When things get really
crazy, there are
steps you can take to outmaneuver the storm...
What Else
Do When
The Sky Is Falling...
John Townley, Summer Solstice 2010
When the sky is choc-a-bloc
with change,
and not of the easy
kind, it starts you thinking of just how much use astrology really is
actually protecting yourself. Sure, you know it’s going to be
coming down, so how does just knowing that help you survive the storm?
Our previous article on this
had a few excellent tips, but here are some
more arrows of self-protection and even self-advancement for your
quiver that
are strictly astrological.
bottom line is this:
You can’t change what’s going on
outside (or above), but if you know what’s coming and when,
can dodge the
bullets, the falling buildings (and general life edifices) and give
the room to dart through the openings of opportunity that appear in the
flux. Previously,
we enumerated
some of these:
1) Avoid
daily entanglements when
afflicting planets/patterns
are on the angles locally. No point in walking into a bad electional
event when
you can elect to sidestep it.
2) Be
at the right places for your lunar
especially solar
Even a short trip from where you normally are,
especially due
east or
west, can make all the difference between a month (lunar) or year
(solar) of
confrontations and a time when they are put into the background and the
aspects are emphasized.
3) Emphasize
the best areas in your chart,
the ones that are undergoing good
transits (there are always some) and be prepared to deal with or even
write off
the areas where the difficult ones lie, a matter of priorities of
attention and
shifting your emphasis.
there are some other important options
we forgot to
mention, other
tools for the artful dodger of astrological mayhem:
One of them is to find and go to the
locality, a
relocation (if necessary) away from your place of birth to spots on the
planet that
put your stronger natal planets on the angles and, hopefully, tuck the
transiting difficulties into the corners. Not just for your solar
return, but
for as long as it takes. That’s easy to do if you have an
astrocartography map
of your chart, showing lines where your natal planets would be angular
– many
astrological programs have that feature. But, if you don’t
one, an
interesting and illuminating (in other ways as well) way to search for
is to do a Birthday
return) not for this
year but
for the year
of your birth. That way, the
location feature of this program picks
cities that would be advantageous to spend your life in, not just the
year. In fact, it turns the whole solar return report into a life
report. If in
the text you mentally replace the phrase “this
year” every
time it
appears with “this
lifetime” you get an astonishing take on things. And, the
three months of
the transits/progressions section at the end describe your evolving
experience, with each day after the birthday “solar
being a year after
your birth. Clever, and it reopens your head to the scaled,
wheels-within-wheels nature of both astrology and life in general.
Another gambit, perhaps more
controversial, is to beware of
problem people, as many come
bearing the very afflictions of the
skies you’re
looking to avoid. Someone whose chart is currently covered with the
ongoing transits
will, without meaning to, bring them more closely into your life. That
terribly selfish, and it is – nevertheless be aware. That
doesn’t mean desert
your mother, your spouse, and your best friend if they are having bad
but be aware of possibly dodgy situations and the people involved. I
once got
hired at a slick, new disco magazine that seemed like a well-funded
(every writer had a personal IBM ball typewriter, which had just come
out, expensive high tech!).
Yet, when I did the charts of all the staff, their planets were hugely
around Leo, which Saturn was just about to enter. Duly
warned, I wisely kept my foot in my
previous job, and when the magazine mysteriously failed only months
later, I
still had work…
Finally, watch
for anomalies, those moments
of intensity
that catch you unawares, like full and new Moons (and, of course, the
intense versions, eclipses). If they are on one of your degrees, that
really rock your world, or certainly mark the month’s
so duly arrange
coping space for the unexpected. And that also applies to those around
you, who
may suddenly flip out for perfectly good reasons that you should
about already.
course, all that
may still
not keep you
totally out of the difficulties exploding all around you, so finally...

When the waves
roll high, it's not
planning that counts, it's instincts, so follow them to fair weather
past the storm...
if you can’t help getting caught in the crossfire
– which will be likely if the troublesome planets are hitting
directly and
will also bring you into the company of others experiencing the same
(the very
ones you might have looked to avoid if you weren’t already in
middle of it)
– just remember that this, too,
will pass. No
matter what happens, keep your eye on
the sea
ahead, even
if you
think your ship is foundering, because that is where salvation lies.
Find where
the good planets are and ride them over the wave, around the rocks, and
the calm after the storm. Times like these are the tests not of your
previous planning
(which gets totally shot down), but of your
own inner resources and innate
flexibility to change course
on a dime and instinctively adapt
with calm, while
others around you are losing their heads. That
is the true art of being an artful dodger…
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