met Uranus in
2009 over Europe and Africa, but the action turned out to be
on the edge of the desert, in between.
strikes again...
John Townley, March 2011
it’s about that
time of year(s) again when Mars swings
around to meet Uranus, which happens on average every two years and one
Supposedly, the longitude where this conjunction at its most exact is
culminating will give
you a two-year take on the areas most likely to be visited by
activity: natural cataclysms like earthquakes, fires, volcanic
hurricanes, and tsunamis or man-made tumult like revolutions, wars, and
like. For the full background story and examples of historic earlier
conjunctions and where they fell
on the map, see our Mars-Uranus Redux,
which explains it fairly well. There, we end in speculation about the
then-upcoming 2007 and 2009 conjunctions.
it’s time for an
update to evaluate the effects of
the 2009 conjunction and speculate on the upcoming 2011 one. Our
prediction that the former would indicate another heating up of the
current Mideast wars turned out to be prophetic, both in Iraq and
Afghanistan. It would also appear
that the 2009 conjunction, falling right over North Africa, certainly
may be
associated with the amazing recent series of revolutions that Jupiter
and Uranus
conjunct in Aries have certainly helped foster as well. In our last
article, we
looked straight at it and didn’t see it, however, since the
same coordinates
applied to Europe where there wasn’t much spectacular action
except for a couple of
dreadful winters. Who knew we should have been
more concerned with the mostly-empty desert of North Africa, right

2009 Mars-Uranus conjunction was over Europe, but more importantly, as
it turned out, over North Africa.
next one, in April 2011 is over the Pacific, including Alaska,
Hawaii, and the U.S. West Coast.
we take a look at the next one, April 3, 2011, 4:52
PM Eastern Time, and that spans a broad swath of the Pacific, which
Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. West Coast. So for the next couple of
years, take your vacations elsewhere –
those who avoided Indonesia on our advice just before the tsunami would
be wise
to make travel plans accordingly, again. The previous three were in
Pisces/water and tended toward water damage (though not the last one),
so maybe
this next set in Aries/fire will be more land-based and hotter in
nature, but
that’s just speculation. It hasn’t been all that
consistent in the past.
also hasn’t been that consistent is which side of the
overhead line will experience the most notable result. Sometimes it is
when the
conjunction is in the ninth house (shaded yellow above) and about to
culminate or sometimes in the tenth house (shaded green
above), having just culminated. Similarly, there is no reliable
indicator of whether the most relevant event(s) will happen soon after
the conjunction or not until just before the next one. Part of all of
that may be attributable to
ephemeris calculation error for slow planets, but it may also be about
aspect formation dynamics. For more on the dynamics of aspect formation
and events see The Gathering Sky.
course, why it should happen at all is yet another question, possibly
related to the theory of returns in general and the possible
of returns, locational
charts, and diurnal rhythms.
It’s all certainly worth looking into further, for greater
focus and accuracy, but as is it works quite sufficiently to be wary of
the regions involved, if you have to
be involved in them…
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