
Neptune (left) is all
over America's
chart (shown above 11/2/10) and it's got everything all fouled-up
...Outer Planet Leads America Astray
John Townley, October 2010
The final
passing of the gridlock cardinal T-cross/grand
cross of Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto and associates has been welcome
but America doesn’t seem to be benefitting from the new
from celestial
afflictions. Perhaps that is because it is undergoing a multiple set of
its own
astro-genetic problems, spearheaded by a triple dose of Neptune that
induced something of a delusional, drug-like paralysis that is
progress and encouraging all sorts of destructive behavior.
A quick
look at the U.S. chart progressed to this fall shows
three heavy Neptune influences:
One by transit:
Neptune is conjunct
the national Moon. On
the good side, this might mean the people (Moon) are aspiring to
greater dreams
and ideals (Neptune), but equally they are just confused and drifting
in an
unreal state.
Two by progression:
progressed Moon
is conjunct progressed
(and months earlier, natal) Neptune, and progressed Sun is in Pisces,
ruled by
Neptune. The former has a closely similar meaning to the Neptune
transit, and
the latter puts the national character (Sun) unduly under the influence
ruler Neptune. The effect of the progression of the national Sun
through signs
since 1776 has been a wonderful clocklike display of evolving phases,
this latest, which are worth a look
here. Certainly it will mean some sort of more spiritual uplift and
attunement by the time the Sun works its way toward the end of Pisces
over the
next couple of decades, but it’s still only at degree 5 and
definitely in
the lower regions of Neptune manifestation at the moment.
Mars is square Neptune natally and now-retrograde progressed
Mars is about to be transited by Saturn. Throughout the
history, the progressed
U.S. Mars has been direct, but in 2006 it turned retro (for an 80-year
withdrawing its formerly expansionist energy and marking the high-water
of outgoing American influence in the world. Whereas America has always
somewhat unclear about how it should extend itself (it gets into wars
too late,
or too early, picks the wrong ones or misses the right ones), now the
energy to
do it at all is on the wane, further enervated by Neptunian confusion
misdirection. The effects of this, along with the effects of progressed
chasing transiting Saturn throughout the coming teens decade and the
of Pluto all spell difficulties for the country and are well-covered
separately here.
But back
to Neptune: by itself, it is providing much of the
difficulties that afflict the country right now, and if you live there,
afflicting you, so it’s worth a further look, with some
historical antecedents.
The themes involve alternating idealism, illusion, and above all
all Neptunian in nature. Let’s look at some.

mountains of
Mexico had America in military thrall in 1846-47 as Neptune saturated
its chart...
the progressed Moon to natal and progressed Neptune.
This has occurred eight times before:
– The Bill of Rights. Chalk one up for the
idealistic manifestation.
– The Panic of 1819, first major economic crisis for
America, economic uncertainty. Bank
the United States founded. Acquisition of Florida (part of a Spanish
– Mexican War – Manifest Destiny at its most
manifest, more Spanish, first national news-driven war. More Spanish.
coincides with the only other transit of Neptune (along with Saturn) to
national Moon.
– the panic
of 1873, economic uncertainty, the beginning of the end of
Reconstruction, as black
serfdom replaces slavery, illusion
– Mckinley assassinated, Theodore Roosevelt new
president, uncertainty along with new ideals arrive, Spanish-American
finally ends in Philippines. Can't leave the Hispanics alone...
– totally delusional height of boom-time before stock
market crash and onset of Great Depression
– height of Cold War, Hydrogen bomb at Bikini, illusionary
‘50s culture, WWWIII uncertainty
– beginning of return to a market-driven, unregulated
reversal of government social involvement, the illusion/delusion that
led to
the Great Recession.
– The Great Recession continues, an upstart Tea Party,
and religious extremism,
and rising xenophobia, drug wars along the Mexican border, where
There is
a consistent theme in all of these, that of
uncertainty, discontent with the status quo, and a variety of either
or fear-driven attempted solutions to social and economic woes. And
there is a
second, Spanish theme in four of them – it would seem when in
travail we too
often seek the solution in conflict with our southern neighbors.
The years
1846 and 2010 represent peak Neptune
(indeed, the former was the year Neptune was discovered, albeit by a
German observatory),
as transiting Neptune was also conjunct America’s natal Moon.
the earlier case,
progressed Mars was speeding along in Leo and the answer to uncertainty
was to
take a huge territorial bite out of Spain. Now, with progressed Mars
retro for four years and nearly fourscore more to go, rattling sabers
at drug
lords across the border and threatening illegal immigrants is hopefully
most the nation is up to in that sphere.
[A further, long-term
note on progressed retro Mars: It
rare to find a national chart that’s been around long enough
have the
infrequent retrogradation of Mars in its progressions, so
difficult to
interpret it with confidence. In addition, not that many nations old
enough for
it actually have an agreed-upon founding day. The most classical
however, is Rome (founded 753 BC), whose Mars retro period marked the
transition from the Republic to the Empire. Whether anything similar
happen to America is questionable, as by the time Mars is direct (2086,
years after China’s progressed Mars goes retro, seven years
before India’s goes
retro), the whole world government structure may be considerably

