skies are waiting to drop a fortune on those who catch on to astrology
as a marketing tool...
for Cash...
John Townley
a world where everybody has something to say about
astrology but nobody is really making a lot of money on it,
it’s time to ask why
not? J.P. Morgan is supposed
to have said, "Millionaires don't
astrology, billionaires do", so why aren’t astrologers,
astrology sites
and software producers, or those who use them, rich? Few people indeed
are mining
megabucks out of astrology, despite its ever-widening popularity as
in world opinion research.
What’s going on?
may be everyone is looking in the
wrong place. It's buried
treasure hiding in plain sight. The
popular assumption is that astrology is a form of entertainment whose
only use
is in massaging people’s egos – and that profits
will come only from astrological
products that do just that, such as Sun-sign books and columns,
and other narcissistic self-improvement and relationship products.
That’s a
limited market, and simply repackaging it over and over again, from
print, to
Net reports, to cell phones just doesn’t sell enough. There
is still a big
market yet to open up when you can get a quick reading about someone on
your cell
phone over drinks at a singles bar, a service that is already in the
works but
not yet fully implemented. India has it (and is making a fortune),
but the Western equivalent isn’t yet online.
will be big, but that’s not
where the
real money is, as profitable
as it
might become. It’s a limited well, and it will dry up just
like the market for
Sun-sign books did, once people have had their fill of the novelty.
 The current
approach to
astrology generates little more than funny money for most...
where is all that billionaire’s gold? It’s in
pure and simple. You don't
mine the astrology market per se,
there is some money there, you use astrology to mine all
markets. Astrology is a language
that describes people
their needs
and wants, their styles and lifestyles -- an overlaid and interlocking
set of indicators similar to age, education, region, culture, and
ethnicity. It’s not an exact
science, but it
proves itself over and over again in even simple, allegedly
“for fun” Sun-sign
statistics from insurance companies like Allstate,
and sufficient to have caused a government ruling in a human rights
dispute in
Austria concerning unfair use of astrology inHYPERLINK
Well, like pre-existing conditions in
health care, prejudicial exclusion is not a good thing – but
prejudicial/targeted marketing is the essence of selling anything.
It’s simply
a form of profiling, and it
profiling in general, it doesn’t work every time with
every individual – not all Aries people prefer hot, fast
cars. But a
significantly higher-than-expected number really do, regardless of
other factors. So, go sell to
them – not
by asking them astrological questions, just get their birth data (which
everywhere) and hit them up. If you boost sales by only a single
across the consumer market that accounts for billions in extra sales.
what’s more, your audience gets to feel like you
“get” them and their needs,
you’re helping them successfully decide what they want and
they’re the happier
and more loyal for the effort. Astrology need never be mentioned
– in many
cases it probably shouldn’t be, because many people actually
don’t like it –
except when is serves as an intriguing background to fuel further
are endless spinoffs of this and a variety of ways to
use it to explore and tap public
tastes and consumer personalities and
preferences. European
restrictions to the contrary, it will be a
tool in
human resources, especially in finding unusual matching talents for
and products and helping keep troublemakers out of positions they
have. The same goes for insurance, which is already using it, but just
tipping you off to it.

from above is waiting for you, but you may need to keep the astrology
connection under your hat...
important, you
don’t need to
“believe in
astrology” to
make it work. In fact
it’s important that you don’t. You
can’t just dive in with some particular
astrologer’s vision of which star types would like to buy
products. That’s
asking for disaster. Instead, it’s easy to simply compare a
customer birth
with the products they have
bought, and the numbers will tell you the story, though a
advising astrologer will be essential to explore your results, someone
knows the language of astrology and where to look for meaningful
results and
correlations. You could set up a special market research poll to do it
minimal cost, but you don’t even need to. With already
in-hand data, this could
be done cheaply and easily, and turned into profits virtually
overnight, just
by adjusting your subsequent targeting. It doesn’t
investments, it requires
marketers with enough imagination
to give
something new
a try and follow the dollar from there. Even the research software
necessary to
begin it is already
on the shelf,
just not yet used for this purpose.
not even a
risky, “disruptive technology” revolution, only
marginally out-of-the-box
thinking that leads straight to the cashbox. And, like most other
good ideas, this one will be obvious only in hindsight, because
it’s so simple.
Of course, once everybody is doing it, it’s profit advantage
will decrease
(though it will also become deadly not
to use it), but hey, that’s capitalism.
going to do it? Are you
going to be
smart enough to invest early, or are you going to have to be satisfied
with the
gleanings of the market leaders, laboriously picking up the crumbs of
another idea who’s time came and passed you by, because you
took a pass on it?
If there is such a thing as controlling your own fortune and destiny,
astrology to do it isn’t such a bad place to start...
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