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News and Editorial Archive
or, go to the entire Archive IndexHere's where we keep our old news and editorials after it starts taking up too much room on the main news page. Just in case there was something you forgot, or if we did (or didn't) get an editorial prediction or comment right...monthly forecasts/editorials listed first, or click here for old news stories:December editorial: ![]() ![]() December: Jupiter is in the drivers’s seat on an accelerating sleigh ride with greased skids across the sky. December hails Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius as King, and with only Uranus retrograde after Mercury turns direct, there is nothing but grease on the skids of Santa’s sleigh, regardless of the condition of the driver. Mars conjunct Neptune throws a little slipperiness into the now-waxing roller coaster ride, as Earth moves off into its own part of the sky again, and naysayers will be ignored right up until they’re proved right, when the horse is already out of the barn. But right now that near future seems as distant as the Milky Way, and the mood is all-systems-go and get it while you can, because, well, you never know… If there are warning signs, it is in the coming eclipse season next month which begins with a solar eclipse beseiged by Saturn and Pluto opposite America’s Sun, a bookend event to last year’s Great American Eclipse opposite the country’s Moon, to be followed by next July’s eclipse on its Sun. And although Jupiter will by New Year be on America's Ascendant, this has more often than not indicated an imminent recession or crash just under the radar. What may come is still unknown, but the dynamics are a back-and-forth push-pull that accelerates events and their size and extremity beyond the normal safety limits of absorption. Since there is likely to be no ounce of prevention now, with Jupiter’s floodgates wide open, the pound of cure will have to come when Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter all catch up (and bunch up) in Capricorn a year from now. Right now, it’s stretch it out,
and stretch it some more,
with a heady slingshot effect as one height leads to another. Once the
parts, then we’ll know where we’re headed…entirely
in retrospect…but for the
moment, as on the Titanic, party on!... November editorial: ![]() ![]() November: Jupiter change edgy with Uranus, Mercury retro, mean wild/extreme situations abound... In November Jupiter explodes into Sagittarius, bursting out of its Scorpio lockbox and generally kicking out the jams in a rolling quincunx to Uranus all month. Hold on to your hats as wild and crazy ideas will be forced to the fore to the delight of some, consternation of others. The retrograde dance still lingers with Venus finishing up just as Mercury starts to go backwards, so figuring out what you want and how to organize it are the signatures for the month, exacerbated by the roller coaster picking up speed as winter approaches. Extreme ideas and solutions will rise to the fore and the ones that derail the more moderate possibilities will have the run of the racetrack into and through the coming winter. Earth is back out on its own away from the moderating influences of the middle and outer planets, so lots of crazy local ideas will seem to float which are likely to be more about ignoring consequences and not know the meaning of hubris. Of course, it will all come a-cropper next summer in another multi-retro tangle (the pattern for the next seven years) so maybe some folks will start to catch on and plan ahead enough to use – and not be used by – the repeating slingshot effect from summer to winter and back. October editorial: ![]() ![]() October: sails are set, ploughing ahead, but still some retro rigging adjustments required before full speed...
