Jupiter rules the sky...
It's time to...
Jupiter is the "bucket handle"(l.), acting more like a pump handle, get
working on your "bucket list"...
John Townley, February 2011
Some time
ago we remarked on the possible meanings of Saturn
being either part of, or outside, the bowl of the outer planets,
a shift between things Saturnian (government, the establishment, etc.)
working either with or
literally in opposition to social progress. When Saturn is the handle of a bucket chart,
it tends to make
governments work against the interests of the people they serve, and
Saturn rejoins the overall pack, reform governments appear (sometimes
accompanying strife) along with real, though sometimes desperate,
overall. [Click here for the definition of
a bucket chart, and other
basic sky patterns]
shouldn’t be surprising, then, to note that there are also
notable effects when Jupiter does the
same thing – either tucks
inside the bowl
or stands out from it like a bucket handle. The effects, naturally,
aren’t the
same as with Saturn, and there does appear to be a distinct Jupiter-handle
syndrome. Whereas Saturn in opposition tends to bring resistance
between the powers that be and the populus under them, Jupiter seems to
have a
forcing, pumping effect that can be the engine for boom times or can
help bail
out hard times. It’s worth taking a look at it right now, as
Jupiter is
about to exit the bowl just as Saturn goes back into it, so there
is a major switch underway. In
Jupiter-Saturn opposition opening period, with Jupiter ripping through
we can expect a shift into a new phase for another half-decade or
more…recent events in Egypt and elsewhere are likely just the
overture to the first act...

For six months of
each bucket year, Jupiter stands alone (l.) and for the other six
months mixes into a splash (c.), though every other year its bucket is
interrupted by Mars (r.), which actually just intensifies the effect
from that side of
looking at what it might mean, a further look at what
it actually is. It’s not five or six years of constant
skies, with
Jupiter at the helm. That simply can’t happen, for any planet. At
best, Jupiter
can command the skies only half the year, when the Sun and inner
planets are in
the season and signs opposite its position, along with the outer
planets. And it
can manage that only
once every other year, as Mars will wander into its hemisphere
half the time as well (though in a way, Mars only adds to the effect).
Then, it can
only do that for half a
month at a time, when the Moon is inside the bowl.
So what
we’re really talking about is not even a preponderance of
position but a significant
plurality – it simply happens more often, for about six months at
time yearly (and then
only two weeks of each month), in three out of perhaps six years.
Still, that’s a lot
of Jupiter, since it’s a very domineering presence, being the
king of the
planets in size and gravitational effect, and it’s the only
bucket handle
planet happening throughout the period. Give Jupiter an inch, and it
will blow it up into a mile...
Jupiter is regularly the bucket handle, it
seems more like a pump handle,
as they appear to be times when things
are swinging to extremes,
pumping the volume into systems
overload, for
better or
worse, richer or poorer. It suggests a wide variety of ambitious, and
sometimes conflicting forces that aren't stable and often quite out of
control. Whether the period will start with a bang or drag
itself out of difficulty depends on whether the leading edge of the
bowl is an outer planet (bigger, more important change) or Saturn
(stagnation or recession)...essentially, whether the year just
preceding it has been dominated by an outer planet locomotive chart or
a Saturn locomotive. Here are the last century's periods, by
Pre WWI 1908-1914– End of the
days of the wealthy classes,
pumping up for war and revolution. Think Downton Abbey...began with a Uranus
Pre WWII 1933-41 – extended
pumping up out of Great Depression economy, New Deal, the meteoric rise
of fascism, from conjunction
Neptune to
Saturn/Uranus, all the way from Virgo to Taurus. Followed a Saturn
bucket and then T-cross, then
locomotive, so depression drove Jupiter's attempts to bust out.
Post WWII 1946-51 – pumping up
post-war economy, the Marshall Plan and European
recovery after painful collapse. Came out of a Uranus locomotive,
revolutions and the Cold War.
Mid-60s 1962-68 – pumping up a
new Great Society, on a war footing, in the US, tumultuous generational
social change almost everywhere. Another one with Uranus locomotive
Mid-70s 1973-79– recovery from
Vietnam, oil crisis economy shift. Saturn locomotive preceded, this one
barely got off the ground.
Mid-80s 1985-93 – Extended
period, starting with deregulation by
Reagan and Thatcher governments, pumping up
markets, reorganization of Eastern Europe, first Iraq War. Came out of
a Pluto-led bundle, massive world change in the making which Jupiter
then supercharged.
Early 2000s 2000-2006–
Revisitation of
Reaganomics, pumping up
markets until near-Depression market crisis. Began with a Pluto
locomotive, the transit of that planet to USA Ascendant, 9-11, and the
beginning of the end of single superpower dominance.
When shorter sky
cycles focus around Jupiter, the whole world heats up in the process...
the mechanism here, and how are the rhythms of the
sky altered during this period? We actually covered it in essence in Islands In The Sky, pointing out
when a planet is stuck way out in the sky, in the context of any
cycle [diurnal (daily), lunar (monthly) or solar (yearly)] it becomes the one rare hit during a full half
the cycle. Thus, it becomes both long-awaited and then long-remembered,
the other planetary hits come and go quickly in a jumbled bunch, easily
confused or forgotten and supplanted in effect. Indeed,
its six-month seasons during its often
six-year bucket period
themselves are long-awaited, as the other half of the year is mostly a
sky with no real focus, making the Jupiter half an even stronger pulse.
to the interplanetary effect is our position in our own orbit, as when
is out there alone geocentrically, it
means that heliocentrically Jupiter
and Earth are actually together on
one side of the solar system, in the
vicinity of perigee and maximum
gravitational effect (the heart
of the retrograde shift phenomenon),
everything else off on the other side. Physically, it’s when
Jupiter has its
greatest influence on us. Numerically, with the basic
cycle both monthly and yearly, it is a clue to Jupiter's great power as
a fundamental formulator and reinforcer of the 12-month year and
Zodiac, not to mention the 12-year Chinese Zodiac.
Now we're
about to begin another Jupiter handle period, coming out of a Saturn
locomotive, so it is about dragging up out of near-depression, similar
to the 1930s or 1970s stretch. The next one after that (2024-2032, a
long one) will be coming off Pluto, so it might be more like the shift
from the 1970s to the 1980s, where the economy called the shots and
changed the world's political balance through the downsizing of a major
To give
you an overview (2011-17) of the evolution of the coming Jupiter skies
ruling the teens, see this animated version. (It's
a big download, 7 meg, so give it time). It dramatically shows how the
skies morph from bucket to splash and back, and how when the
inner planetary chaff flies away, Jupiter is left alone ruling the sky
a large part of the time.
So in
the end, when Jupiter rules the skies, it's a time for high-level
ambition to push through and make things happen, even at great risk,
when opportunity
abounds for those who are ready to ride the crest of a wave or the skin
of a bubble. That period is again upon us and will remain so for the
majority of the teens decade of the 21st century. It's a time to try
for things you might not be able to do otherwise, things you might most
want to achieve while life grants you the opportunity, despite the
danger of overstepping safety limits. In short, when
Jupiter is the bucket handle,
it's time to get on with your bucket
list while the power to do so is palpably raging all around...
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