

Magnetic Music (SpaceWeather) – A local example of how our magnetic envelope is singing a pure tone…

Resonance (EarthSky) – It’s our physical basis for astrology, but here maybe everything…

Exploding Mines (SpaceWeather) – Declassified records reveal X-class sunspot flares set off hundreds of naval mines spontaneously in 1972…what could the Sun trigger if it happened now?...

Hidden Moons (National  Geographic) – Belonging to Earth they are, two of them…but really just dust clouds…still, important as they are nested into our Lagrange points, essentially sextile pockets that are the building blocks of astrological aspects themselves…

Astrological Twins (Bustle) – They’re not the same for the same reasons genetic twins aren’t – essetially, the butterfly effect…

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"In His Own Image" Astrological Society of Princeton

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Ugly Things Magicians article

Celestyna's Surf and Stars #2

Celestyna's Surf and Stars #1

Undressed by Deborah Kagan, S&M sex

It's Psychedelic Baby! magazine

video conversation w/Robert Cosmar

w/Chris Brennen, composites

w/Dr. Bernard Beitman, synchronicity

plus VIDEOS and MUSIC on YouTube!

w/Chris Brennen, composites

w/Dr. Bernard Beitman, sychronicity

and now:

early mixes of next CD album!

New Articles:
New Outer Planets: Up Against The Wall


Crossroads of Coincidence
1, 2, and 3

Roller Coaster!


 More Articles:

The Hankar Crystal -- An integrated planetary combo that gives the key to character core: a compelling fragment of the work of French WWI artillery Colonel Raoul Hankar, via L. Edward Johndro and Al H. Morrison...

Outside of the Box -- We are approaching astrological research upside down, so no wonder few take it seriously...we need to start from the bottom up, not the top down...

Retrograde Ground -- The popularly-infamous retrograde periods are about close approach, an opportunity, not something to be ignored or avoided and waited-out...

Astrology and Medicine -- Where ancient meets modern, a whole new approach is needed to make this work today...

Surfing The Sky -- Waves, waves, waves...that's what the whole shebang is made of, with great metaphors for, and the physical basis of, astrology...

Tool Time! -- Here are 16 steps in order of operation to analyze a chart based on the dynamic, physical approach...

Listen for the Signs -- The Zodiac signs are created by the changing phase of Earth's rotation and revolution, with a little help fro the Moon, like a revolvling Leslie organ speaker...

Order of Battle -- Like battle tactics, chart analysis has changed as the concept and technology of astrology has...and it's happening again...

Teach Your Children Well -- The habits that cement your horoscope start early, so it's up to the wise parent to help you to be aware and get a handle on them early...

Arrival: The Shape of Time 2 -- If time is three-dimensional, then secondary progressions aren't so hard to explain...along with a lot of other things...the sequel to "Time Train"...

Does Accuracy Count?! -- Modern astrologers are (or used to be) hung up on precision. Considering astrology's origins and philosophy, is this delusional?...

Runaway Train -- Jupiter skies, the cardinal grand cross with Uranus and Pluto, even the recent Mars retro, all happened just like this once before. And the train derailed...

Baby Boomers! -- The largest generation the world has ever known has stars in its eyes...why? Pluto in Leo, Virgo, something else?...

Space vs Time Composite Charts -- They look similar sometimes, but they're worlds apart in concept and effectiveness...

Birthday Trouble -- Tough skies require creative strategies when traveling for a solar return...

Life on the Ocean Wave -- Transits are waveforms, and like the surface of the ocean, their angle of approach and interaction can make for choppy water or a following sea...

Minefield in the Sky -- The year-long cardinal grand cross -- and what to do about it...

Secrets of the Signs -- A glance at harmonic structure and the overtone series reveals the likely physical basis for the signs, and more...

Odds Are: Perfect Storm -- Sometimes ordinary astrological phenomena serreptitiously team up to be a rolling disaster...

Twelve Questions About Astrology... -- ...absolutely fundamental ones...that we can't quite answer, but must...

Relocation: The Diurnal Return -- The secret to relocation may be the daily return of your angles, in another place...

Planetary Purchase -- Buying and selling electronically requires a whole new way of selecting chart times...

American Circus -- America's greatness, and failings, are there in the birth chart, and particularly on display now...

The Race Is On! -- When transits run neck and neck with progressions, particularly Saturn and the Moon, it can change your life, for decades!...

The Viking Sun Stone -- Norse navigators steered their longboats with a special crystal that tracked the Sun. Now it's back! 

Soul Mates -- That feeling of fated encounter, lifetime connection, has astrological indicators...

The Shape of Time, Part I: The Time Train -- If time is three-dimensional, it explains a lot. And if it is, as a thought experiment, it's like being on a train...

Astro Tookit -- What techniques determine your style and approach to the art? Everyone is different...

Rectify!! -- Even hospital birth times require rectification, for reasons you might not imagine...

Meet the Moon! -- The lunar return(s)...there's more than just one kind, though only one kind is generally known...