October looses the rigging and shakes out the sails, and it may feel like it's finally the end of the summer's tangled journey. Certainly the massive retrograde storm is past, but Venus, which was solid when everything else wasn't, now goes retro, one last puff of confusion as the winds change direction. Goals, desires, attractions all get resorted now that it's possible to actually decide which treasure chest to hunt for. That's further complicated (and compelled) by Jupiter finishing with Scorpio and about to dive into Sagittarius, a whole new set of ambitions and possibilities...from all cards hidden under the table to a spread on top that everyone can see and strive for. Don't get caught up in the old style when the new one is just about to break. After that, it's an increasingly fast pace that accelerates through the fall and peaks in midwinter, similar to last year, as the second go-round on the roller coaster begins. Deal and play, but don't tally up your total until you know the currency that's actually in the pot (Dollars? Euros? Bitcoins?) -- there'll be time enough for counting when the dealing's done... September editiorial:
September: retro planets turn direct and locomotive sky takes over -- Jupiter moves, start your engines! ... September is a locomotive – literally, locomotive-pattern skies predominate and the mulitplicity of retro planets begin to go direct again, bringing on a more “normal” pattern of expectations. It’s the approaching middle of this year’s roller-coaster ride, from dead-halt to all-systems-go which will again crank up for two months of madness in January and February. It’s going to happen every year this way for another eight years so get used to it. The good news is Jupiter is finally unleashed to race through the rest of Scopio and into Sagittarius in barely more than a month. That, plus Mars picking up where it left off to provide the recently-missed energy level, will make opportunity and ambition all the rage, so get in on what you can while the race is on. Saturn continues to sit on the first decanate of Capricorn, but it will be the last pass, over by New Year, so that’s relief for anyone with planets there…middle decanate next, then Pluto as the world-shaking Jupiter-Saturn conjunction vortex arrives in late 2020. The lesson for the fall, gather fruits as you may, but don’t get sucked into the winter’s overreach…make your play, rake in your pot, then pull out of the game before the seemingly-hot cards turn south… August editorial: ![]() ![]() August: six planets retro, solar eclipse, like a phantom wood, lost in the trees, searching for a clearing ... August means maximum retrogrades, with a total of six planets in apparent reverse motion, gradually diminishing to only three by month’s end. Altogether that includes Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. It’s not that they’re actually headed the other way, just that we’re so close to them on the same side of the solar system that they seem to move backwards as we race by. And it’s that closeness that means we have to reconsider each one and what it means, reset our expectations and intentions regarding their part in life. It’s the opposite of last winter when nothing was retro, and we proceeded on as if we were the only thing happening in the universe. Then it was clear sailing, now it’s like we’re threading our way through a dark forest full of phantoms which we can’t see because the trees are in our way. So now it’s time to clear our heads, take stock, and restructure what we’re doing so the coming seasons’ efforts will be a little more in line with reality. Added to all this is the surprise and shock factor of the third of this last brace of eclipses, so if you feel the rug is pulled out from under you, you’re in good company. Get up, brush yourself off, and thread your way to the nearest clearing, where the woods thin out and you can again see the road ahead and where it may lead, which will become more evident as fall gets underway. July editorial: ![]() ![]() July: crowded sky in line with our orbit, combined with two eclipses, can mean delays, collisions, craziness ... July is topsy-turvy as that empty road we were driving on last winter has become a crowded racecourse with potential collisions at every turn. That’s because Earth is no longer an outlier on the opposite side of the Sun from the rest of the planets, but right in the middle of the bowl-like cluster of planets stretching from Mars all the way out to Pluto. As we pass by each planet, it goes retrograde, bringing us at from four to six retrograde planets all summer long, a constant set of surprises, revisions, and event collisions no one was thinking about six months ago. This is the scary part of the roller coaster ride we’ve been warning you about. To make it even crazier, it’s also eclipse season again, with a grazing partial solar eclipse in Cancer followed by the longest “blood Moon” lunar eclipse of the century (103 minutes) in Aquarius. And another solar eclipse to come next month. Eclipses always make for sudden surprises and reverses, so be ready to turn on a dime when the change demands it. Yet, it may seem like nothing gets done, for all of the upsets, mainly because Mars’s two-month retrograde makes reliable speed impossible and generally causes retreat from ground gained before. So if getting business accomplished is your aim, it could be a frustrating month (and August likewise) where you have to be on your toes just to stay in place. But it’s a great time for a vacation, as long as you’re willing to embrace and enjoy whatever surprises come your way. June editorial:
