it's a column in
newspaper or Net, or a one-to-one consultation, what can/should an
astrologer really offer?
John Townley
these times of change you might not want to believe in,
personally, what good is astrology? How does it enable anyone to cope
with the
current set of financial and personal crises so many people are going
triggered by the radically changing skies and the concomitant rough
waters down
below? Can astrology, or an astrologer, help? Wife Susan (an astrologer
and intuitive herself) recently asked me, “Why
aren’t you
sending out a
message of hope and
comfort, reassurance in trying times? That’s what
need from
astrology. Like what Michael Lutin does, for individual Sun signs. Not
just more theory about
going on in the sky and how it might affect things in
In other words,
can/should I comfort you
(individually and
collectively), just by saying how dicey this Libra Saturn square Pluto
is for
your relationships and how we’re all in the same boat? And of
course suggest it’s
going to get better…unless it doesn’t. But hey,
you’ll still learn something
from it…or you won’t. And if I told you that, as a
journalist, would I be
lying to some (and deluding them) while actually helping others cope?
is astrology something to take comfort in at all, especially in a
across-the-board sort of way?

The most
popular style of "modern"
astrology is more like going to see a shrink to get your planets
address whether any
of that’s appropriate or even
possible, you have to ask, what is an astrologer? A fortuneteller? A
counselor? An
amateur shrink? A minister? A
spiritual guru? A sympathetic shoulder to cry on? A window of celestial
onto the “bigger picture” and your place in it? Or,
is it
someone who simply
studies the possible links between the sky above and events below
– who
connects planetary placements and motions and associated individual and
mass behavior
(and perhaps the inner character that behavior portrays)?
practice, across
history, the answer has swung from one
pole to another -- or rather, hopped from one function to another. In
Western Classical and Renaissance times, astrology
was used
primarily to predict events and their nature, for individuals and
secondarily to describe personal character, and only marginally to
advise or comfort the individual. It described the wheels of destiny
– what you
did with that knowledge was your concern. Personal counseling and
along with physical healing, from the beginning lay in the lap of the
man/woman, or later the priest/minister/rabbi/mullah. Astrology might
offer predictions
for the outcome of your ills, based on a unified theory of medicine and
rulerships, but you went to an astrologer only to find out a diagnosis
and if
you’d live or die, not to get treated or cured, which was the
doctor or
surgeon’s responsibility on the physical side and the
priest’s on the
spiritual/emotional side..
But, as modern science
and medicine
displaced astrology as
the purveyor of explanations and cures, and religion defensively
co-opted the
gates to the world of the spirit, only the soft middle ground of
sorrow and need remained, where neither scientific nor religious dogma
served sufficiently
well to comfort. Psychology and the social sciences evolved to fill in
gap, where ad hoc treatment along
with disputed and contradictory theories reigned, and for over a
astrology found a haven there, almost losing its identity.in the
process. It
was so good at describing personality traits that one set of
astrologers, like
some sort of eccentric aunt, increasingly clung to psychology (and were
welcomed in return by Jung). But, it was also still an alternate
seeming to explain the mysterious, so another set retained and
repurposed it as
an occult alternative to both religion and sympathetic magic. Later,
New Agers
mixed and matched all possibilities with oblivious disregard for
and the recent growth in ecological awareness is causing some now to
astrology more like another approach to environmental science, where
inner and
outer influences, many not fully observed or understood, meet at
social, and evolutionary levels.
Is it
your future you want told, or perhaps a guru to see you through? An
astrologer can do a little bit of each, sort of...
across the last
century, earnest people have come to
astrologers originally to tell their fortunes (which can be done well
enough to
impress), then later to tell them about themselves and their inner,
conflicts (it’s good at that, too), even as an alternative to
religion (it’s
lousy at that), and recently as another key to how they fit into the
rest of
the world, by style and action. Because in a supposedly rational world,
astrologer is the last in a series of persons people turn to when
trying to
figure out their problems, astrologers have become ad hoc counselors
amateur shrinks, and in many cases, trained counselors and
psychiatrists have
become astrologers as well. In fact, if you’re going to
in this
business, outside of being a stock market astrologer or someone who
advises people on timing, you need to have pretty good counseling
skills in a
variety of areas.
When I first began
“practicing” astrology in the very
early 1970s, I quickly found that counseling was really the name of the
and that it was a totally separate skill from astrology. It required
as much knowledge as possible about the main areas of counseling need
(love, wealth,
and health – sex, money, and death – are the major
That meant you had
to be a human resources expert who could spot different talents and
know where
the jobs were, how they came and went in personal life and general
cycles, so I spent a lot of time studying that. You also needed to know
a lot
about sex and love – and I had the good fortune of working as
editor of a major
sexual psychology magazine, in daily contact with the leading
of the
day. Health? Astrology, having not really upgraded its medical
principles since
Galen, has always been poor at that, except to spot stress levels, so I
pretty much stayed out of that one. But you know, I could have done
well at
counseling in any of those areas without ever having been an
astrologer. Above
all, counseling is about possessing a combination of empathy, sympathy,
knowledge, and wisdom that can be delivered with or without an
flavor. It can be done in various cases equally as well by a good
priest, psychiatrist, or bartender. The required talents are a sharp
mind, a
good ear, and an open heart.

A priest
can comfort you with the Spirit, a bartender can do it with spirits, a
doctor can write you a scrip...but an astrologer?
So what
can I say from a
specifically astrological point
of view to make anyone feel better about what’s happening in
these tumultuous
times of painful and wrenching change? Not much, except when and where
expect the next wave to come crashing through – and something
about its nature,
so you can deal better with it. On a one-to-one, individual chart
level, in a
consultation, we can converse endlessly on just how and when you as a
client or
friend will experience these, and what might be done about it, replete
lots of understanding suggestions from years of practice as a counselor
with an
astrological approach. From one consultation to the next, you can get a
done, and astrology provides some good tools to work with.
As a
writer and
journalist, however, I can only report on
the details of the latest sky developments, their general impact, and
how one
will evolve into the next – along with research and
on how this
whole mysterious, incredibly complex cosmic astrology machine actually
Like a foreign correspondent, I’m reporting on the action
live as
it happens,
with full coverage of what it looks like on the road ahead and why.
After that
it’s up to you to decide what to do and where to cast your
vote as the
road rises to meet you. Any comfort in that? Some, perhaps…
But if you want more,
you’ll have
book an appointment…
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