Up Against The Wall -- Multiple
new-found outer planets -- are they indifidually meaningful, or a
glacial wall marking a time scale beyond our own...the overview from
the NCGR Journal special issue...NEW!
Crossroads of
Coincidence -- The tale of Paul Kammerer's seriality
("synchronicity" on steroids) is told, with documentary film project in
the works...in three parts, follow
links at end of each...
Roller Coaster! -- As the
exterior planets form a bowl, Earth hurtles in and out of it, in a
dizzying roller coaster ride, with consequences...
Pilgrim's Progress -- A year
into the dive into a Trump regime, and the predicted aspects (and
events) become exact...America's natal afflictions are spotlighted by
transits chasing progressions...
The Party Aboard The R.M.S. Titanic -- It's a
metaphor for how life changes when time is short, as the coming vortex
approaches, and how it affects what you should pay attention to in the
Progressed Prognosis: Dyspepsia!
-- A look at the evolving progressions of America reveal a recurring
problem with cultural indigestion, which radical patent medicines only
make worse...
America In Disarray -- An
oddball, fateful election cast the country straight into the coming,
predicted maelstrom, perhaps earlier than anticipated...
Descent Into The Maelstrom --
We've reached the tipping point, mentioned ten years ago in our second newslettter, now into the
Help! What's Going On Up There? --
Or, rather, down here. Our situation on the ground is changing the way
we need to interpret planetary transits, which could explain a lot...
Election Insurrection -- We
avoid political speculation generally, but this season has been too
insane to overlook...
Are You? -- Body, soul, horoscope?
Is the real you inside, outside, or both, and what does the natal chart
inform you about that?...
Great Expectations: Misplaced --
If tranisting Jupiter (or any other planet) isn't fulfilling your
anticipations, it could be the rest of the sky getting in the way, or
it could be your own misapprehension of how it works...
The Hankar Crystal -- An
integrated planetary combo that gives the key to character core: a
compelling fragment of the work of French WWI artillery Colonel Raoul
Hankar, via L. Edward Johndro and Al H. Morrison...
Outside of the Box -- We are
approaching astrological research upside down, so no wonder few take it
seriously...we need to start from the bottom up, not the top down...
Retrograde Ground -- The
popularly-infamous retrograde periods are about close approach, an
opportunity, not something to be ignored or avoided and waited-out...
Astrology and Medicine -- Where
ancient meets modern, a whole new approach is needed to make this work
Surfing The Sky -- Waves,
waves, waves...that's what the whole shebang is made of, with great
metaphors for, and the physical basis of, astrology...
Tool Time! -- Here are 16 steps
in order of operation to analyze a chart based on the dynamic, physical
Listen for the Signs -- The
Zodiac signs are created by the changing phase of Earth's rotation and
revolution, with a little help from the Moon, like a revolving Leslie
organ speaker...
Order of Battle -- Like battle
tactics, chart analysis has changed as the concept and technology of
astrology has...and it's happening again...
Teach Your Children Well -- The
habits that cement your horoscope start early, so it's up to the wise
parent to help you to be aware and get a handle on them early...
Arrival: The Shape of Time 2 --
If time is three-dimensional, then secondary progressions aren't so
hard to explain...along with a lot of other things...the sequel to
"Time Train"...
Does Accuracy Count?! -- Modern
astrologers are (or used to be) hung up on precision. Considering
astrology's origins and philosophy, is this delusional?...
Runaway Train --
Jupiter skies, the cardinal grand cross with Uranus and Pluto, even the
recent Mars retro, all happened just like this once before. And the
train derailed...
Baby Boomers! -- The largest
generation the world has ever known has stars in its eyes...why? Pluto
in Leo, Virgo, something else?...
Space vs Time Composite Charts --
They look similar sometimes, but they're worlds apart in concept and
Birthday Trouble -- Tough skies
require creative strategies when traveling for a solar return...
Life on the Ocean Wave --
Transits are waveforms, and like the surface of the ocean, their angle
of approach and interaction can make for choppy water or a following
Minefield in the Sky -- The
year-long cardinal grand cross -- and what to do about it...
Secrets of the Signs -- A glance
at harmonic structure and the overtone series reveals the likely
physical basis for the signs, and more...
Odds Are: Perfect Storm --
Sometimes ordinary astrological phenomena serreptitiously team up to be
a rolling disaster...
Twelve Questions About Astrology...
-- ...absolutely fundamental ones...that we can't quite answer, but
Relocation: The Diurnal Return
-- The secret to relocation may be the daily return of your angles, in
another place...
