may be that where aspects and orbs are concerned, the meek may inherit
the sky.
Taming Power
Of The Small
astrologers are
familiar with the traditional
Ptolomaic aspects (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition) and
the more recently-used semi-sextile and quincunx. These
are all based on dividing the circle into multiples of two
and three, to a total of twelve. Multiples of two are hard aspects,
of three, easy ones.
They are probably
the most popular because they are the easiest to spot using the common
degree per sign labeling system. But there are also aspects which come
dividing the circle into 5ths, 7ths, 9ths, 11ths, and 13ths, often
“harmonic” aspects because of John
pioneering work on harmonic charts during the
1970’s which brought
these aspects into greater usage. Exactly
what they mean and how important they are is
still a matter to
be decided even among those who use them regularly, so here is a
approach, based on the theory and structure of the number combinations
involved, and sustained by observation in practice (anecdotal evidence,
as some
might call experience).
The 5th
part of the circle (quintile): 72°, 144°.
This is
an aspect with
some age and tradition behind it,
having been used for quite a while. It
is generally associated with natural “talent,”
though of
what kind is not always
made clear.
In fact, it has
to do with
the ability to spot and untilize proportion in either time or space or
Frequent in the
charts of
musicians, artists, architects, orators, and others who depend on a
good sense
of timing or proportion for success. This
can be for good or ill, as for instance the
chart of Hitler is
riddled with 5ths and their halves, 10ths -- certainly he was the most
and compelling orator of the 20th century, and the timing of his
decisions was
impeccable, despite the way he used it. This
quality is likely derived from mathematical
applications of the
number five itself, from which the Golden
is derived.
formula is:
[√5-1]/2, or 0.6180359...or, magically, φ
[1+√5]/2, or 1.6180359...
and it
is the universal
proportion of growth within the
biological kingdom.
of your elbow to your overall arm, your naval to your whole frame,
seashell and
pinecone spiral length and count from level to level, leaf positioning
vines, and so on.
It is much used
all forms of art in architecture, since those are at least in part
of life.
The 7th
part of the circle (septile): 51°26’,
aspect is not so
much in use, though it has had some
It appears to
represent a
kind of large-scale, universal outlook on the applications of the
planets so
It is an ability
(indeed, an
insistence), to see the Big Picture instead of getting hung up in the
or in only one part of the story. This
has a lot of mythological background, as in most Western and much
scripture and secular beliefs, the number seven is associated with
the seven days of creation (and thus, the days of the week), the seven
seven archangels, seven pillars of wisdom, seven colors of the rainbow,
visible planets, seven chakras, seven deadly sins, etc. Even the
maximum number
of ideas that can be simultaneously held
in the brain.
does indeed seem
to lend a broad scope of vision in the planetary areas involved in any
The 9th
part of the circle (nonile): 40°, 80°, 160° (120°
coincides with
trine). This aspect is fundamental in Hindu astrology, but peripheral
in the
It is, in my
experience, the
ultimate “nice person” aspect, of which the
bleeding heart
liberal must be entirely constructed. It
indicates sympathy, generosity, humanitarianism,
and general good
will, although it is does not always translate this into assertive
You want friends? Get
some of these...
part of the circle: 32°44’, 65°27’,
98°11’, 130°55’,
163°38’. This
is a really rough aspect, and wholly
unused among traditional astrologers. There
is a lot of Biblical symbolism concerning the
number 11 itself,
and all of it is has to do with insufficiency, frustration, and
incompletion, a
situation that just falls short of the more whole and complete number
It also seems to
be a somewhat
number, as it expresses dissatisfaction with the status quo and fuels a
need to
overthrow it.
Oddly, in
numerology it
is called the number of the World Savior, but that may also have
overtones of
Remember what
Christ did to
the money-changers and you may get a hint. Also
His statement, “Think not that I came to
send peace on earth:
I came not to
peace but a sword.