June turns a locomotive spring into a splash of summer flowers, as Sun, Moon, and inner planets fill in the empty gap that’s been a half-open sky since winter. Like May, it’s a chance to get things going in multiple directions, but with less of the relentless pressure of the previous month. It’s kind of like a brief, bountiful harvest in an orchard where you don’t know what to pick first. But it’s also like a harvest in its limited time-frame, before ripe, juicy fruits turn soft and it becomes too late to fill your baskets and get them to market in time before delay turns to decay. This is the last transition month before the final onset of a gaggle of planets turning retrograde and the subjects they rule start to insistently make demands on life all around. As Earth catapults itself into the middle of the multi-planet bowl of everything from Mars outward to Pluto, assumptions made and lessons not learned in our lonely winter flight will take center stage and just staying upright on deck will be enough to keep everyone occupied bobbing and weaving. Three eclipses are headed our way in July and August, involving retrograde Pluto and Mars, so there will be delays and tripwires to negotiate everywhere you step. Soon there will be no more time for digging into the cornucopia of treats and snacks on offer this month, so get going and fill up, enjoy, and don’t forget to set some aside for later. May editorial: ![]() ![]() May: trines abound as locomotive skies charge ahead: time to get on the train or get off the track... May moves like a locomotive, sporting a literal “locomotive” type chart led by Jupiter most of the month, with only a brief spell of “splash” pattern come third week. That means ambition rules and attempts to shape everything anew are the order of the day. And as Mercury romps through three signs and fifty degrees from Aries to Gemini, it will be hard to keep up with the speed of developments. Adding to the pattern of change, Uranus changes sign (happens only once in seven years) moving into Taurus, so its fast laser-like effects in Aries will become more compressed and broadened out, the difference between a sniper’s shot and a more general IED blast in its always-percussive style. Finally, Jupiter retreats into a lingering trine with Neptune, providing multiple grand trines to Moon midmonth and twice daily with the angles. Add Saturn doing the same thing with first Sun, then Mercury, providing a second set, and you get a taste of what the summer will be like when Saturn backs off to a Uranus trine, causing two grand trines to populate the sky more or less constantly. Now may be the best time to take advantage, however, as by summer over half the sky will be retrograde and stable focus will be harder to come by. All in all, if you can jump onto (or off of, if you prefer) a moving train, now’s the time to do it, as it’s definitely going places, with or without you aboard... April editorial: ![]() ![]() April: the winter's relentless skyride pauses, opens up room for spring opportunities and refreshments... April is again the cruelest month, as spring (above the equator) finally tangibly arrives in the midst of a fighting and frustrated end of the previous season’s no-retro, no-prisoners approach with Mars conjoining both Saturn and Pluto, by month's end. Mistakes have been made, and the temptation to deny it or just adjust to it, despite Mercury retrograde, is still strong. Nevertheless, after tight bowl skies during the first half of the month, everything opens up later as the Moon fills in the empty space and broader prospects start to become refreshingly available. This is the time to jump on new prospects that don’t smack of extremes and will more likely endure, before the summer season of colossal retrogrades, regrets, and necessary previously-avoided engagements and retreats sets in. We are in the midst of a celestial roller-coaster ride, and this moment is the pause to adjust your seatbelt, redistribute your weight, and make the best of the restored gravitational normality before the rising g-forces start to make movement more difficult and it’s again time to hunker down and hold on to the railing. Walk out and enjoy, refresh, restore... March editorial: ![]() ![]() March: bowl sky, no air, the relentless ride continues, but in muted, electric tones of evening...
