your environment, your soul???
By John Townley, January
humans have been noting the patterns in the sky and
associating them with people and events on earth, opinions on what the
connection is and how it relates to the searching soul have varied
wildly. For
some, the stars are the grinding wheels of ineluctable fate and
everything, the inalterable roadmap of our lives. For others,
they’re just
another breeze that challenges our free will and the will of God
(though some
think they are
the will of God, or
Nature). Some think the natal horoscope paints the picture of
character, or a window to the soul, while yet others see it as a
overlay or perhaps (as we surmise) a pattern whose repetitions bring
habits and
expectations that can be followed or modified.
of the specifics of the philosophical vision,
most include exterior and interior realms that are separate, but
which may
overlap, to form the thing that appears to be you.
Or there may be the possibility that the you
part lies entirely outside of both and simply inhabits the
Recently, we have tried to separate
out what
actually is (and isn’t) in the natal horoscope, as well as
influence subsequent planetary cycles and rhythms may have on it.
Here’s a quick refresher:
its nature, as the map of the initial
conditions of your independence from being a subset of the
that is your mother, it covers only things that come after it, that
could subsequently stem from it. So that leaves out anything
that’s physically, genetically inherited (from talents and
traits to diseases)
and anything that developed in the womb before your
horoscope happened (like gender, sexual orientation, damage
from chemical
environment of your mother). Your birth chart pattern can then
reinforce or suppress
any of these, as transits and progressions bear in an order unique to your nativity,
but it isn’t the originator.
initial deck you land on defines the scene: a peaceful royal yacht
different options than a ship under pirate attack.
there is the external environment you arrive into. That
also predates the horoscope, and can only be later modified by it. That
includes your social, financial, and locational states. Rich, poor,
powerful or
oppressed, cosmopolitan or bucolic, your nationality and culture, even
particularly) the period of history you are limited to. All are
there and
waiting, like the deck of a heaving ship you step onto and must
to. The rhythm of the subsequent transits and
progressions to your
will develop how you handle and shape that environment, but only after
arrive and learn to cope with it. Easier and more likely paths
– along with
those partly or totally shut to you – are already in place.
It’s the essence of
real-time reality, the deck you land on and the ship you begin your
horoscope itself, a map of your initial celestial
environmental conditions, then becomes a template for
developing habits
expectations that make your approach to the future unique
your reinforcement
patterns, which add emphasis to or suppress your genetic setup and
possibilities, shaping the way you approach what you've got and
what’s ahead
of you, how you set
your sails and steer through weather fair or foul.

you're settled
on board, it's how you learn to handle the coming
weather that tells the story...
there’s the general sky passages that affect
everyone as life goes on, the astro-weather that you and the rest of
the world
have to navigate, interacting
with each other, with varying emphasis
advantages or disadvantages depending on the individual and the
surroundings. It’s
the wind in your sails, or the storm that tears them, the calm or
raging seas that speed you or block your way. This
sky weather
can greatly affect the outcome, but it’s
what’s happening right on your deck and what you do with it that
largely determines the final results.
total materialist would stop right there, as it’s pretty
much a summing-up of all that’s happening. Before and after,
inside, outside,
above and below, that’s the whole picture, surely enough for a
modern Descartes.

you a soul
separate and eternal, or simply an artifact of the
earthly environment, or the stars...or something else entirely?
there’s another factor that is hard to pin down
materially, yet we know it’s critical –
it’s the you
factor, self-awareness...we feel we’re inhabiting
all this stuff, whether it’s external or internal, from
our bodies and the chemistry of our brain to the social, political, and
situation on the ground. What is it that inhabits
as opposed to what’s being inhabited? The big question...are you,
as that
special individual inhabitor, simply a spark from the big cosmic fire
transformation and reuse, a drop from the ocean that rises, congeals,
and is
ultimately reabsorbed, then evaporated to congeal again, or something
more timeless? Are you a melody determined by the overall resonance of the moment? Do we
the space we inhabit, or does it define us? And what, if anything, can
astrology or the horoscope inform us about that question?
It’s a parallel, but different version of the old
determinism/free will, nature/nurture question.
Astrology used to seem to weigh in to that debate (on the side of
fate), but our
recent inclusive/exclusive new definitions of it really remove any
there. Yet, the you
issue still

are you a fleeting
melody entwined with the resonance of the moment, reverberating within
structure of reality?
traditional approach has been that the you
is a soul, separate from history,
environment, and experience that is either 1) something indestructible
itself or 2) the local manifestation of some sort of universal
shared with other integrated systems, living or otherwise. A lot of
from simple tribal spiritism through more complex concepts of Western
or Eastern religions, has arisen from the struggle with this
Western versions tend to see the soul as more fixed and eternal, with a
Deity running operations on a linear timeframe, Eastern as more
fleeting or cyclical where
the Deity
is the overall inclusive situation itself.
there could be another way of looking at it, very much
in line with our recent temporally-3D view of astrology
and the world
general. Perhaps the soul, the you
that inhabits your space, is the center of a single, irretrievable
that always remains, wherein we are our own legacy (as are the times we
live in,
a permanent set piece), where our substance, inclinations, and
developments all
together determine the shape of the envelope that abides. Where we both
define and
defined by what we inhabit, always, as in a temporally-3D universe (in
fact a
version of the “multiverse”)
“always” is already there. In such a case, our
horoscope is simply the ornate doorway
of our personal chapel within the greater cathedral of
life’s architecture,
a thumbnail sketch of the inner halls we help decorate inside.
is your horoscope
the ornate entryway to a cathedral that is your life's architecture,
already there, abiding forever...?