For I am come to
set a
man at variance with
his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the
against her mother-in-law.” (Matthew 10:34-35).
stuff – that’s OK if
you’re the Son of God, but hard
to handle as a mere mortal.
Ayatollah Khomeini’s chart was loaded with it...
part of the circle: 27°42’. 55°23’,
83°05’, 110°46’,
This is
one step beyond
the natural twelve, and folks with
a lot of this tend to be one step beyond, indeed. It
is an aspect of the eccentric, the adventurer, the person who
decides to travel the road less taken or forge out into the woods when
the road
Sexually, it can
be rather kinky
(until, of course, kinks become mainstream, and thus boring), and it
may lead
to great adventure or simply to a useless backwater or cul-de-sac. Some
paths are less-traveled for good
reason...but there is always interest and amusement here, if nothing
though those traveling in pastures beyond the pale should take
cautions concerning both the perils of the unknown and those who
don’t feel
comfortable with the unusual.
these are the
main extra fractions of the circle
I use for aspects, it would seem logical to use more, for structural
Although many of
the higher,
finer aspects are mutual multiples of larger ones (deciles, for
instance, being
half of quintiles), there are still some prime numbers to be reckoned
such as 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, and so on. I
have found 17 and 19 to be sort of “upper
octaves” of 11 and 13, or at
least similar in some ways.
For the
rest, seek out Addey’s work for clues.
Orbs. The
question of orbs for these aspects arises, part of an enduring subject
debate about all aspects among all astrologers, which opens another
problem, but one which is actually easily solved. If,
for instance, we use all fractions of the circle up to the
36th (ten degrees), and we make the orb for any two adjacent aspects
proportional to their denominators, we come up with virtually the
normal set of
orbs for the traditional aspects most astrologers use -- a little under
ten degrees max for an important conjunction, , five or six degrees for
an opposition, three or four degrees for
a trine or square.
But, using the
formula, some of the
finer aspects get wider orbs than usually in use. A
quintile gets 2°, more than a quincunx is entitled to (about
3/4°), a
septile gets a full
1 1/4°,
and so on.
Even the unknown
11th is
entitled to more space than a semi-sextile or quincunx.
would appear that perhaps these somewhat
aspects are more important than they have been given credit for, as we
make the
attempt to base our practical usage of astrology on a more
mathematically consistent substrate.
table above lists
all the fractions of the
circle (2-36), with orb limits assigned according to the size of their
denominators (inversely, the smaller the fraction, the smaller the
space it
takes up compared with its neighbor), and it’s interesting to
the patterns
they form around the major aspects. Even though we only go up to
the 36th
harmonic here, it’s clear that around the conjunction,
opposition, square, and
trine there is a space of infinitely reducing fractional aspects until
perfect aspect is formed, almost a gravitational or mathematical swath
around the
aspects, according to their size. The little entries really do bow down
to the
big ones, so it’s no wonder we favor the traditional aspects.
perhaps we should pay more attention to the real relative mathematics
of nature and take a closer look at what we have chosen to ignore
through the visual inconvenience of our common 1-30°
of chart layout.
Indeed, that image and model may have more to be said
for it, as these same major divisions of the circle in any
planet’s orbit
describe its Lagrange
the attractively stable areas where other, smaller
objects tend
to cluster and be ushered along, like many of the
asteroids with
Jupiter, many of the Centaurs with Neptune. Perhaps the very nature of
itself is gravitational, as we are inclined to believe. The bigger the
and the longer the time it’s been there, the more perfectly
aligned everything
else becomes to it, part of the phenomenon of entrainment. How far that
down the decreasing scale of existence, right to our own actions here
on earth,
is one of the most important astrological questions to be addressed.
--- John Townley
points: Gravitationally,
aspects based on
three are stable, others that
where astrology gets it
from?... to play with where these points occur throughout the solar
system, plus more nice illustrations, and simple math, go
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