on the three lunar returns
...the moon
above the rolling sea swells
to a deeper need
within each creature that must feed upon the tide
daily denied
and then fulfilled
what greater hill to climb
up the next wave of need
then to recede into decline
till all comes back again
when will it find an end
to constant repetition so ingrained that
thought cannot avoid its dictates
lest the madness of abandon fly
into the face of what the eye can but observe
the vestiges of what absorbs and still surrounds
the letters that we use to comprehend
what we would like to be an end
to up and down and right and left
forward and backward till there's
no place left to go
except to roll with what we once already knew
forever new
the tolling of the tide
outside inside
the very structure of the heart
the floating vessel that returns to meet its bride
only to the very ones to whom it's not denied
until they meet...
John Townley, June 2012
The Moon and its
cycles comprise the single strongest celestial influence, next to the
Sun, upon
what we do on earth. Daily and monthly, we ride the waves of lunar
which govern the short and long variations of the tides and with them
fluctuations in every sort of life activity, from microbial right up to
with every kind of vegetable and animal swept up in between. Even
non-biological events, from microscopic crystal formation to
atmospheric and
subterranean patterns ride these waves, and we ride along with them.
Astrologically, it’s more than
just riding “the” waves, the
environmental waves shared with all around, such as daily high and low
monthly full and new Moons (when the tides run highest). It may be
about riding “your” waves, the personal rhythms you have
gotten used to over a
lifetime. At the moment you were born, you climbed on board a general
set of
rhythms at a very specific point – a point in the daily and
monthly lunar
rhythms and a point in the yearly solar rhythm. If you were born at
full Moon,
then that’s the start of your monthly wave, your familiar
starting point from
which you step off anew each month. That’s your most familiar
stage of solunar
tension, and it feels like home, a time to wind things up and start
Celestially, that’s when the Moon’s monthly cycle repeats
the same angular
relationship to the Sun it had at your birth, your own special phase of
monthly tide cycle. It happens once every 29 ½ days.

of the Moon to its exact phase, or Sun/Moon angle, is a rarely-done
form of lunar return.
That’s one wave. A second
happens every day, when the
diurnal swelling or receding tidal forces return to the part of their
where they were the instant you were born, your own special phase of
the daily
tide cycle.
A third wave is when the Moon returns
to the place in the
sky background where it was the instant you were born, once every 27
½ days. In
astrological parlance, that’s your lunar return, and a chart done
for that
instant each month has long been believed to encapsulate the coming
marking a starting place that characterizes the next four weeks.
All three tell a different story.
The first wave, the return of your
Sun-Moon angle, marks the
time of month when the overall tension of the daily tides is similar to
you were born with. Sometime that day you will also experience (as you
daily) the second wave, which is your birth phase of the daily tide.
Together, they
make that day feel especially familiar, and you may feel particularly
connected to your situation, because of its innate familiarity. A
monthly chart
can be done for the first, a daily chart for the second, both of which
reveal useful information about your monthly or daily outlooks. Strange
to say,
astrologers have barely looked at the first, and at the second not at
all. They
are areas that beg more investigation, as they are likely crucial
elements that
bring the physical presence of the Moon and planets to ground in a
truly causal
chain of events.

A simple repeat of the
level of first or second daily tide is another form of
lunar return.
The third, the most familiar and
commonly-used “lunar return”,
however, is a long-entrenched astrological tool and is based on a
slightly less
physical way of looking at the Moon. The transit of the Moon through
the houses
of your natal chart is said to put particular emphasis on each and on
natal planet it touches. When it hits your Ascendant, for instance, it
you physically more noticeable (since the Ascendant represents your
presence), when it hits your Sun it boosts your ego energy, and so on
with the
rest of the houses and planets…and when it hits your Moon, you
experience an
emotional rebirth that presages the next 27½ days' events that
will flavor
your monthly emotional cycle.
The lunar return is a unique
astrological beast, an
ephemeral combination of a stand-alone horoscope, an electional (you
can change
it by choosing your location), and a set of transits. Ideally, it needs
to be
looked at in its own right, in relation to the natal chart, in relation
to its
own transits, and in relationship to transits to the natal chart. Its
is too short to make its progressions meaningful, but its transits
serve as if
they were progressions. Unique, indeed.
Reflective Take
Unlike the solar return, which
encapsulates your inner
position in relation to the world for the next year, the lunar return
with the reflective, reactive, emotional part of your nature and thus
more to the way you respond to events than to how you may generate
them. Its
best use is in unraveling and maximizing the opportunities which events
present, rather than the building of a game plan for future
It is tactical in nature, not strategic.
The challenge in interpreting the
lunar return is not to
plumb its depths for a vast network of details - its life is too short
to get
bogged down in that - but rather to extract the relevant events and
the blinding chaff, to see through the smoke and dust to the immediate
and its possibilities. It's kind of a monthly birthday, and the
arrangement of
planets it displays reflects the patterns of your coming month. Each
this re-birth-day works out its potential for you and then is renewed
again 27 1/2 days later with a new set of surprises and opportunities.

The common lunar return represents a brief, but more inner, reflective
take on the month's prospects.
Like your natal chart, or any other
kind of horoscope, a
lunar return is a chart of a beginning - in this case, the monthly
beginning of
the lunar cycle that started at your birth, which is the cycle of your
to your environment, including your emotions, feelings, interactivity,
well-being, and generally how creatively you react to the challenges
opportunities of life. A lunar return works on the principle that when
begin something - anything - everything that flows from it is bound up
in the
initial conditions under which it started. The beginning is your
and you build and rest upon it until you are finished. A lunar return
is the
astrological depiction of the new beginning you make each month and
results from it until the next cycle begins.
Changing The Picture
The planetary positions in a lunar
return are locked in at
the moment the Moon returns to its natal place. Where these positions
fall in
relation to the local horizon, and thus the areas of your life in which
work, is entirely dependent upon where you are at the time. Thus, if
you see
that your lunar return is going to develop a picture you'd like to
that can be accomplished by placing yourself at the right spot on the
globe to
fine-tune the event by changing the houses into which the planets fall
and their aspects to the angles. Moving about extensively every month
is not easy
everyone, but being aware that it affects the lunar return is a plus if
normally travel on business and have some say as to where you can go.
Pieces Of The Puzzle
The common lunar return is a large
piece of the astrological
picture of what happens with your life every month, but it is not the
only one.
Lunar transits, new and full Moons, and other factors also weigh in,
including the two less common forms of lunar return. Try to
remember, however, that factors whose timing is as short as a monthly
cycle are
more like the minute or second hands on your life's clock face. Don't
forget to
stand back every now and then. Refresh yourself with a look at the big
of where you are and where you're going, which are described by
transit and progression cycles. Then you can get back down to the
nitty-gritty which your lunar return offers so every moment is enjoyed
utilized to its best advantage.

Sun and Moon align over
monolith, signalling a mystery?...or perhaps just that the viewer is
perfectly placed for a return!
For more on the lunar return,
there’s my book on the subject, and a personal lunar return text report
that looks at your
own each month (it’s on sale, right
now!). The PC program for that is available
from Matrix Software, and a totally new lunar return report will be
shortly for the Mac from Time
Cycles Research.