astrological “perfect storm” that stretched probability...
John Townley, August 2013
highly unsettled
astrological weather in the
last couple
of months makes it worth taking a look at how shifting and overlapping
sets of
cycles and their lengths can turn the expected semi-regularity of
everyday life into a whole season of topsy-turvy, unmanaged rhythms
that just
won’t settle down. It’s like, when flipping a coin,
just as you were getting
used to roughly alternative heads and tails, suddenly you get a dozen
heads in
a row. And then a dozen tails. Kind of unsettling, but just according
to the
laws of chance, the expected odds, it’s bound to happen
eventually, and there’s
no way of predicting it. When throwing a pair of dice, you get similar
but a lot more often, as some numbers just come up more frequently by
nature of the number pairs, as any gambler knows. Frequent
are to be expected, to win or
crap out, but roll a lot of Boxcars or Snake-eyes and you’re
on exceptionally
rare and uncertain ground, indeed.
It seems like astrological
factors resemble a toss of the dice, but they don't...you actually know
what's coming next...
the same thing happens when ordinary
combinations turn into the extraordinary…but fortunately,
they're not dice. It’s a lot more
predictable (most of it), but only if you’re keeping an eye
out and not aren’t
lulled into the rhythm of the commonplace. That’s because
astrology isn’t about
odds, but certainties – you know what’s coming,
astronomically at least, as
long as you remember to look. This last spring and early summer saw the
of half-dozen expected phenomena that individually go mostly unnoticed,
together turned things upside-down in ways that took a lot of people
aback, and
caught unwary astrologers flat-footed. So they don’t catch
you that way, here
they are:
Triple Eclipse
Season. Every six months there
are usually two eclipses, one solar and one
lunar, which roil the waters, a sort of silly season where things get
around when you least expect it, especially if one of the eclipses is
on one of
your natal degrees. It’s an expected month of gusty weather,
this time, there were three eclipses (not common, but not rare,
either), so
silly season was extended by another two weeks, making it a larger
swath of
uncertainty for everyone. On top of that, the full Moons of this period
“Supermoons” (closest to the Earth, greatest
gravitational force), adding to
the intensity.

Sun blasted us well after everyone thought the sunspot cyle was waning,
catching all unawares...
Solar Storm Bonanza.
Every eleven or so years the sunspot cycle reaches its peak and
resulting solar
storms erratically blast the earth with plasma that disrupts more than
satellites and radio signals, to the accompaniment of pretty auroras.
It also
makes the populus at large more excitable…all kinds of
nervous malaises plague
the world and it’s been clinically associated with everything
from depression
to suicide. The first to notice the large-scale revolutionary effect
was Alexander Chizhevsky
nearly a century ago, and Arab Spring has
been just one manifestation of this latest solar storm peak. But this
solar cycle peak
was expected to have crested last fall. Surprise, it didn’t,
and repeated
extreme blasts erupting in late spring rocked the boat all around. Just
among our
clientele alone, we were getting emergency phone calls every time those
suddenly – and unexpectedly – flowered way south of
Sky Domination Shift.
We’ve been alerting you to the positive, but sometimes
unbalancing, emergence
of Jupiter
as the dominant planet,
after a long period of Saturn ruling half the sky half the year, the
onset of
which brought us the Great Recession. This new development may be good
news, but it also has
its unsettling
as we have also
pointed out. See the linked
articles for
more, but suffice it to say, the weight of circumstances has been
shifting, again rocking your celestial boat.
The Early
(VOC). Well, everybody expects
things to get a little loose when the Moon goes Void-of-course,
the period
when the Moon has made its last Ptolemaic aspect before changing signs.
It's an
unsettled time, every two and a half days, when it’s bad to
make commitments or
purchases but good to party and create. But usually, that lasts just a
hours, maybe a day at most. But, when all the planets are early in
signs (which
happens rarely, but just did, as the outer planets were already early,
went retro to early Scorpio, and Jupiter just moved into early Cancer),
suddenly the
VOC was lasting two days at a time, so reliable times for decisions
became rare
as hens’ teeth and important decisions were going awry all
over the place. So
if you weren’t hanging back and partying, enjoying
off-the-wall bets at your choice of an mobile casino
for the majority of the last several months, you might have been
making a big mistake...

early and long set of Void-of-Course Moons made things totally
ungrounded, on shifty soil, for days at a time...
Mercury Retrograde.
That’s another really common, expected time of staggering
backward and
rearranging things that happens three times a year. But in this
perfect-storm season, it just added insult to injury throughout most of
helping amplify the rest of the overlapping phenomena. No sooner done,
then undone.
False Security from Big
When you see one of the biggest, seemingly-mellowest grand trines of
the decade
coming along – that would be Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune
with Mars, Moon and other
visitors joining in throughout July – you kind of think that
things will be
stable and wonderful. But a look at the Prince of Cambridge’s
seemingly-fortuitous natal chart
will give you an idea
of how seductively illusory that is. Two major T-squares in that chart
show how much trouble was brewing under the surface, while everyone was
looking at the
blissful grand trine. The result: the month looked much more peaceful
than it turned out, just ask
anyone in Egypt.
all in all, it’s been a very unsettled spring and
summer, mostly thanks to stuff we astrologers normally just take in
stride and often dismiss,
except when it all happens at once. For those who were on top of this
grand surpise,
congratulations. For those who were caught unawares, keep a closer
watch, the
next one could be around the corner…

we hope you welcome the occasional mobile
casino link in this
latest effort (in general we have eschewed all advertising),
as it helps keep us afloat. BTW, so does
ordering our useful and instructive astrological
which are on special 2-for-1 sale, so don’t miss out
– go there
curiosity. Just after this was mailed, a sole subscriber pulled
out because she disapproved of people spending money on gambling. Fair
enough, but this was ironically from a profit-making Down-under
Sun-sign and mystic oracles peddlar who BTW also says she loves vegan
mixed martial arts (MMA, you know, what George Zimmerman was attempting
before he went out and used a gun on Trayvon Martin instead, but vegan?). We suppose in some
people's minds paying for a toss of the runes isn't in the least bit
like rolling dice, Sun-signs is all there is to astrology, and vegan
MMA...well, alas diet can't control everything, or India would have a
more peaceful history than it has...;-). Truth trumps fiction, again...
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