March comes in like a lion, after the hapless lambs of February are already history, the opposite of the usual conventional wisdom. Fundamentally bowl skies (excepting the Moon) continue to favor those who can go it alone, and the Mars-Saturn conjunction makes for deed that endure, after much indecision and confusion, forced by events. The lengthy no-retrograde period finally ends as Jupiter turns back, but the results of the recent thoughtless, non-stop, period will still be long in the resolution. Much has been done that cannot be undone, and making up will be hard to do when the ring finger is in debate or retraction after foolish moves become evident in retrospect. The summer will tell the tale of fixing what just recently went wrong, so be advised accordingly, prepare to redeploy. The month is about swing-shift necessities, making up for hasty moves, excuses, and eventually resulting in retractions and admissions. It’s a trend for the next couple of years, so get used to this back-and-forth roller coaster. Sad news: Susan Townley, my wife and partner for 21 years and inspired inventor of our site name "AstroCocktail" passed away February 13, at 8:08 AM here at our home in Sea Cliff. She was 70, last July. I shall so miss her, as will all those who knew her, learned from her readings, and felt her loving attention, care, and concern, personally, professionally, and spiritually... Rest well, Susan, in your new home, among the stars... -- John Townley February editorial: ![]() ![]() February: all planets direct, no earth at the end: a roller coaster ride speeding through space, no brakes... February is another wild
with the roller-coaster feeling of Earth alone outside and far away
from the
bowl of the rest of the solar system. There are no planets retrograde, so
correction is unwilling or unlikely — and, during the last nine
days of the
month, after everything leaves Aquarius, there are no air planets, and thus not
even a way to talk things through. It’s blinders-on,
uphill-and-down speeding without a seatbelt. To
quote Kipling: “Down to Gihenna and up to
the Throne, he travels the
fastest who travels alone”. The planetary
order (and therefore
repeating order of events, daily and across the month) is worth
a look: first Jupiter (oh boy, big deal,
no problem) followed by Mars (action, make it happen) followed by
Saturn and
Pluto (disaster, dead in the water), some illusory recovery (Sun,
Mercury with Neptune) eventually ended by wrap-up Uranus (blow-up). This is the first such big swing of several more to come over the next few years, approaching and including the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction maelstrom on its way. Half the year we are speeding on alone, the other half thrown into the thick of all the planets and forced to renegotiate what we overlooked, make up for mistakes made in haste. It happens every time the planets bunch up together, usually bringing tumult and change, sometimes for the better, but rarely easily. That all this is happening on the international stage is obvious, but remember: it’s also happening at the personal level, and even inside you. It is the planetary picture of self-involvement and its inevitable, forced rewards and punishments. Make sure you are ready to deal with it locally, even if you can’t do it globally. The arrogance of me-first isolation – politically, socially, personally – is the present peril, as sooner or later (likely sooner), you’re going to need a friend... Sad mid-month news: Susan Townley, my wife and partner for 21 years and inspired inventor of our site name "AstroCocktail" passed away February 13, at 8:08 AM here at our home in Sea Cliff. She was 70, last July. I shall so miss her, as will all those who knew her, learned from her readings, and felt her loving attention, care, and concern, personally, professionally, and spiritually... Rest well, Susan, in your new home, among the stars... -- John Townley oller coaster ride speeding through space, no brakes...January editorial: ![]() ![]() January: all planets direct, Mars w/Jupiter, Saturn in Capricorn: hard to keep ahead of celestial bombardment... January is a rare mix of cold and restrictive, blended with hot and explosive – and it’s a trend, so start getting familiar with the combination. Now that Saturn and Pluto are both in chilly Capricorn for the next couple of years, when the freeze is on, it’s solid, a full stop. But with burgeoning Jupiter and short-fused Mars hanging out together in smoldering Scorpio this month, what looks like a fading ember in the snow could suddenly turn into a blast out of nowhere. If you’re lucky, that’s just what you’ll need to blow your way out of a jam. But wait, there’s more. January marks the first of almost three months of full-throttle planetary motion, nothing retrograde, not even Mercury. It’s like you’re on the express train with no option to get off at any of those usual local stops. That makes things a little crazier than usual, but when you’re actually underway (and not in one of those Saturn-Pluto breakdowns) you’re making time, big time, even overshooting your expectations. The challenge is to be ready for both possibilities...a serious and non-negotiable slowdown or a roaring rocket ride like running away from an artillery barrage. This fusillade is coming from above, like raining meteors from space, so get ready to dig in or run to dodge the impacts here on the ground below.
