"Adoration Of The
Shepherds" by Antonio
Allegri Correggio (1489-1534)
To the manor born, or
borne from the manger
-- the stars are profoundly smiling on them all.
strange and wonderful
phenomenon is happening in the
spring and summer skies this year that may have a profoundly uplifting
on everything we do now, especially affecting the set of children
born during
this time. As we mentioned earlier in The Trines Of Spring
#1), the
middle of March began a long succession of grand trines, one following
and many overlapping along the way stretching all the way into August.
obviously good, right on the surface – it means there are
lots of
available when anything you launch into has a good chart.
It’s an
astrologer’s paradise. Pick any time, and it’s
likely to
come up positive.
a deeper
and more integrated aspect to it,
however. Not only will any chart you pick have a grand trine in it,
that chart
will then be transited by a series of subsequent grand trines and, much
gradually, will itself progress into and through those very same sets
trines. So, you have fortune compounding fortune compounding fortune.
It means
that children born now will not only have good charts and a smiling
summer awaiting
them, they will have entire lifetimes of wonderful progressions with
many open
pathways and few roadblocks. And since the degrees of the changing
distinctively overlap, they will likely have a lot more contact with
other, wherever they may have started, simply by the shepherding effect
transits and progressions have on people with shared degree areas. Born
only a
few months apart, their spreading progression-overlaps will bring them
over increasingly longer periods of time – during which they
become reflections of each other over the years, as earlier sets of
charts’ progressions morph into the natal charts of those
only days or
weeks later. That’s the fractal-like effect of equating a day
a year in
secondary progressions.
Let us
take a famous
example, the recently-arrived Barron
William Trump, born March 20,
2006, 5:00 AM, New York, NY. Among
number of
distinctions, his chart contains a out-of-sign grand fire trine of
(Sagittarius), Sun (almost in Aries), and Saturn (Leo). It was the
third of the
many grand trines of the season, the first being March 8-9, the second
March 15-16. The next big (and long-lasting) grand trine
happen until
April 4, a nice week-long transit for this child, but it
turn up in his
progressions until he’s age 15, when he predictably will
out in a major
fashion until he’s 22, out of college and ready to make his
And although
he’s very high profile with a rich father, there are many
thousands of others in other circumstances,
born the same day, who will move along that same path over the next two
It’s a wave phenomenon, and teachers everywhere will watch
wonder as this
class ripples up the grades through school.
L: Barron Trump, 3/20/06,
5 AM, New York,
features grand trine. R: previous grand trine 3/16/06 3 PM in Europe,
he’s not the
first. There was a major set ahead of him, four days earlier, who had a
grand air trine of Moon (Libra), Venus/Neptune
(Aquarius), and
Mars (Gemini). Barron’s grand fire trine transited
over these four-day-old
newborns perhaps
unnoticed, but
by age four their progressed charts
will look
just like his natal chart, compounding their already talented charm and
communication skills with sudden fiery inspiration, the type of
that brings child prodigies out of the woodwork. While Barron is still
good but predictable progress in preschool, this bunch will already
be undergoing
profound change and racing ahead to develop a new set of advances. They
will be
especially precocious, and they may need the extra time to progress
into the
grand water trine of April 4, for which they’ll be four years
older than
Barron, who will have experienced this one ahead of them.
And so
it goes, back and
forth, with over two dozen sets of grand
trines all clustered together in a season of fortunate births and then
out over a
century of growth and creativity. How they interlink depends not just
upon the
day of each set of births, but the exact time and places they are
each short set. The subset of the March 16 births born on a path
from Scandanavia through Eastern Europe and down into Turkey and parts
of the
Middle East at around 3 PM with late Leo rising feature a unique
connection to
the Trump chart as they progress toward his natal. At just 3 years
10 months
his exact natal planetary positions become their progressed ones, but
with a
bonus – they have a grand water trine added to Trump's grand
fire trine,
giving them
an even bigger boost. Natal air and progressed fire and water grand
trines, all at age
Gifted and talented is hardly the word.
L: 3/16 birth set
progressed to age 3 yrs.,
mos. R: Trump natal chart shifted to 3/16 set's
Double grand trines.
that works
backwards, too. If you relocate Trump’s
natal chart to anywhere along the line of that cross-European March 16
you find that kids born there at Barron’s birth instant have
fire and water
grand trines, too!
like journalist
Thomas Friedman keeps remarking, the
world is an increasingly flat playing field, and we may find that the
creative geniuses of the next generation could equally be produced by
cultures and economies, especially depending on astrologically-favored
localities – and depending on when and where the different
cultural sets
get to meet each
other, driven by their similar degree positions. Whether
to the manor
born or borne from the manger, the real story may be told by the stars
hang over your cradle and the wise teachers who find you and nurture
explosive talent we see springing to life in this brief period.
also a lesson
in how one set of growth always follows
and integrates with another, as these kind of clusters are not the
they’re the norm and run in waves both favorable and
The short-term
advice is take advantage of the next six months and let these fractal,
compounding waves of fortune work for your own projects right now. The
long-term advice is: what you’re starting now is going to be
exact sync with
what these kids are growing into. Keep a close eye on them and hire
them young
when you can still afford them, because whether from the manor or the
manger, they
are going to
inherit your
earth –
you can bet on it.
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-- John
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