The Shape of Time, part
progressions, and other scaled but otherwise seemingly unconnected
cycles, are
likely already-in-place resonant reflections...what we describe in
one-dimensional time as cyclic resonances are contiguous solid
shapes in 3-D time. And it's not a moving phenomenon, it's all already
there...from the beginning of your trip to the end you have, in fact,
already arrived.
(artwork adapted from a
piece by AJIL, see more at
bottom of article)
The Shape of Time,
part two...
John Townley, November 2014
In part one,
introduced the idea of
the block universe and temporal dimensionality in general and suggested
the myriads of mysteries it might explain, particularly in astrological here's a look...
The most
crucial place where termporal dimensionality would be of use in
astrology is in progressions, a reliable technique that appears to have
no physical basis whatsoever. The idea that the rotation of the earth
(a day) should be directly and apparently arbitrarily connected to the
revolution around the Sun (a year) seemingly is tenuous, though one
could initially be an overtone of the other. They overlap in real time
(meaning simultaneously) hardly at
all and should have little or no connection to each other. Yet, as any
knows, progressions of planetary positions long past (in the first few
months of childhood) regularly depict developments in the present and
future through old age right up to a life's end (barely past a century
for individual humans, but it also works for longer-lived entities such
as nations). It appears to be a very precise form of time-forward resononce that
needs a more concrete foundation.
But in a block-universe with mutliple temporal dimensions, everything
is connected, just like architecture. The smallest short life
sub-cycles are connected to the largest cosmological cycles rather like
varying sizes of arches in a cathedral or viaduct, in which the smaller
are included in the larger and in fact quantitatevely comprise it
ultimately. That's completely logical, and easy to say, but rather hard
to envision and wrap your mind around. Perhaps a good image would be
something like the fractal illustration above, where earlier spiral
(planetary orbits are spiral even in ordinary space/time) are not only
self-simular and reapeat each other, they mirror across scale (as from
days to years in the day=year progression equivalency) and in fact
are connected by a myriad of connected and associated nearby
manifestations which lead back and forth to each other. So, you could
in your mind's eye "walk" directly from a halfway point of a shorter
cycle to the halfway point of the next larger one, like walking across
the roofline of a cathedral or bridge. Because in multi-dimensional
temporality our shorter cycle of rotation moves inside our larger cycle
of revolution, one leads spirally into another and they connectedly
overlap, and in an already-there block universe they are connected
spatially as well.
On the
large temporal
scale, epochs and
their cycles may repeat or fractalize, but too slowly for us to realize
or participate.
(click on image for
larger view of this marvellous illustration)
we looked at space
that way, our problem of getting a handle on all of this is scale,
since the real meaning of "as above, so below" is not simply that one,
larger set of cyclical (or spiral) operations entrains the next one
down in physical and temporal size, but that the whole shebang is a
self-similar set of shapes that "echo" or imitate each other (if you're
stuck on one-dimensional time description) and in fact are simply all
one larger
structure that can be "touched" along all of its surfaces, which
are themselves contiguous...and which we may call serial or parallel
depending on
where and how we're connecting with it. The image of fractally-evolving
universes suggests both the dream of Vishnu in the sea of milk, and the
venerable "bubbles in a champagne glass" metaphor now so popular among
recent multiverse proponents.

At the microscale, spirals
and temporal
structure pass too quickly for us to be aware of, yet it's the stuff
we're made of.
Further, it
also goes a
long way to letting known quantum phenonmena seem less mysterious. In a
temporally 3-D universe, the idea of a wave collapsing into a particle
isn't such a mystery, as they are both elements of the same structure.
