Cardinal grand cross returns like a set of
mines waiting to go off four times (or more) a day, so learn to steer
...Dodging Danger
Down Below...
John Townley, October 2013
attentive sky-watchers, last
summer’s exciting hot-and-cold
mix of grand trine and grand cross, which devolved into a repeating
jackhammer of
hard aspects and events to match, should have been an education. As
above, so
below, indeed. It seemed we went from the joyful birth of a new British
to a climate of conflict, hostility, and national shutdowns in the
blinking of
an eye.
been, and
still is, a crowded sky that’s waiting to fulfill your dreams
trip up your
prospects, depending on your celestial navigation skills right here on
If you make your daily moves as well-aspected planets bear on the
angles, you
slip through to success…but if your decision or action comes
just as a T or
grand cross dominates the moment, you’re doomed to a
tangle that is unpleasant at best, ruinous at worst. The same day can
repeatedly offer both options, if you know when to make your move.
Year Cardinal Grand Cross
now, the relentlessly-hard skies
that marked the last
few months have abated, and everyone can enjoy a breath of relief up to
the end
of the winter holidays. But then it’s back, right on the New
Year’s Day
cardinal grand cross, a repeat of last summer’s head-banger,
thanks to the
ongoing square of Uranus and Pluto, again being filled into a cardinal
or grand cross by the Moon, Sun, inner planets, Jupiter and Mars. Like
grand crosses that goes angular roughly four times a day –
when it does,
from two to all four of its arms are harshly in play at once, depending
on your
location, season, and time of day. When that occurs during a power
lunch or
romantic dinner, the whole event can turn sour, so plan around it.
That’s the
time when arguments arise, fights begin, and tangled and dysfunctional
deals go
down. Not only should you avoid important meetings then, you probably
pick up that phone call (even if it’s expected) or answer the
door (let the
postman deliver, but don’t take possession until the aspect
on, the
essence of purchase-astrology wisdom). You’ve
generally got at least a four-hour
clearance to completely avoid
it, so why not use it, rearrange the day accordingly?

New Year grand
cross evolves
into a T-cross a month later but reforms shortly after
as Mars goes retro
do you know when the perilous
planetary patterns will be
angular? Some software actually has a graph that will tell you (I
requested one
from Matrix years ago, now it’s standard on their Win*Star)
on a
readout. By comparing
graphs a month
apart, you can see how the big patterns migrate an hour earlier each
month, then
you can set apart the critical times around them. If you
have software
for that, we’re going to start publishing a graph on our news
page along with
our regular and VOC Moon ephemerides, monthly chart animations, and
daily transits, so you can always check
back with AstroCocktail.

Graph (above l.)
of when planets are angular shows grand cross turns up alternately with
all four arms angular simultaneously (red) and then with only two at a
time in close order (blue). A month later, the ongoing cross hits the
angles two hours
earlier (r), and continues to sneak backwards a degree a
day, so keep an eye on it! Exact times listed are for New
York, but
they work roughly for any place at mid-latitude. These will be
posted monthly, but use your own software for exact times for
your locality.
interesting about the
coming variations on the
lingering Uranus-Pluto square is that they’re mainly primed
Jupiter now, and
have been since that planet began its current
period of sky domination.
It’s kind of like the celestial
Santa is trying
to push through some improvements and it’s getting a lot of
resistance from
fractious factions all around. Add
action-crippling retrograde Mars this spring, and it’s a hard
to hoe for a
while, a repeat of the same cardinal grand cross that brought so much
seemingly-unnecessary conflict and pain the first time. Fortunately, it
breaks up by the summer…
Put The Good Ones
Out Front
course, this bad pattern
isn’t the only repeating pattern
that might be angular. Last summer,
to Neptune and Saturn early in Pisces and Scorpio, with Cancer Jupiter
just joining
in, every chart (birth, horary, electional, return, you name it) in
July shared
the blessing of a grand water trine. Basically, that (like any grand
trine) had
one (sometimes two) of its participants angular twelve times a day,
lots of good chart opportunities. That big one’s gone, but
lingering trine
of Jupiter and Saturn remains, further along in water. Trouble is, if
you put
the Jupiter part angular, the grand cross is there, and put Saturn
angular –
well, who wants Saturn angular? Still, there are other, shorter benefic
that can be used to advantage while avoiding the problem ones.

Yourself, Rising and
you’re looking for choice
degrees on the Angles to
work with, don’t forget your own chart. The degrees of each
your planets
(and Angles) rises and culminates (or is on the Vertex) once a day.
That time
is when the spotlight is on you, and involving that ineffable something
think of as your extended or perhaps “karmic” (if
prefer) family. Hello – it’s
your life network calling, and important things for you happen then, so
aware of what times that occurs, take notes on (and horaries of) events
then…they’re what really spell out your
in all, it’s easy to do
– just take a few minutes to
walk yourself through the daily sky of the coming week or month and
make notes
on your calendar. Your life will be more organized, and the flow of
events won’t be
peppered with disjointed and
distracting events that put you off-balance in a time when the rest of
world is in disarray, which it consistently will be in the first half
of 2014.
forget to keep an eye on our new regular page with hourly graph that
tells you just when the planets and their attached patterns hit the
angles, so you can latch on for the ride -- or stay out of their way to
avoid collisions! It will be at the Angular
Planets link on the news page...
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every day, keep in touch with our Astrology In The News section...please
take a look! --
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