a volatile
political year: who's who, who can win???
By John Townley, March
there is one problem in trying to analyze presidential
candidates, it is that there are too many obvious overlaps that
describe what’s
going on, but seldom enough to predict who wins. In fact, sometimes you
have to
step well beyond the charts of the candidates themselves and make
deductions from other charts (like the USA chart) and from the actual
on the ground. If, for instance, one candidate looks favorable to the
U.S. and is
under good transits, but the U.S. chart looks bound for trouble or
disaster in
the next term, chances are the other contender is going to win.
That’s what happened
with Bush vs. Gore. Gore was better astrologically, but the country was
headed for
rocky waters, so the candidate most likely not to prevent that won,
without a majority of the popular vote.
you are using only traditional means to pick a winner,
here are the usual things to check out:
Which of the candidates is having the best
transits/progressions, both on Election Day (November 8 this year) and
subsequent Inauguration Day (January 20 next year). And before the
final race,
in the primaries, you also look at the party convention final day
(candidate-announcement) chart. But experts disagree on what the
“best” transits/progressions
are – ordinary good ones like trines and sextiles, or signs
of struggle and
overcoming like squares and oppositions. Some say the latter leads to
winners, historically.

is a master media manipulator and is all the rage, but his appeal to
rage could ultimately make him unelectable...
Which of the candidates has the most contact with the U.S.
(July 4, 1776) chart, with especial attention to the national Moon
with benefics there, around 27 Aquarius, often do better). And, which
of America's mixed emotional
does each appeal to?
Which of the candidates has the overall stronger, more
impressive chart to begin with.
less traditional mode includes a look at the evolution
of the national chart over the coming four years. If it’s
dire, headed into a
time of war or depression, then the weaker or more troublesome
candidate is
likelier to win, and then shepherd in the troubles to come. If
it’s headed for
peaceful prosperity, than the more steady and buoyant candidate is the
likely one.
worth looking at, by themselves, are the dates for the
conventions, the election, and the inauguration, because those dates
decision-makers and some pretty weird things can happen then. The most
example was the incredibly-shaky 2000 Bush-Gore election day featuring
void-of-course Moon and Mercury making its direct station, which led to
the Supreme Court, and a minority president whose leadership (or lack
it) enabled a mistaken and disastrous war and a near-catastrophic world
recession. And 2016 election day has some serious quirks as well, one
of them
directly related to the following inauguration...

Clinton has a
solid following, but her Scorpio side creates distrust from hiding
things needlessly...
a quick look at the candidates, their appeal, their
contacts with the U.S. chart, and sky developments:
Donald Trump
his overbearing Gemini-Sagittarius full Moon lies right on top of the
Mars, so he’s a natural for riling up the populous. And the
U.S. Mars is
afflicted by the square to Neptune, so the country is (and always has
been) a
sucker for those playing on impotence and security fears. Further, his
Mercury is on the country’s unaspected Jupiter/Venus, so his
play directly to its expansive desires without having to actually say
specific. Add his Jupiter on the U.S. Saturn (which afflicts the U.S.
Sun) and
he seems like the promise of prosperity and release from all
limitation. It’s
really little wonder that he has huge appeal, enough to offset his lack
political/government or international experience – but
unfortunately it’s mainly
directed at the country’s natal afflictions, it’s
insecurities, and its adolescent inclinations, more
than the nation's
strengths or better angels.

