and a half months after Mars met Uranus overhead, New Orleans was
pounded to a battered ruin,
this beachfront casino at Biloxi, Mississippi was reduced to a
sheer hulk.
Mars-Uranus, Redux
most future forecasting is done by looking at the
general swath of planetary aspects during a particular time period
(like the
bucket chart of early 2007), or occasionally by looking at an
nation’s transits and
progressed chart (see: America Quo Vadis
or Dark Days).
Those are
parallel to normal, everyday transits and progressions, but on a
grander scale.
Another approach is forecast by single events, such as the
ingress of a year or a season as seen from a particular capital, or
rarely even a national solar return (a bit tricky, since
more like a
human lunar return, because nations live on an expanded time scale,
see: Adolescent
It's like a snapshot in the sky, from which you
glean some kind
of predictive information.
There’s a third, halfway approach, which is to do a chart
for a major conjunction and find where in the world the conjunction is
at the
Midheaven, presumably making that the area where its manifestation will
most be heard
about in the following cycle. Outside of commonly-done local lunations,
the most prominent example is the conjunction of Mars and Uranus, which
roughly once every two years. Find where that occurs at the Midheaven,
got your finger on the location of the Mars-Uranus pulse (explosive
violence, conflict) for the next two years.

26, 1913
Mars-Uranus conjunction was over Europe, presaging World War I.
written about this before (When
Uranus Meets Mars,
and our editorial Dire Straits,
Hold The Luau)
and we’ve been onto the right location
time, once with a tsunami, the other with a hurricane. But two shots
don’t make
a trend, so let’s look deeper at previous ones,
then glance
at the next one to
come this April 29th, and
The first we heard of this technique, it was applied by Al
H. Morrison to the penultimate Mars-Uranus conjunction of World War II,
September 9, 1943. That one was on the MC directly over Japan, where
the war
was to be finished by the atomic blasts announced to the world (hit the
pages) on the day of the very next conjunction of August 17, 1945,
three days
before the war’s end. Dramatic, indeed, but maybe a little
confusing, because
the 1945 conjunction was actually on the MC over Alaska and Hawaii. Was
’43 or the
’45 conjunction about the blast, or both? And if it was
’43 event, then
what happened subsequently in Alaska and Hawaii to gather dread fame
and explain the '45 conjunction?
We’ll go along with Al and suggest that it was, indeed,
the ’43 conjunction that covered the bombs, because in fact
’45 one presaged the
greatest tidal wave to hit Hawaii in the 20th
century on
April 1,
1946, which was spawned by an earthquake in Alaska. Nice fit. For
details on that
destruction, go
conjunction (l.) was over Europe, 9/9/1943 (c.) over Japan and Pacific,
8/17/1945 (r.) over Alaska and Hawaii.
forward to this century: the
last two conjunctions
seem to have done a pretty good job in predicting the most-covered
stories, first the Indonesian tsunami, then hurricane Katrina. See the
accompanying maps for illustration – certainly the advent of
has made such investigations far easier in recent years! In both of
these, it
would appear the inclusive swath of the tenth house is where you want
to look,
rather than toward the 9th
house side of the MC.

15, 2005
conjunction was over U.S. East Coast, Gulf, western South America. We
predicted a hurricane.
trouble of predicting disaster in any one part of the
world over a two-year period is that so much disaster happens anywhere
and everywhere
in that long a period that it may be meaningless, especially during
times of general
world conflagration. Nevertheless, the technique does tend to catch the
publicized (10th
house, MC) ones in each period, so
it’s good for
something. For instance, although WWII got lots of coverage in both
and Pacific theaters during 1943-45, the atomic bomb certainly was the
plum in
the pie. It doesn’t always work out so neatly, across the
generations, and
every now and then we’ve been hard-pressed to track down the
disaster to match. That’s made especially more difficult in
it happens
when Mars is slow or changing motion, near it’s station, as
it’s really hard to
tell exactly when the exact conjunction occurs, within the necessary
minutes, even with the best of calculation programs.
(l.) was
over Indonesia, coming 4/29/2007 (c.) over Mideast, and 4/15/2009 (r.)
over Europe, West Africa.
problem in using this to predict is not in having too
much destruction to pinpoint,
but not having big enough
examples of it. The
bigger the
conflict, the
more it seems to be on the mark. The Mars-Uranus conjunctions
previous to both WWI and WWII were directly over Europe, spot on. The
before the beginning of the latest war in Iraq didn’t really
register at all,
possibly because the invasion's decisive rapidity wasn’t
sufficiently destructive at the time, and its result is only just
developing into
something fiercer
now, perhaps. The conjunction happens every two years, but major global
conflicts and catastrophes
don’t, so you can’t expect it to deliver in spades
time, thank goodness. We
haven’t found an indicator that predicts size or intensity,
perhaps it lies
somewhere in the rest of the chart. The usual common considerations
don’t seem
to tie in too well, however, like the sign or element it’s
We’ve just had
two in a row that were
water-oriented, with the conjunction in water, but the air conjunctions
of ’43
and ’45 brought both fire and water results. WWI was air,
earth, and there
doesn’t seem to be a logical connection right off.
Testing the idea for the next round
may be a little extra hard
to do, because it paints its picture across the Middle East, from
to Iraq, as the heart of the dire action to come. That’s a
prediction, unfortunately. You don’t need an astrologer to
you. The
test, however – and the reassurance, if it works out that way
– is
hopefully that there
is not some even bigger catastrophe lurking over the horizon somewhere
else, in
addition. Until the conjunction after that, anyway, over Western Europe
same as both World Wars…
John Townley, January 2007
Data for the
mapped conjunctions, in Eastern Time:
26, 1913, 03:44:00 AM EST; Mar 28, 1938, 09:06:11 AM EST; Sep 09, 1943,
04:38:00 PM EDT;
Aug 17, 1945, 12:59:00 PM EDT; Jun 23, 2003, 04:03:00 PM EDT;
May 15, 2005, 07:45:00 AM EST;
Apr 29, 2007, 12:37:09 AM EDT; Apr 15, 2009,
05:00:14 AM EST
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