the last time Jupiter cut
loose from the Uranus-Pluto cross...
John Townley, July 2014.
This year
has spawned a great and astrologically-expected
change from our Great Recession skies, dominated by Saturn, through the
year and a half frozen in a cardinal T and/or grand cross of the
square compounded with Jupiter and (mostly) Mars, and now evolving into
open, Jupiter-dominated skies for the next several years to come. Of
the Jupiter release was being much-anticipated in the hopes it would
positive change and progress at last, but from the recent headlines, it
like all hell has been breaking loose instead.
How has this
come to pass, and is there a precedent we
should look back to in hopes of putting the clarity of hindsight into
Actually, we
should all be shivering with frissons of deja
vu, or would be if we were centenarians with well-preserved memories
– because we
were astrologically in an astonishing similar place just one Uranus
cycle ago,
when Uranus was last time in mid-Aries. Just as we were struggling with
Saturn-dominated bucket skies of the early Great Depression in the very
1920s and early ‘30s, we walked right into the very same
square we’ve been in lately, except Pluto was in Cancer that
time, and it was Saturn
that then moved in to make for a paralytic cardinal T and grand cross
first Jupiter in 1930, then Mars in the summer of 1931. And, just like
now, the
recurring T-cross prevented Jupiter then moving into Leo (as now) and
Virgo from having its full effect in the following year.

When cardinal cross broke up in 1933, FDR, Hitler, and Stalin took
control of the reins of radical change under Jupiter skies .
Across the
world, you saw revolutions fomenting but
not getting anywhere (not unlike the current Arab Spring), and
governments of
the largest nations locked into internal disputes that prevented the
change that was clearly in the wind. From the officially-hidden Russian
to confrontations in Manchuria, to the death-rattles of the Weimar
there was lots of bad news, but not much real change. Then, suddenly,
the skies
cleared in early to mid-1933, starting with Hitler’s
as Germany’s
chancellor on January 30’s Jupiter-Mars conjunction and the
of the last
vestige of the T-cross (with Venus), followed by Franklin
inauguration as president March 4 under Mars/Jupiter/Neptune as well.
Both were
the final struggle under Mars retrograde chasing Jupiter (as has just
now) to break free of the social and political log-jams and push
forward into
full-blown National Socialism on one side and the New Deal on the
Meanwhile, Stalin broke out of his own power struggle and began the
Great Purge
(or the Great Terror) that turned the turmoil of Russian revolution
full-blown Soviet dictatorship. Across the world, Japan finally
committed to
full-scale war in Manchuria and the Far East began its whirlwind march
eventual world war as well. A stalled globe almost overnight turned
into an accellerating runaway train.
And at the
time, who knew what any of this portended? The deadly implications of
Uranus square Pluto weren't even known to astrologers, Pluto having
just made its appearance in 1930. To
many, on different fronts with varying philosophies, it looked like
heralded by long-awaited Jupiter skies was finally under way, the
might finally recede, and Jupiter-Neptune ideals might ultimately bring
a new
and better world, something many were still hoping for even by the end
of Jupiter’s
long run during the 1939 World’s Fair. It was certainly
gangbusters high-risk
change, as these Jupiter-bucket
always are,
and wishful thinking and simple selfish attention
made Jupiter’s
dark side less
evident than
it should have been. Indeed, if there is a number one dangerous evil,
it really
is selfishness -- even in the guise of just minding your own business,
until you
realize someone else’s business just took over yours because
were not paying
attention to the larger, shared picture.
Saturn-sky Depression cross (l) broke up,
Hitler's rise to Chancellor (r) and FDR's to President opened long
Jupiter period
But anyhow,
here we all bloody well are in, astrologically
at least, an astonishingly similar place to our relatively
recently-passed forebears
– and it’s
still no easier to sort out what the future will bring. Is there
near-Armageddon we’re missing just ahead over the horizon as
before, or will we
be able to creatively shape the envelope of events to avoid losing
control this time? Ultimately, as before, we may not truly know which
the real dangers are
and thus again find ourselves defending against the illusory ones
instead. In
retrospect, the dangers of Uranus/Pluto were clearly nationalist,
political, and military
last time. But as we guard against those (and there are plenty), could
religious, cultural, or even evironmental issues be what really sneaks
up on us
and sweeps us away into unanticipated turmoil? After Noah, no more
water, fire
next time. After the hot and cold wars of the Twentieth
Century, maybe it's no
more fire, but wind and water next time, instead? You never hear the
shot that
kills you, as they say…
It does,
however, give pause for thought – about just what
the depressed Saturn-ruling buckets and also the rare Saturn-rescue
bowl periods
mean, and the times of frozen, locked-up conflict
of late
(talk to the American Congress about that!), and now the unannounched
firestorms that seem to be coming suddenly upon us as
huge energy is
freed up and sweeps us all along like a runaway train, as it has done
Certainly it's a thrill to feel the gusty wind in your hair, and you do
there fast – if only you
can avoid derailing on that curve ahead that’s closing in
than you think.
open-ended question is, of course, what critical information are we not
including in this mix, like we were missing the absolutely-essential
knowledge of barely-discovered Pluto last time? Chiron (not all that
new)? Eris? Sedna? Haumea? Makemake? Or somethng else entirely (not
even a planet) we don't
even know about yet? Your course is only as good as your last set of
observations, and you only get the right answer if you ask the right
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