Planetary Purchase -- Buying and
selling electronically requires a whole new way of selecting chart
American Circus -- America's
greatness, and failings, are there in the birth chart, and particularly
on display now...
The Race Is On! -- When transits
run neck and neck with progressions, particularly Saturn and the Moon,
it can change your life, for decades!...
The Viking Sun Stone -- Norse
navigators steered their longboats with a special crystal that tracked
the Sun. Now it's back!
Soul Mates -- That feeling of
fated encounter, lifetime connection, has astrological indicators...
The Shape of Time, Part I: The Time Train -- If
time is three-dimensional, it explains a lot. And if it is, as a
thought experiment, it's like being on a train...
Rectify!! -- Even hospital birth
times require rectification, for reasons you might not imagine...
Meet the Moon! -- The lunar
return(s)...there's more than just one kind, though only one kind is
generally known...
Skies -- The ill-fated White Star liner was only partially
ill-starred, but celestial circumstances snowballed into an
unprecedented disaster, foreshadowing world events...
Rulerships Deposed -- The
often-confusing system of rulerships, exhaltations, falls is part of a
dated world-view, like feudal nation-states...time to update!
The Horoscope Trap -- The natal chart isn't you, you
predate it. But it's a map to a lifetime of behavior modification that
becomes character and can be tinkered with...
Window For War -- Israel's wars
always happen at the same astrological time...the same as Pearl Harbor,
the invasion of Poland, Anzio, the First Gulf War...and it's coming up
again soon...what's happening here??!!...
An Astrologer's Toolkit -- After
forty years of practice, here's how one astrologer chooses his tools,
winnows his methods, with twenty full-article explanatory links...
Retro Tidal Wave -- Bowl and
bundle skies bring all-direct or many-retro planets, and lots of action
down here below...
A Bridge Too Far: The Dark Side of Jupiter
-- With Jupiter ruling the skies for some years to come, be sure to be
wary of its overdose effect...
Derailing Destiny -- "Two roads
diverged in a yellow wood"...that's what happens when you travel for a
solar return, or relocate...and the farther you go, the further you
Heaven's Gate, or Hell's? -- For
the Boomers, it was both, and the Uranus/Neptune relationship called
the shots for two very different subsets...
Dark Visions -- A look at the
astrological signatures of S&M sexuality, after forty years of
Bad Company -- There are years
you shouldn't be dealing with, both synastry-wise and composite-wise.
Here's how to find them...
Strikes -- Mars
and Uranus meet again...over the Middle East...birth of the Arab
Jupiter Skies: Pump Up The Volume!
-- When Jupiter is the bucket handle, with the rest of the sky
opposite, things get really intense...
Zodiac Signs: Foreground or Background?
-- Physical facts and implications you might have missed about signs
vs. constellations, which tell the whole story...
Astrology Reports: Wise Investment or Waste
of Time? -- A consumer guide to what to look for and what to
avoid in the ubiquitous "personal" astrological report...
Colors of Change: Sunrise or Sunset?
-- The tumultuous sky above, in its symbolic colors, and how to live in
the painting...red
sky in the morning, sailor take warning...
Retro Rhythms -- What gives with
retrogrades? Physically, and metaphorically, they're moves in a
celestial hoedown...
Real Progressions
-- A physical
basis for the mystery of progressions...it's about fractal resonance
across time...
-- Across history,
America goes astray under the periodic influence of Neptune, last peak
at mid-term elections...
Vertex: Crossroads of Destiny --
little-used "third angle" can be the most important location in your
Petite Mort and the Cardinal
The climax of the "shootout in the sky" may be a different sort of
climax, indeed...hard aspects can sometimes be the sexiest...
Artful Dodging
-- More clever
and original astrological tips on what to do when the sky is falling...
A Time To Glean
-- After the
summer sky storm is over, opportunities will abound...
Good Advice For When The
Sky Is Falling!
-- Tips on how to avoid not only this season's unusual sky storm, but
for any time it gets troublesome upstairs...
Birthday Stars --
Where you go
on your birthday can affect your whole year...and you get to
Show Me The Money! --
The real
money in astrology is not in
selling astrology, it's in using astrology to sell...
An Astrologer's Tale --
multimedia bio-triptych...three new articles in one about how this
astrologer got here, from visions to reincarnation, and throughout all,
Visions of Brahma --
Life-changing revelations from Tibet to Lemuria and beyond, with a
little boost from a friendly tryptamine...