Titanic Skies -- The ill-fated White Star liner was only partially ill-starred, but celestial circumstances snowballed into an unprecedented disaster, foreshadowing world events...

Rulerships Deposed -- The often-confusing system of rulerships, exhaltations, falls is part of a dated world-view, like feudal nation-states...time to update!

The Horoscope Trap -- The natal chart isn't you, you predate it. But it's a map to a lifetime of behavior modification that becomes character and can be tinkered with...

Window For War -- Israel's wars always happen at the same astrological time...the same as Pearl Harbor, the invasion of Poland, Anzio, the First Gulf War...and it's coming up again soon...what's happening here??!!...

An Astrologer's Toolkit -- After forty years of practice, here's how one astrologer chooses his tools, winnows his methods, with twenty full-article explanatory links...

A Bridge Too Far -- Too Much of a good Jupiter thing can make life crazy...

Retro Tides -- When lots of planets are retro, it gets crazy...

Derailing Destiny -- When you  move for a solar return, you alter your fate...

Music Archive: Ocean! --  a lost group of folk into pop...

Neptune Boomers: 
The Drug Generation --
Drugs inspire or destroy, by evolving aspect...

Dark Visions: S&M Sex -- the astrological signatures, by sign and house, of joy through pain...

Bad Company -- How to avoid it!

Uranus Strikes -- Mars and Uranus meet again...

Jupiter Skies: Pump Up The Volume -- Giant planet to rule the skies in the 'teens...

Zodiac Signs: Physical Facts --Constellations don't endure, but signs last pretty much forever...

Colors of Change -- A synesthetic view of stars, skies, and the mood below...

Sunrise or Sunset -- Is that light breaking the dawn, or just a clearing evening sky?...

Neptuned-Out! American Madness -- The U.S. gets a quadruple dose of Neptune, redolent with confusion, fear, and separation...

A Guide To Astrology Reports -- Are they a valuable tool, or a waste of time? It depends...

Retro Rhythms -- What gives with retrogrades? Physically, and metaphorically, they're moves in a celestial hoedown...

Real Progressions -- A physical basis for the mystery of progressions...it's about fractal resonance across time...

The Vertex: Crossroads of Destiny -- This little-used "third angle" can be the most important location in your chart...

A Time To Glean -- After the summer sky storm is over, opportunities will abound...

La Petite Mort: The Big O -- The grand cross in the bedroom...

Artful Dodging: Crisis Tips! -- More than one way to skin a cat...

When the Sky Is Falling!--  A checklist of dangers, and opportunities...

Birthday Stars -- Where you go on your birthday can affect your whole year...and you get to choose... 

Show Me The Money! -- The real money in astrology is not is selling astrology, it's in using astrology to sell...

An Astrologer's Tale -- A multimedia bio-triptych...three new articles in one about how this astrologer got here, from visions to reincarnation, and throughout all, music... 

Can I Help You? -- An astrologer's quandry. Are we supposed to help, comfort, cheer, or just observe and advise? It depends...

Many Rainbows -- Mulitiple scaled spectra -- from rhythm to sound to light to the planets, all share the same meanings in the same relative positions...

Composite Charts: They Grow On You -- They might seem to be mere mathematical artifacts, albeit highly insightful, but they may grow exactly like natals... 

Sun Sign Sins -- From the venial vice to the mortal sin, take your pick...it's a humorous take...or is it?... 

Arc Transform Charts -- The how, why, and whether of the subtlest kind of harmonic chart there is...  

The Breathing Tide -- Retrograde periods are the breath points that allow us to adapt to harsh outer planet changes... 

Circles And Stones -- Henges and sacred places -- they're everywhere, across history, and they may still be forming by association and accumulaltion... 

Windowpanes: Through A Glass, Darkly -- Are our windows on reality simply refelections of ourselves, or is that just getting in the way of the larger, deeper landscape?

The Gathering Sky: Aspect Dynamics -- When big aspects are in the offing, actual events are determined by the pressure that builds up before them...

Lagrange Points: A Mystery Solved -- The basis of all planetary aspects may be as simple as gravity itself...

Deconstruction: A Pluto Primer -- When everything seems to be falling apart, the grass is already growing under your feet...

Arc Transform Charts -- This most unique and delicate of all harmonic charts is perfect for ultra-fine tuning...

The Planetary Order I: Rising Ahead Of The Sun -- The planet ahead of your Sun is your opening act and calls your tune...first of three...

The Planetary Order II: Your Ducks In A Row -- Which planets come first, next, and last is the key to your whole life schedule...second of three...

Planetary Order III: Islands In The Sky --The common chart patterns reveal scattered islands whose dynamics come from time...third of three...

The Celebrity Astrology -- Is our fascination with celebrity charts just entertainment, or is there a greater meaning in it all?...

and visit our huge celebrity archive at Matrix Astrology Software...

The Moon On Deck -- More on the physical reasons astrology works -- and why it precedes its usual explanations...

Cedar Skies -- Beirut astrologer Carmen Chammas's predictions have come a little too close in powderkeg Middle East...

The Sunshine Astrologer -- Interview with Vanity Fair astrologer Michael Lutin...