Forty Days and Forty Nights (Bustle) – That’s how long Venus is retrograde, every time. Any connections with all the other “forties” in religion and myth? Maybe... Redefining Planets (Smithsonian) – So maybe Pluto’s a planet after all, maybe even the Moon, and a hundred more locals...does just saying it really make it so?... New Moon Ritual (WellAndGood) – Well, it’s all the rage, try it yourself, focus for the coming month... If the Moon Were Destroyed (Forbes) – Unlikely, but it wouldn’t be good...this seems to be a meme, for some reason... Planet Moon (Phys.org) – Is our Moon really another planet? Astrologers used to be the only ones to treat it that way, as scientists laughed, but now... Alternate Universe? (CNBC) – With Trump in it? No, say astrophysicists, it’s the real thing...perhaps just another cycle of oppression says one Wiccan... Chaotic Solar System (UW) – Proof of resonance transition with Mars, when dinosaurs walked the Earth...watch the video, avoid collisions... Astrotel (Coastal Living) – A new Downunder hotel is dedicated to your personal stars... Spooky Meteor Noise (Sandia) – How can approaching meteor noise go faster than actual sound itself? Maybe this is how, or... Secrets of the Coach (ANS) – What does it take to coach an NFL team to victory? Earth signs, to start with, says new astrological research... Deplorable Astrology (Raw Story) – “Science Guy” Bill Nye compares Trumpery to astrology, a seriously ignorant cheap shot...but then, how would he know?... Planet X to Hit Earth (Mysterious Universe) – Well, a piece of it, maybe, but still... Lunar Libations (TimeOut) – Full Moon festivities are becoming a real happening thing, all over... Stonehenge In Sicily (MNN) – Who’d have thought it? Complete with aligned menhir and focal tunnel for the Sun... Everything Direct (Business Insider) – No retrograde planets for a whole 28 days and it’s already started! What does it all mean? Rather not as positive-foot-forward as this is speculating, we think, just watch the news... Rogue Nine (Space.com) – Could the mystery planet lurking nearby be a cosmic wanderer, roped in?... Online Comeback (Daily Dot) – That would be astrology, on Twitter, Facebook, you name it, with a new twist and attitude... Many Moons (Space.com) – Instead of being born of one big collision, now maybe Luna came from lots of little ones, all mushed together... Lost Sounds of Stonehenge (BBC) – The megamonument was more than an astro-observatory, it had a unique, resonant “voice” of its own... Busy Night Skies (Scunthorpe Telegraph) – All kinds of things happening upstairs, on the way. Downstairs, too... A Star is Coming (Calvin) – A “red nova”, a stellar event the likes of the Star of Bethlehem may be on its way, between 2018 and 2020, for the first time predicted ahead of time, see graphics...and, video here... Clearing the Logjam (ANS) – More on research parameters and disillusioned devotees-turned-debunkers like Geoffrey Dean (and Susan Blackmore, in another context), where previous focus has on testing (often clueless) practitioners instead of potential underpinnings of astrology itself... Ancient Astrologers, Modern Times (Ancient Origins) – What would starcasters of old have had to say about 2017?... Anxious About the Future (Hindustan Times) – The Subcontinent is equally at dis-ease about what’s up this year, flocking to fortunetellers of all kinds... Astrological Research (ANS) – What’s next? Now that pioneering Gauquelin work is getting more, credence, maybe more statistics... A Virtuous Cycle (Business Insider) – We love cycles, but is this really one?... Amazon Henge (NY Times) – Yet another huge, granite astronomical observatory, where only total primitives were ever thought to have been...and speaking of Amazons, at the original Stonehenge, the women outnumbered the men... Quantum Time and Gravity (Wired) – Quantum gravity could unearth the real nature of time... Storm Surge (WRAL) – Weather kicks up reproduction a notch, whether full Moons do or not... Resume Partying (The Sun) – The riotous full Moon party is back on, after a hiatus...more photos here... Shorter Days (Economist) – Historical eclipse records from ancient astrologers disclose our slowing spin... Super Debt Cycle (Goldseek) – Another economic cycle set peering down into the 2020 vortex... Food for Thought (American Thinker) – Are historical cycles a thing, really? Especially those rounded anniversaries?... Cycle Bust (Goldseek) – Here’s an economic view of the coming spin we’ve been talking about... Weird Moon (Slate) – Nice long Slate article on how the Moon got its tilt, among other interactions... Star of Bethlehem (UPI) – Here’s