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News and Editorial Archive
or, go to the entire Archive IndexHere's where we keep our old news and editorials after it starts taking up too much room on the main news page. Just in case there was something you forgot, or if we did (or didn't) get an editorial prediction or comment right...monthly forecasts/editorials listed first, or click here for old news stories:December editorial ![]() December: harsh Jupiter T-cross brings winter-long conflict as the sky tumbles toward destiny lock... December skies are a major shift from this year’s earlier, deceptive Saturn-Neptune afflictions that spawned Brexit and the American election to a full-blown Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square that will last the month, and the rest of the winter. Finally out of its separate, ruling place in the last four-years’ bucket skies, Jupiter now leads a bowl-shaped hemisphere of the planets, pushing hard against two stubborn and violent outer planets to make headway that may come not through growth but through breakage. Once again, Jupiter's always-hopeful entry into a new sign (Libra) is thwarted by negative entanglements. Each Jupiter leap from sign to sign for the last four years has not gone as smoothly and beneficially as normally expected, more like the late 1930s entrance into the vortex period wes are again entering. Like the pre-WWII T-square with the very same planets involved, expect things to get out of hand worldwide and locally because of shortsighted leadership on the national front and denial-based myopia on the individual level. If you want to see how it’s affecting you daily, learn to use and keep an eye on our planets on angles feature to avoid bucking the waves of the maelstrom on an hour-to-hour basis. In a world that is ever more separated into alienated camps, finding a safe and snug retreat for the holidays might actually be the best move you can make right now. Ultimately, we all have to learn to engage better, but sometimes one can use a break when it gets intense... November editorial: :
![]() November: Jupiter sky trend wraps up, now begins the slow, fateful roll toward a date with destiny in 2020... November marks a tipping point from the floundering uncertainty and repetitive hostility of the last several seasons into the gravitational traction of a four-year slide toward destiny. This, regardless of who wins the U.S. presidential (or any other) election and its subsequent term. The planets continue their same paths, whoever may be in charge down here. It begins with the last, violent gasps of the Uranus-Pluto square brought back by a passing T-cross with Jupiter through the fall and winter, and cascades forward from there. It is Jupiter’s goodbye as the four-year main sky-event in what usually indicates an optimistic growth period but this time simply meant things got out of control. The recent Jupiter bucket skies for half the year are history, as all planets begin their dive toward the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (now into a 200-year air cycle) when everything lines up inside the small bowl of the outer planets. It’s a historical watershed, or always has been under this pattern, so consider yourself privileged to have a box seat, however perilous that may become. Like Agincourt, if you survive, you can forever boast and toast that you were there on that St. Crispin’s Day. That’s four years away, so you’ll have to navigate the swirling eddies on the current until then, but it’s just the time to start getting to know your “band of brothers” and sisters better...might as well get on with it, as the time to flee back down the gangway is past – this ship has already left the dock... October editorial: ![]() ![]() October: evolving shifty skies coalesce into clear conflict, lightning force during the heart of the month...
October slips in and flips the celestial card game from a shifty round of poker with aces up the sleeve and a crooked dealer to flat-out black jack where you win or lose by a few crisp cards slammed down on the table. Astrologically, that’s the shift from the treacherous Saturn-Neptune square and its T-crosses to a late Sun and Mars re-boot of the waning, but still-violent Uranus-Pluto square that much earlier marked the birth of the Arab Spring. Further, while September was racked by eclipses and Mercury retrograde, constantly shifting the goal posts and the players on the field, this month is marked by Jupiter hurtling through early Libra unopposed, carrying all along who want to catch the wave of opportunity and sweeping the rest along by the sheer force of events. The heart of the conflict is the central two weeks, with lulls at both ends of the month, when the best can be made of the rolling Jupiter wave without the interrupting intensity of the confrontational Uranus-Pluto T-crosses. The galactic-feeling shifts up above feel more like a continuous series of lightning strikes down here below. The wind is high but the weather is dramatic – so put on your foul weather gear, then go play in the storm!... September editorial: ![]() ![]() September: as Jupiter roars into Libra, two eclipses and Mercury retro make for stormy skies, rough seas... September writes a new tale of harrowing uncertainty motivated by high celestial winds and the possibility of much to be gained for the survivor. Mercury is retrograde most of the month, so expect to rethink your old plans as they come apart or go astray. Plus, it’s eclipse time again, both solar and lunar, which always upsets everything at the last minute, so be ready to veer suddenly to keep upright, avoid collisions. Jupiter is going full-barrel and moving into Libra, so the possibilities of new ambitions and profits, especially from clever deal-making, are a powerful undercurrent for forward motion, as long as things don’t get out of hand (which they have during the last three yearly Jupiter changes). Underneath still lurks the treacherous T-square of Saturn and Neptune, this time with first the Sun and then retro Mercury, so what seems solid isn’t, and promises are as easily broken as made. In classic “October surprise” fashion, the truth is made clear next month, as this passes, so don’t rush into the first offer you see, as it could be a well-laid mine. But, la de dios no tiene trampas, as they say. Keep a sharp watch on deck, set full sail, lash yourself to the mast, it’s going to be a show... August editorial: ![]()
