...Gentle Guidance
Past Planetary Patterns
By John Townley, January 2015
of the main usages of modern astrology has been in
character analysis – whether it’s your simple
Sun-sign characteristics or the
more complicated implications of prominent planets, absent elements, a
cross or trine, and the like. But like the weather, everybody talks
about it,
but nobody does anything about it.
partly because most astrologers assume that whatever
it is, you’re stuck with it from birth, and the best thing
you can do is cope
as best you can, once you’re aware of it. But if what we
proposed in The
Horoscope Trap is really true,
we believe, you’re not
stuck with
all of it (and much of what you are
stuck with isn’t in the horoscope to begin with), and
there’s a lot you can do,
particularly if you start early.
review the concept: much of what’s unavoidable
in your life, from genetics (they’re
pre-conception) to sex and sexual orientation (decided during
pre-birth), even your culture and location, is all in place well before
take your first breath and you even have a natal horoscope. What the
itself marks is your beginning as a separate, independent, recursive
system, the
pattern of which is then continually shaped and reinforced by repeating
transits and progressions, beginning right after birth.

natal chart depicts the rhythm of coming transits and progressions, and
the expectations and habits they create.
that’s the case, then right after birth is when you
should start doing something to handle that horoscope pattern, as the
longer it
continues to accrete reinforcement unabated, the harder its habits
acquired through
and progressions alone will be to address and if necessary
redirect. It’s kind of like character molding, except the
basic mold is already
there, but the result is not (and never really is) completely set, so
inner soul/artist always has a say in how the final work comes out. And
you’re in no
condition as a baby to consciously do that, it means it’s up
to your parents to
get wise to the situation and get in there and take a knowing, helping
parents, go look at your kids’ horoscopes. There you
will see the initial map that outlines the recurring patterns of
transits and
progressions which after a few repetitions will become their
expectations and what is mistaken for character by others and by
That can be for good or ill, depending upon the natal chart. In an
evenly-spread splash horoscope with easy aspects, where a difficult
transit is
usually followed by a good one to make up for it, you have a relaxed
confident child and, eventually, adult. In charts that experience
clusters of
bad transits or transits to difficult planets in difficult aspect,
you’ll find
children (and then adults) that hit the deck at the first sign of
because they rightly expect more to come. Kids born with clusters of
planets and Saturn or Mars are a prime example, which actually fall
discrete, observable sets, such as those
in the years when bundle charts predominated. There are regular rhythms
to be
found here, across generations, but your best bet is to just look at
specifics of the individual chart.

well-begun horoscope may be half done, but a little guidance
along the way can make for an unexpectedly fine finish...
in the days of high infant and child
mortaility,astrologers traditionally had dire predictions for those
with Saturn
(for instance) close to the Sun, because such a child will experience
the transit of Saturn to natal Sun or progressed Sun to natal Saturn
early in life with
possibly debilitating
results. Even past early perils, whenever the natal Sun gets transited
anything, Saturn gets a tweak as well, meaning that even good,
reinforcing news
(Sun) is mixed with restrictions (Saturn) more or less permanently.
children are very serious about life, because they’re used to
it being serious
about them, where no good deed goes unpunished (to quote Oscar Wilde,
with Saturn at the MC and square Asc, so even good publicity could mean
fame, even physical confinement).
if your kids have chart trouble, what to do? You can’t
stop the repeating transits, but you can be specifically supportive
when they
happen, so keep your eye out for when the difficult planets and aspects
being tweaked – by the Moon each month, by the Sun each year,
by middle and
outer planets as they bear, by the progressed Moon and planets as they
along. Start early, as your efforts will be helpful and appreciated
even before
language begins. A
little comfort goes a long way, and it’s cumulative.

ruts in an ancient Roman road or a scenic country lane, transits dig
life-long furrows that can use help to step away from...
remember, you’re not preventing
anything – your
children’s transits will still wear down traffic marks like
the ruts of an old
Roman road (the same as yours have done to you), but a little helping
especially when a turn in (or off of) the road is necessary will be
appreciated. And, your noticing and easing their wear points makes your
kids better aware
of them,
too, as it’s ultimately their problem and responsibility to cope
with them
later on. The earlier they know what they’re dealing with,
the easier it will
be to handle as time goes on. To quote Italian poet Cesare Pavese, "Living is like working out a
long addition sum, and if you make a mistake in the first two totals
you will never find the right answer."
of this should just come naturally to a parent, one
supposes, without running your children's life by astrology. But
let’s face it, it’s
not that easy, which is why there is such a huge market for
advice, from the Boomers’ Benjamin Spock to the
Millennials’ Tiger Mom. When
you’re trying to keep things steady down here below,
it’s a big help to look up
above to some of the rhythms that are shaping your children, then do
the best
to help them see themselves inside and beyond that ever-accreting natal
the most that can be asked of any parent, and the greatest gift for any

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