Jupiter In
Jupiter makes its
yearly sign change -- into Sagittarius this November 23rd --
you’re likely to
hear lots of upbeat astrological predictions about its effect for
reasons. First, it’s the ultimate upbeat planet, so its
quality transfers from one sign to another and everyone feels the
buoyant shift. Second, it’s moving into its own sign,
Sagittarius, which by rights should bring out the best in the celestial
Theoretically, it
should be a
year of leaps forward, finally getting into natural gear, Jupiter
coming into its own. The question is: will it? And the answer may lie
whether that’s what happened before.
So when
was Jupiter in
Sagittarius during, say, the last
century? Let’s step back:
1912, 1924,
1935-36, 1947-48, 1959-60, 1971, 1983,
A brief
glance at just
those dates alone does seem to show
leaps forward with the world changing accordingly, but not really until
the following year, when Jupiter reaches Capricorn. In fact, they tend
more to be
roiling pause points before things finally complete changes in process.
not so illogical. You would expect anything passing through a mutable
sign to
have the effect of, well, mutability. The whole meaning of that is not
itself, but the shift toward it – not ultimate developments,
but penultimate
ones. So, it may not be surprising that Jupiter in Sagittarius has
often marked
a final pause, a year of hanging on the edge before pitching forward
into a new
dispensation, a hesitation before the final lunge into the next step
good or bad, which comes when Jupiter subsequently goes cardinal.
almost a feeling of helplessness, like you can see it coming but
can’t really
do much to stop it.
this there
also is another theme which is
very typical of Jupiter and Sagittarius, and that’s
bluster. It’s a
time when history is on the march but hasn’t quite reached
objectives so
there are a lot of declarations of independence and intent before those
intentions turn into final moves.
1912, for
instance, during
the Balkan wars that fueled
the spiral into World War I, watched everyone declare independence from
everyone else, with surges of battle raging around the issues, borders,
1936 saw
another period of
declarations of rulership
over China (by Japan) and Europe (by Germany, Italy, and Spain),
followed by
full-scale invasions later.
1947-48 saw
declarations of
nationhood from Israel, India,
and Communist China, with full-scale wars following closely behind.
1960 was
the year of
independence for the larger
portion of African colonial states, followed by internecine strife.
1971 was
the beginning of
the end in the Vietnamese and
Cambodian conflicts, leading to genocide and a new political order.
1983 began
the current state
of terror politics in the
Middle East and the beginning of perestroika, declarations leading
again to new
borders and new tactics in the following stages.
every transit has
been earth-shaking, but there seems
to be a common thread – one in which the truth as some
lot sees it is loudly
declared and subsequently acted upon.
course, much depends
on the general aspects surrounding
the transit. The hardest have been where Saturn and the outer planets
harshly tied to the transit. That was especially the case in 1936
square the opposition of Saturn and Neptune, just as we are
experiencing now)
and 1947 (the opposition to Uranus, with the Saturn/Pluto conjunction
background trine). Easier times like 1900 (Boxer Rebellion, Boer War),
(remarkably quiet, critical events in facism and racism brewing) and
1995 (also
deceptively quiet, but with big political shifts in the wind) saw much
declaration but not as all-consuming immediate results.
Berlin Olympics saw Jupiter in lengthy T-cross with Saturn opp. Neptune
(left). 2007 again sees Saturn opp. Neptune, but Jupiter this time
afflicted by Uranus (right, at Mars-Uranus conjunction).
does it all mean
for Jupiter in Sagittarius this time
around? Jupiter kicks in with a conjunction with Mars and then moves up
to hang
into a lingering square with Uranus including the often-prophetic
conjunction April 29th.
(See the June editorial in our 2005 archive
for more on that).
It finishes the year on a conjunction with
Pluto December 10th
just before both turn the Capricorn
corner in
opposition to retrograde Mars. A spring trine with Saturn and a
sextile with Neptune is the best it gets from the slower planets and
with the
inner planets it is the standard mix, the most favorable of which may
be a wide
fire trine with Mars and Saturn in June. Its most notable function may
be as
the leading point of the scythe blade
of the mid-winter
skies, with Mars and
Pluto close behind.
So, it
looks like
another big, restless dose of
out-of-control declarations that leave us all wondering what, if
anything, is
to be done about what is just about to happen if everybody actually
does what they
say they’re going to. It’s hard upon a period of
huge institutional and
political deceptions both internationally and domestically (our current
fixed Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune T-cross), similar to the 1936 visit when
Axis propaganda
declarations obfuscated what was obvious to many: a world about to come
at the seams. While the athletes peacefully competed in Berlin, the
machines of
war were already in motion around the world, and the “good
guys” were paralyzed
by propaganda, confounded by confusion and indecision.
anything good to say about the comparison, it
is that the current T-square will have just finished and not remain in
operation as it was in 1936, although the Saturn-Neptune opposition
part still remains until
well into summer. What Pluto will portend with its subsequent change of
with Jupiter is another story, the telling beginning of the “final
days” of
in opposition to just about everything. That will not
be good for
business as usual or historical authority…
most astrology tends to be individual-centered,
we have said almost nothing to suggest what this might mean to you or
personally, and we will leave that to others. Spiritual realizations,
growth, new projects and directions will all happen in
world as
Jupiter passes through its own sign again, but it will likely be tied
directly to what is going on in the rest of the world at large. Reality
often trumps possibility, and this will be a year in which we watch
just that
playing itself out on a field we will not have much control over.
Scurrying for
a safe seat as the weather closes in will become the first thing on
mind, so get good at it. Not all will suffer, but everyone
will be
ultimately affected by this
penultimate year,
inside as well as out.
Expect the external to instruct the
internal as rising winds clear the fog and the spectacle begins to
involve the
audience. Personally, we’re looking for some tickets for the
-- John and Susan Townley
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