Neptune had America fighting Moros all the way across the globe in the
So what
are the current symptoms of America being
“Neptuned-out”? Aside from the intense economic
all around, there
are other aspects of Neptune that are curious, indeed. The Mexican War
was marked by the first instant media-driven (newspapers using
reports) image of what the country was doing, which deeply affected
happened, often inflaming both pro and anti-war opinion, but largely
based on
factual reporting. Now the media is even more instant, but at least one
(Fox) is wholly-owned by one political party (or is it the other way
‘round?) and
creating for its
considerable viewership a
largely fabricated world populated by planted rumor, distortions, and
often intentional
falsehoods in the guise of factual news. And to confuse matters more,
Internet is populated with information sources that are often dubious
as well,
so there is a large disconnect between the view of much of the populus
and the
actual facts in many important matters. Very Neptunian, indeed.
religion (more Neptune) is ever more part of the mix, blurring the
between mainstream beliefs and extremist, terrorist or totalitarian
manifestations. And bringing up the rear, drugs are making a comeback
California tries to legalize marijuana, which is effectively legal
already in
medical guise.
if you like the birth time of the Sibly chart (shown at top),
America’s progressed Ascendant is just about to change sign,
Leo to Virgo,
conjunct the fixed star Regulus (sign of the Catholic Church, among
things) and the progressed MC/IC is right in the middle of the degree
trampled on lately by the transiting T-cross. Clearly change is afoot,
but it’s
very uncertain just what it is and how it will turn out, and that
always is disturbing.
The fear of the unknown but vaguely imagined (Neptune) is always
greater than of
the most terrifying, clearly-delineated reality (Uranus).
what you don’t
know that’s probably going to hurt you, or so it seems
though draconian cures
for uncertain afflictions often turn out to bring on even worse,
especially with
double-edged Chiron transiting the national Moon right beside Neptune.
So, this
Halloween should be an especially scary one, as two
days later (after an election day featuring transiting Moon conjunct
progressed national
Moon and Neptune) at least some of those monsters and hobgoblins will
be holding elected office. Or maybe not, who knows…in a
Neptuned-out country, right
about now, there’s just no telling …
P.S. All this is very traditionally
Neptune as one would with a human natal chart. But nations
human – they
live a lot longer than we do and may get as many Jupiter returns as we
do solar
returns. Nations are as different from us as we are from dogs and cats,
never even see a Saturn return. So does Jupiter really mean the same
thing to
America as it does to an individual living within America? Do nations,
and dying at a different time scale, age and mature at a different rate
ordinary humans? And do planetary cycles that mean one thing to us mean
something similar or entirely different to them, or to beings that live
shorter lives than ourselves? We’ve touched on that briefly
Adolescent America (where you
will find
that the nation has yet to make it to its majority), but more needs to
be done.
Suggestions appreciated…

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