And it becomes perfectly acceptable that two particles far apart in
space could be revealed as instantaneously connected because, in fact,
they literally are bisymmetrical parts of the same structure. Our
greatest struggle is getting our heads around scales that are so beyond
the ones we're designed to operate on here in our middle-sized
mesocosm. Our neurochemsitry at this meso-level can't
see/experience/process that a glacier isn't a static chunk, but a
river, or even see the much-faster (but still too slow) daily dance of
flowers following the Sun. The best we can do is time-lapse photography
or computer simulation, and those only recently. And at the other end,
while we've managed to
corral things moving faster than we can see, like the pixels on a TV
set, they blend into a larger something that has little to do with
what's happening at their closer-to-atomic level. Indeed, what we may
think we may be seeing, based on the intermittent rolling snapshots our
brain is forced to work with, could be (and often is) an illusion that
could either entrance or kill us, without our least expecting it or
knowing why.
we suffer from
what Flatlanders did spatially, and we're really Linelanders,
but sense and use more than that.
With our conscious focus on only one dimension of time, our ability to
see more than a fraction of what's really going on in 3-D time is very
comparable to what spatially 2-dimensional Flatlanders saw in Abbott's
classic of spatial perception, Flatland. In the illustration
left, when a football-shaped object passes through, Flatlanders living
on their
two-dimensional plane could only see an ever-enlarging, and then
shrinking circle, never the full, 3-D object itself. The temporal
equivalent of this is to perceive connected resonances at different
intensities and frequencies, but never to see that they are all pieces
of a single temporal "object" we are in contact with. Even our physics
and math theory doesn't help, as that tells us that regardless of the
apparent "arrow" of time, it mathmatecally could go in either
direction...or, as you add dimensions, in all directions. Which would
be exactly the case if it all is, in some central sense, already there.
It would appear, to return to our Flatland image, that what is moving
is not time and the larger picture (the football), but our plane
passing along it, wandering through the already-formed general reality.
As per part one of this article
series, the plane itself is a rather narrow one, as we only move a
little outside of our vectors on the
time train,
but just enough to avoid collisions and make a little more of what we
deem to be free will out of the situation. Intellectually, we don't
really grasp that at all, but the organism has evolved long enough to
have an instincual feel for those who are listening, and we make the
necessary momentary minor shifts along our predominant time vector
proceeding through space in circular orbits around the Sun actuallly
make a rolling spiral all together. More of this graceful graphic at

DNA spiral has been
superficially linked to planetary spirals, but on a totally different
exterior level, could it imply yet another tale? Illustration broadly
adapted as a template from a DNA drawing in T.A. Mann's The Divine Life.
Spiral visions
for one final excursion into the possibilities of scaled planetary
cycles, here's a thought: perhaps the information we seem to take isn't
inside it at all, but an exterior message we read as we pass, like that
rolling circle the Flatlanders saw. A number
of astrologers (notably A.T. Mann)
and many New Age cosmologers have
been noticing the obvious -- that the planetary cycles aren't literally
circular but are spiral, since the whole system is proceeding along as
a piece -- and that somehow links to the more static but spiral shape
of the
DNA molecule, where the genetic information is contained in little
segments along the spiral. Although this may well be comparing apples
and oranges, the Flatland temporal version of the moving planetary
paths might look a bit like the cloud chamber photo with its spirals
and curlicues, at the microscale. And the cyclical but branching march
of evolution through the eons could look a bit similar, too.
for a totally different take: A couple of decades ago I
had a
dream where I saw a great tubelike set of spirals twisting along, with
other spirals inside each, but
uniquely as the individual components moved forward (left to right) and
circled in and out of sight and around each other and within their
individual spirals and sub-spirals that comprised the greater whole,
they spelled out changing, readable messages on the side,
rather like scrolling advertising lights on the Goodyear blimp over a
sports stadium. In this case, the message generated within could only
be understood from afar, and from a certain angle. And then who
what someone on the opposite side might be reading, or the pilot and
crew inside...? Obviously, there's more to discover, both real and
S. Like the evocative spiral artwork at the top, which we adapted for
an illustration to help visualize 3D time? The artist (AJIL) has a
variety of reproductions in different formats available here. For a discount, use
the code word: spiral.
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