Don't Go Near The Water! -- A
dip into a past life cures a young girl of a deathly fear...
Can I Help You? --
astrologer's quandry. Are we supposed to help, comfort, cheer, or just
observe and advise? Shrinks, gurus, fortunetellers, counselors,
journalists? It depends...
Many Rainbows --
Multiple scaled spectra -- from rhythm to sound to light to the
planets, all share the same meanings in the same relative positions
within each.
Composite Charts: They
Grow On You --
They might seem to be mere mathematical artifacts, albeit highly
insightful, but they may grow exactly like natals...
Sun Sign Sins --
From the venial vice to the mortal sin, take your pick...it's
a humorous take...or is it?...
Arc Transform Charts --
how, why, and whether of the subtlest kind of harmonic chart there
The Breathing Tide --
Retrograde periods are the breath points that allow us to adapt to
harsh outer planet changes...
Circles And Stones --
and sacred places -- they're everywhere, across a large swath of
history, and they may still be forming by association and
Windowpanes: Through A
Glass, Darkly
-- Are our windows on reality simply refelections of ourselves, or is
that just getting in the way of the larger, deeper landscape? An
ageless, integrated, musical view of the universe...
Gathering Sky: Aspect
Dynamics -- When big
aspects are in
the offing,
actual events are determined by the pressure that builds up before
Points: A Mystery
Solved -- The basis
of all
planetary aspects may be
as simple as gravity itself...
A Pluto
Primer -- When
everything seems to
be falling
apart, the grass is already growing under your feet...
Planetary Order I:
Rising Ahead Of The Sun --
The planet
ahead of your Sun is your opening act and calls your tune...first of three...
Planetary Order II:
Your Ducks In A Row --
planets come first, next, and last is the key to your whole life
of three...
Order III:
Islands In The Sky --
The common
chart patterns reveal scattered islands whose dynamics come from time...third
of three...
Celebrity Astrology --
Is our
fascination with
celebrity charts
just entertainment, or is there a greater meaning in it all?...
Moon On Deck -- More on
the physical
reasons astrology
works -- and why it precedes its usual explanations...
Skies -- Beirut
astrologer Carmen
predictions have come a little too close in powderkeg Middle East...
Sunshine Astrologer --
with Vanity
Fair astrologer
Michael Lutin...
AstroBlogosphere -- There's a
fresh, new
world of
astrological opinion exploding
on the scene,
check it out now!...NEW
and constantly updated!
The (Not
So) Void-Of-Course
Moon -- When
the Moon goes void,
it's not just a blank slate...there's a whole lot happening to hang on
to, and you should know about it...
And Orbs -- The
Taming Power Of The
Small. Include the
"smaller" aspects,
which aren't so small! And, the problem of what orb to take, solved by
itself...with a list of aspects, their meanings, and their orbs...
Redux -- Snapshots
in the sky: the Mars-Uranus conjunction tells where the next world
crisis will be...
Your Threads -- Rectification by
association: find
the most common degrees around you, from the people you know and daily
events, and establish your correct Ascendant and Midheaven...
The Personal
Void-Of-Course Moon -- There's another
Void-Of-Course Moon that's your very own...
Of Destiny -- Your relationships,
your world, are
painted by overlapping planetary threads...
Nation -- why America is only
19 years old,
complete with a year-by-year growth chart...
Not On The Map!
-- The nature of composite charts means you
can’t map them – because they’re not real
charts at
all, they’re artifacts. Here's how and why...
Cycles of
the Moon --
the rhythms of
the Sun and Moon, and what to look out for...
Lunar Returns —
Meet The Moon --
get to know that lady in the sky...
The Day --
astrology is all
about startups, from moment to moment, so switch on your engine...
Of Time
And Tides -- "There
is a
tide in the affairs of men"...really, there is, and it floats your
Seward's Foray From The Beyond --
do you
speak to the dead? Yes, I don't...or maybe, I...well, anyway, it's a
true story, honest...
Toward a
Physical Basis for Astrology --
There is a
physical link between the planets and you. It's simple
physics, no metaphysics required...just gravity, inertia, and time...
Vacations --
where does your
Sun-sign find most pleasure in the sun? Here's a traveller's guide...
Birthday Headlines --
what was
happening around the world on the day you were born? Does it tell you
as much as your horoscope?...ripped from the pages of the Times...
America, Quo
Vadis? --
Americans will
believe anything these days, with progressed Moon just into Pisces...it
wasn't always that way -- how we got here, what's next...