Tough skies require new strategies
for traveling birthday charts...
By John Townley, January 2014
In the last few years, the
popularity of travelling to just
the right place for you birthday, for the optimum solar return, has
been on the
rise – at least judging by the clients who have passed through
these doors.
Each consultation may have a different and unique focus – love,
opportunity – but almost everyone makes a point of finding out
the best place
for the next birthday and then tries to get there.
If we had the time and inclination, we would
start an astrological travel agency…
We have
covered the whys and wherefores of birthday travel here
on AstroCocktail, as well as other astrological sites and pop culture sites, so do check
those out for the overall story, lots of details, and some fun personal
We even sell a self-authored Birthday
Report, years in the making, which offers not only a solar
return overview
and advice, but also suggestions about more and less favorable places
to go for the
occasion. It’s something you can calculate for yourself if
you’re up to it, and
certainly worth a report or professional consultation to get it perfect
if need
be. With the right software, imagination, and a decent travel budget,
you can usually improve upon your coming year, unless it happens to be
just perfect
right where you are.
But what if you just can’t get it
right, anywhere? What if
the skies on your birthday are really terrible just about any place you
go? What to do? That sounds alarmist, but many of you with birthdays in
late summer or early fall may already know what we’re talking
about. Unless you
were particularly clever, it was hard indeed to find a way to put a
good spin
on the ever-present cardinal T- and grand crosses that clogged the
skies and
even brought the U.S. government to a halt. For many who were used to
at best a
short, fun trip to fine-tune a positive, angular planet, suddenly the
only good
spots were many time zones away where the troublesome sky tangle could
properly disposed of, if at all.
2/27/14 solar return relocation (l) makes
the best of two T-squares, by moving them off angles, adding trines to
Asc and MC
the astro-weather lifted in mid-October for a
two-month break, including a nice, lingering Jupiter-Saturn trine, but
before the winter holidays the cardinal conundrum returned and will be
almost-constant factor in the daily skies all through the winter,
spring, and
early summer. Add Venus and later Mars retrograde in the middle of it,
you've got a real muddle -- one with year-long personal effects, if
happening on your birthday. If it's angular in your solar return, it
may take a
two- to four- timezone move to make it succedent or cadent and thus
damp down
its effect on your year.
Nothing a
nicely expensive trip can't take care of, just
keep traveling until that mostly Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter-Mars cross is
disposed of. But suppose the Sun, Moon, Mercury, or Venus of your solar
is fixed or mutable and in hard aspect to Neptune in early Pisces or
Saturn in
mid-Scorpio...or worse, both. Now you
can't go anywhere without an angular
affliction! Is your only choice to stay frozen in place and pray for
the best?
Is there a kind of planetary triage
where you can make the best of a bad lot,
leave the rest to hang?

Like in the venerable board game, birthday travellers may have a hard
time finding a pirate-free spot to land on this year.
Well, there
is, sort of. Three things to remember,
The general principles
of an
electional chart (such as you would do for a marriage, a
contract, a voyage
departure) apply here, since this is a yearly beginning (being the Sun,
for your
inner self, ego, enthusiasm and confidence, etc.). That’s the
ship you’re
trying to navigate, so you can at least point it toward what you like,
even if it isn’t
in itself something you like, to gain the best available results. Think
of it
as a useful, but expendable (it only lasts a year), pointing/nudging
tool for
your general direction. In a
solar return, you would want to also lock it into the degrees of your
own natal
planets, so it’s more intimately connected with you. If
it’s a disaster, you want to diminish its overall effect by pulling malefics off the Angles,
putting them in less active and agressive positions in cadent or
succedent houses. And, you certainly
might like
to steer it in a direction that doesn’t involve your own
chart. Just as
you’d put the natal planetary degrees of you and your spouse on a
chart, to involve both of you deeper and more permanently into the
(read: when it gets transits, so do both of you, putting it all into
with a problem solar return, you’d just as soon it not focus too
tightly on
you -- unless you can get your
personal degrees on the Angles with particularly
favorable aspects.
2. With
said, another thing worth looking at is where
you have power and where you don’t,
fundamentally, at your timesscale of existence. The
Lights, inner planets and Mars, and to a certain
degree Jupiter and
Saturn have repeatable cycles you can actually interact with and adjust
to in
this limited human lifetime. The outer planets not so – they
concern bigger, historical and social trends you have little control
over, and which manipulate you
regardless of
where they (or you) are. So, tuck the outers away where
they’re not immediately in your
face, and put the personal ones up front where you can make some
difference. Even
if the overall return is thorny no matter where you go, this can give
you a
little more wiggle room.

A key: embrace what's
given you. Like, if you have to use a cane, do it with style, penache,
even an attempt at authority...
And finally, figure out creative ways to embrace what’s given
you and
make the most of it –
make lemonade from lemons, and all that. If you’re stuck with an
Saturn presence, instead of fighting your limits, play the authority
(also a
Saturn role), the older, more experienced one, roll with what you can
dig out of its
limited benefits for the year. If it’s an afflicted Neptune you
can’t escape,
take the opportunity to act mysterious, and it may cover up some of the
confusion underneath. In the case of Uranus, emphasize your
originality, not your erraticism. Even dark Pluto can be played for a
kind of fateful magnetism instead of obstruction. Whatever the
year’s ailment, put your own
creative stamp
on it. Like, if you have to use a cane, feature it, do it with style
– learn to spin it like Charlie
Chaplin or Fred Astaire, instead of limping like a cripple, even if it
If you have to sail against a head wind, tack like a real sailor and
use it to develop and show off
your life skills. And above all remember: this only lasts for a year
it’s not
the only thing that’s happening astrologically.
More on the basic
principles of travelling for your solar return:
Birthday Stars
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