Sanders (left)
appeals to ideals, Kasich (center) could be a dark horse, Cruz (right)
is likely too far right...
this be enough to elevate him to the highest office, or
even to make the final run for it, in the country’s currently
fearful and
deprived-feeling state? A couple of odd pivot points are on their way
which may
tell the story. His progressed Sun is at the last degree of Leo right
through the Rupublican convention. Then, suddenly, it moves to Virgo
immediately thereafter. A sudden change of style, heart, position? Hard
to say,
except it will be a big one. On a very shaky election day November 8,
Mars is
changing signs from Capricorn to Aquarius after passing over the U.S.
along with the transiting void Moon over the late Aquarius national
Moon then
into Pisces, a big turnout and likely dire happenings in the week
before. But, come
inauguration day, January 20, transiting Saturn has reached
Trump’s Moon – a
final lock-in or a lock-out? Hard to tell, but final, for sure.
Hillary Clinton
She’s a bit of an astrological enigma, as her true birth time
isn’t certain.
She once said it was 8, but didn’t say AM or PM, and some
astrologers claim
other times entirely. From the looks of her, and her often-unnecessary
secrets, we’re betting on 8AM, doubling the Scorpio aspect.
But that’s not what
counts. She hits the same U.S. Mars-Neptune square as Trump, but with
Moon-Uranus square, her Uranus on the national Mars, her Moon opposite
Neptune. So, despite lots of political/government and international
she tends to grate on the country and raise suspicion, while still
the same set of national insecurities.
And, her Vertex
is right on the national Venus-Jupiter, like Trump’s
Finally, again
like Trump, she
touches the national Saturn, but with her Neptune (hope, illusion)
instead of Jupiter
(ambition). Oddly,
both candidates are
pushing the same national buttons, but in completely different, and not
entirely satisfactory, ways. Election
day sees Sun on her Venus, Jupiter on her Neptune, Mercury on her
Ascendant/Mercury, while the inauguration has Mars and Venus on her

tweaks America's chart at some of its shakiest points, but he meets
with some puzzling twists, above and below, both at the time of the
Republican convention (center), election day (U.S. progressions,
right), and all the way to inauguration day.
Other prospects
so how about the others? Cruz’s chart looks as abrasive as
his reputation,
Pluto out-of-sign conjunct the Ascendant, Moon-Uranus square Mercury.
Only that
Moon-Uranus contacts the U.S., to the national Saturn.
Modest transits
on election day, nothing to mention on inauguration day.
By himself, not likely to win, even at the convention, much less the
Kasich (noon solar chart here)
with perhaps transiting Pluto on his Moon (no birth time), is seeing a
new rebirth (or will when it’s over), but not much else.
Bernie Sanders? With
Jupiter on the national Mars and virtually sharing its Neptune, he
raises high
hopes and ideals, but the transits don’t look likely.
Disturbing possibilities
– this might look like a likely race between Trump and
Clinton, with Clinton
favored by experience, Trump by the fear factor. But that’s
only if it goes
according to what we’re used to: regular nomination, regular
election. That
didn’t exactly happen in 2000, and it might not now. If the
Republican attempts
to stop Trump at the convention should succeed, there would be another
(likely Kasich, possibly best to beat Clinton, or even someone else
entirely) and Trump might become a third
independent candidate. Or, if Trump gets the nomination, disgruntled
Republicans could separate to run a third-party candidate. Then, if no
one got over 50% in the election, it would
be thrown into the Republican House of Representatives to perhaps
choose a
total minority (like never before) candidate from among those running.

Clinton has
aspects on election day, more than the remaining known
competition, except possibly Trump...
regardless of who wins, election day sees transiting
Saturn right on the national Ascendant, and still in the first house on
inauguration and the year or so after. Continuing gridlock, whoever
Highly likely, until the next census and the U.S. Pluto return brings
the big
populus shift to the polls, changing the game for everyone. Further,
the U.S.
progressed Sun is now being chased by transiting Neptune (one of many
recent Neptune
so the fog
surrounding the political battlefield and America’s
self-image has been and
will remain thick for a while. This election may or may not avoid
disaster, but
it won’t likely bring defining victory, regardless.
all in all, the political skies this year, in the U.S.
and worldwide, are very dicey, indeed. With a continuing runaway train
each season bringing
as much havoc as benefit
lately, things are really up for grabs, as never before. You can bet on
conflicting astrological odds, but it’s how folks are
fielding the chaotic sky waves right here on
the ground that is going to call the final shots, moment to critical

political cartoon by
Thomas Naste from just after the Civil War presages this year's
craziness. It's caption, from Aesop's
reads: "An ass, having put on the Lion’s skin, roamed about
in the forest and amused himself by frightening all the foolish animals
he met in his wanderings. At last coming upon a Fox, he tried to
frighten him also, but the Fox no sooner heard the sound of his voice
than he exclaimed, “I might possibly have been frightened
myself, if I had not heard your bray.”
And finally, if you want to know
just how involved both the nomination and and final election process
can become if there's no immediate winner right off:
Nominating Process, Both
Elected in the House of Representatives