The AstroBlogosphere -- There's a fresh, new world of astrological opinion exploding on the scene, check it out now!...NEW and constantly updated!

The (Not So) Void-Of-Course Moon -- When the Moon goes void, it's not just a blank slate...there's a whole lot happening to hang on to...

Aspects And Orbs -- The Taming Power Of The Small.  Include the "smaller" aspects, which aren't so small! 

Mar-Uranus, Redux --Snapshots in the sky: the Mars-Uranus conjunction tells where the next world crisis will be...

Darning Your Threads --Rectification by association: find the most common degrees around you, from the people you know and daily events, and establish your correct Ascendant and Midheaven...

ThePersonal Void-Of-Course Moon --There'sanother Void-Of-Course Moon that's your very own...

Threads Of Destiny -- Your relationships, your world, are painted by overlapping planetary threads...

Adolescent Nation  -- why America is only 19 years old, complete with a year-by-year growth chart...

It's Not On The Map! -- The nature of composite charts means you can’t map them – because they’re not real charts at all, they’re artifacts. Here's how and why...

Seize The Day -- astrology is all about startups, from moment to moment, so switch on your engine...

Of Time And Tides -- "There is a tide in the affairs of men"...really, there is, and it floats your boat...

Paul Kammerer's Seriality (2 meg .pdf) -- the inventor of synchronicity (no, not Jung) uncovered how everything weird in this world actually, naturally, works...

Professor Seward's Foray From The Beyond -- do you speak to the dead? Yes, I don't...or maybe, I...well, anyway, it's a true story, honest...

Toward a Physical Basis for Astrology -- There is a physical link between the planets and you. It's simple physics, no metaphysics required...just gravity, inertia, and time...

Heavenly Vacations -- where does your Sun-sign find most pleasure in the sun? Here's a traveller's guide...

Your Birthday Headlines -- what was happening around the world on the day you were born? Does it tell you as much  as your horoscope?...ripped from the pages of the Times...

America, Quo Vadis? -- Americans will believe anything these days, with progressed Moon just into Pisces...it wasn't always that way -- how we got here, what's next...

See tomorrow, today!
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...where we share exclusive information with subscribers
before it's available

to the rest of the public
...recently covering:

The Trines Of Spring -- how grand crosses turn into grand trines.

Which Side Are You On? -- Saturn and the outer planets paint the great struggles in history. Award- winning article...!

To The Manor Born -- Barron Trump is only part of a fortunate time-litter with good progressions all their lives.

All Kinds Of Trouble -- The Israeli-Arab Wars have all been characterized by afflicted Mars...until now...

Dark Days: The End Of The Beginning -- the first part of fate reining in America is about done...now comes the rest...Mars, Saturn, and Pluto all put in their contributions...

The Scythe In The Sky -- A rare pattern recently hung over the world that bodes revolution, or has before...

and for past
future commentaries,
see our News Archives!



Celestial Configurations of Africa and the Caribbean
-- The definitive mundane collection of the nation-states of Africa, with historical notes and background...

-- Threads of destiny are spun through the hands of a gifted, mute boy...new TV series on Fox...

Five Star Day
-- Here's an indie film with an astrological premise that actually is worth seeing, finally!...

When Jupiter Meets Uranus
by Anne Whitaker -- A uniquely-researched look at this important cycle currently underway...

Soul-Sick Nation
by Jessica Murray -- An astrological view of America, and how we got into all this trouble...you haven't read anything like it...

Cosmos and Psyche

by Richard Tarnas -- Astrological foundations reinvestigated by academe's leading humanistic philosopher...heavy duty!
by Wendy Leigh -- With Princess Grace's horoscope by John Townley


by Michael Lutin -- The Vanity Fair Astrologer adds the South Node to the usual Sun Signs for a new pop take...

The Fated Sky
by Benson Bobrick -- An eye-opening history of astrology as never before attempted...
Home Astrology
by Paul Wade -- Give your house a makeover from start to finish...a new astrological trend...

Biological Time
by Bernie Taylor -- A watershed in scientific thinking that astrologers should be thankful for...

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Sailor!-- free .mp3 version of the maritime album, with new additions from Warsaw

Zawisza Czarny! -- free .mp3 album of the ship's performing crew recorded in Liverpool

Liaison Officer's Journal -- Complete journal of 40 days across the Atlantic on Zawisa Czarny, with over 60 photos

To Anacreon In Heaven -- The drinking song that became the "Star Spangled Banner."

Saigon Girls -- A scythe song of the sixties sounds like deja vu all over again...

Apostolic Studios -- the tale of the pioneering multitrack studio where Frank Zappa recorded Lumpy Gravy and Uncle Meat...

The Family of Apostolic -- free .mp3 verson of the complete 22-cut groundbreaking eclectic folk/pop album!

The Top Hits of 1776 -- the complete album for the Bicentennial.

Stare Dzwony At Liverpool -- the complete album recorded at The Albert Dock.

Maritime Matters International -- all things maritime (papers, museum programs, Confederate Navy, and more)

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