an old chestnut, rephrased, it was a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction... Daylight Savings Twins (ANS) – Time change can switch who’s older, or seems to be... Older Than Stonehenge (Mysterious Universe) – And it’s right next door, who know what it was used for...circular concentric trenches, for Sun worship?... Full Moon Sex Festival (ScienceAlert) – On the Great Barrier Reef, the largest surge of mating juices in the world, all driven once a year by the full Moon... My Astrologer Should Have Warned Me (FirstPost) – About note-exchange money crisis, so he’s suing him... Hun Henge (Mysterious Universe) – Newly-unearthed Stonehenge-size stones in Kazakhstan may have been erected by flocking Huns... Slushy, Icy Heart (MIT) – That’s Pluto, a hidden, water ocean no less... Missed the Boat (ANS) – Seems astrologers also got blindsided by Trump...except, of course, for the fish... Comet Defender (MIT) – This kid has figured a way to keep yet another part of the sky from falling on us... Mad Moon Down Under (The Age) – In Brisbane, at full Moon they foam at the mouth and run, and the cops believe, yes they do... Superest Moon (Sky and Telescope) – Supermoons happen all the time, but this one’s the fattest in 69 years. Dark Matter Meets the Light (d-ipt) – If you see gravity as evolvingly relative, dark matter vanishes...as it would with temporal dimensionality... Diurnal Genetics (Daily Mail) – If a gene can make you more sensitive to solar cycle, might this apply to planetary sensitivity in general? Emergency Exercise (JPL) – What if the real sky is actually going to really fall? The government has a real plan, sort of, and they’re practicing how to do it... Gobbled Up (Space.com) – The rings of Saturn, true to form, may be from dwarves it chewed up, keeping the mangled remains... Subcontinental Scrapes (Statesman, others) – Astrologers misbehaving again, from elephant pearls (!), to flag protests, to murder most foul... Super Tilt (SETI) – Early Earth may have had a totally horizontal tilt, which would have made signs and seasons a very extreme thing, indeed... Hurled Into Space (Astronomy) – That’s what may have happened to our earlier brothers and sisters, Earth’s young siblings cast into the void... Astrologers Nix Trump (ANS) – Now, when the writing seems clearly on the wall...could have been done months ago...[and they all got it wrong, anyway] As Above, So Below (CBS) – Weatherwise, in this case, as NASA connects space weather with local weather... Going Mental (ANS) – Argentine hospital using astrology for therapy... Wrong Tilt (Caltech) – Sun’s not behaving right, planets have wrong ratios, must be the mysterious Nine... Old Data, New Conclusions (ANS) – The Gauquelin research reanalyzed using new methodology... More Munchkins (Space.com) – Yet another dwarf, albeit small... Kidnap Astrologer (Indian Express) – It’s a dangerous life for starcasters on the Subcontinent... Clever Columbus (Accuweather) – How the explorer fooled the natives with a blood Moon eclipse...”that navigatin’, calculatin’, Christopher Columbo”... Hillary’s Time (ANS) – Her birth time, that is. Nobody has it, except that maybe it was 8 AM (Scorpio rising), or 8 PM (Gemini). No word from her staff... Planets Pulling on the Sun (Science Daily) – Do planetary tugs help drive the sunspot cycle? An old astrological speculation creeps into science... Polski Stonehenge (Mysterious Universe) – New archaeo-sky observatory discovery suggests Poles may not come from Slavic roots, but from Celtic...maybe that explains all those Irish pubs in Warsaw... Dem Bones, Dem Bones (JSTOR) – Ancient Chinese had a bone divination system that makes astrology look simple... A Solar Storm Near You (UM) – Coming soon, a local forecast that will tell you if your neighborhood is under bombardment, making folks crazy, popping electronics... The Heart of Pluto (Brown) – More astonishing possibilities, an undercover ocean with the makeup of the Dead Sea... No Dark Matter? (Case) – Could be imaginary, just another set of fundamental natural laws... Asteroid Watch (CFA Harvard) – Wondering if that Earth-killing asteroid is waxing nigh, or simply flying by? Now there’s a public place to keep tabs on all of them... More Moon Quakes (Atlantic) – Yet another study linking earthquakes to phase of the Moon... The Moon Is Our Mantle (WUSTL) – We are covered in Moon-stuff, from the beginning... Electro-Magnetic Astrology (ANS) – Well, here’s another mariner with a physical basis theory wrapped around solar EM interaction. We favor the gravitational approach, but it could be a little of both, as Johndro surmised... Waiting for the Spots (Huff Post) – As this sunspot cycle declines, speculation about a general disturbance in the rhythm. Do we know what comes next, or not?... Dangerous Usage (Indian Express) – In a child-unfriendly world, listening to an astrologer can bring on lethal consequences... Personality by the Numbers (Marie Claire) – Here’s a whole company that uses astrology and Briggs-Meyers personality subsets to relate the staff to each other... Cows Go Moo-oon! (Phys.org) – Lunar cycle linked to cattle births... Stars for Youth (Economic Times) – Startups are adopting astrology services, surprisingly driven by the youth market, not traditional older Subcontinentals as expected... Another One Bites The Dust (Latino Fox) – The perils of the profession: famous Columbian-born astrologer found dead in apparent Cancun murder, while Brit starcaster Jonathan Cainer’s death seems to be tied to another kind of dust... Family of Nine (ExtremeTech) – A cluster of new-found outer planetoids point closer toward massive, unknown Number Nine... Solar Sound Waves (SWRI) – The sound of the Sun, eight octaves deep... Eclipses Change Weather (Daily Mail) – Well, a little bit, anyway, where it gets shady...but if you like the butterfly effect, maybe that means everything... Very, Very Dark (Keck) – A whole galaxy that is 99.9% “dark matter”...might we be looking at it from the wrong temporal angle?... Weather Bomb Shakes Earth (BBC) – Yes we do resonate, and finally it’s getting measured... Contradictory Cycles (Business Review) – Business cycles aren’t financial cycles and they’re all different across the ocean...astrological cycles may be simpler... Sacred Sex under Dark of Moon (Austin Chronicle) – Well, someone has to do something to make astrology exciting... Maya Tracking the Skies (LiveScience) – They were better at doing that than we were, a long time ago... Cloud Threatened? (DataCenter) – Can a Sunburst kill the “Cloud” in which our increasing collective memory resides?... It Ain’t Easy (ANS) – Being an astrologer, but not as hard as it used to be...it’s all about expectations... Balmy Venus (Time) – The planet of love may once have been much more like we choose to imagine her symbolically: lush, green, and inviting... Woodhenge (Daily Mail) – Another one, that morphed... Swallows Diamonds (Newsminute) – Astrologer accused of murder gobbles gems in alleged suicide attempt... Near-Armageddon Sun Storm (AGU) – But for some hipper-than-usual scientists, 1967 solar storm would have triggered WWIII... Flower Power (LA Times) – Sunflowers naturally track the sky, even at night...for those of us who have forgotten how, there’s always a cyberpillow... Hard to Stamp Out (FirstPost) – That would be astrology and other related “superstitions” on the Subcontinent. Atheist legislator is having a hard time because there are just too many to accurately enumerate and define... Old and Cold (New Scientist) – Or, too hot...our planet has a limited lifespan during which life is supportable... Red Hot (Space.com) – That’s Jupiter’s Red Spot, it’s cooking. And if astrology is about wave forms, here are two of them, in action... Sky Above, Stream Below (Daily Mail) – Turns out Mayan temples didn’t just orient themselves to the stars, they also were connected underneath... Sun Stone Research (Daily Mail) – New investigations of how Vikings traced the Sun and navigated in the northern mists with our favorite gemstone...which you can try for yourself... It’s Alive! (JPL) – Largest dwarf planet Ceres (look it up in your charts) may be surreptitiously covering up its scars, a planet on the move... Total Destruction (Miami Herald) – Of the world, if Donald Trump is elected, says veteran Latino astrologer Walter Mercado. The man doesn’t mince words... Magic Twelve (Medscape) – The attraction of astrology-like concept of twelvefold completion even leaks into chemotherapy...and maybe not always for the better... Weird Orbits (Popular Mechanics) – Why don’t the inclinations of the main planets line up with the Sun’s equator? Could be the elusive #9... Royal Nod (ANS) – The Prince of Wales lends his imprimatur to the ancient study of the stars... PhaseQuakes (SFCBS) – The phase of the Moon could shake you up, according to new research... If The Moon Vanished (Live Science) – This is becoming a meme...reasons to love Luna... Russian Stonehenge (Ancient Code) – Not new news, but one we missed...from the days when everybody did henges beneath the sky... Lunar Wound (Brown) – The “Man in the Moon” has a black eye, from a big hit... Jewish Moon (Forward) – Five lunar connections to Jewish beliefs, from the calendar on... |
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