August brings a second month with no planets in air, so folks aren’t using their brains as much as they ought to – it’s all about shooting from the hip, gut reactions, flights of imagination that need connections which aren’t there, at least yet. Jupiter flying out the end of Virgo finally untrammeled by the Saturn-Neptune square increases the pace, with an additional goad from Mars leaping past its original spring retro point and finally treading new ground back in Sagittarius. Add to that an almost-eclipse full Sturgeon Moon mid-month – in effect a triple-eclipse season starting early – and you’ve got a crazy summer ‘s end moving at speeds that the usual dog-days mood will be hard-pressed to handle. Events shift quickly, exacerbated by too little time and less inclination to think things through, so as eclipse season fully cuts in early next month, things may be already spiraling out of control on a lot of fronts, exacerbated by a Mercury retrograde twist and style-changing Jupiter shifting into Libra... The prognosis? Get out of automatic mode and keep your eyes peeled, put your brain in gear and double-check to avoid instinctual but unguided moves, avoid loose cannons who aren’t taking this advice, and hang on to your hat... July editorial: ![]() ![]() July: Jupiter is on fire (below), on the move, as the Sun fills in splash skies and turns up the heat on the global cooking pot... July sees Jupiter on the move, finally, and the breakup of the chilly and deceptive Saturn-Neptune-Jupiter T-cross that’s been dominating the skies for months. The change has a bumpy start with a cardinal T-cross (Uranus, Pluto, Sun and the Sun and inner planets) in the first week and a cardinal grand cross in the second (adding the Moon). After that, it’s all systems go as Jupiter begins a two-month sprint through half of Virgo and into Libra by summer’s end. Further, the splash-pattern skies guarantee decided action changing almost every day as the Moon makes its rounds, always hitting on something by conjunction or opposition. The challenge is, can you go from angry and confused stagnation to a helter-skelter charge in all directions and keep your balance? We have been watching a runaway Jupiter each time it picks up speed and changes sign for the last several years, leading more to self-serving chaos than ordered opportunity, partly because we’re grown apart and stretched too thin. The players are clearly lining up to do all that again...the question is, will our better angels (both personally and as a society) again get outmaneuvered and allow it to happen? With the Sun beating down and Jupiter firing up, it’s going to be a hot season, whatever hemisphere you inhabit. Just try to stay ahead of the curve... June editorial: ![]() ![]() June: retro Mars finally makes its turn, the tangled storm above shifts gears, recovery and race to score downfield begins... June is the last slog of a tangled season as retro Mars finally relents at month’s end and Jupiter has pivoted already and will be gathering speed for its next big push this summer. That’s the good news, as nearly a half-year of being at cross-purposes sometimes to the point of madness finishes up. Contrarily, this month brings a repeat of last month’s mutable grand cross spun off by the treacherous Saturn-Neptune square, which won’t relent until Jupiter moves out of orb next month. But, like last month, Jupiter trines Pluto and periodically forms a supportive grand earth trine, so it’s like a set of extremes that at once tie things up and yet also keep them somehow standing and persevering despite all, and maybe even for the best. So, June’s watchwords are patience and regrouping for what will become a more organized rush downfield for big goals as the summer comes along. In the meantime, take one thing at a time to get your setups ready, as once the action begins, there will be no pause to reconsider where the play is taking you until it’s done... BTW: Don't forget our useful tool to find the daily times that nasty cross is on the Angles, so you can avoid it...! May editorial: ![]() ![]() May: retrograde Mercury and Mars make things seem to run backwards, but actually the sky above is just shifting gears... May looks backward, but it’s really not. It’s just the solar system resetting its gears. Beginning with both Mars and Mercury retrograde, it seems like things are in reverse, but in fact it’s about getting to know them better, after which further progress can be made. In fact, when any planet is retrograde, it means Earth is nearer its closest approach, engaging its rhythmic gravitational tug big-time. But that also means look before you leap, as all the necessary data isn’t in yet, the push-pull isn’t resolved. Retro Mars means energy levels at unexpected high or low levels, which often means pointless conflicts, and retro Mercury simply means it’s time to edit how ideas and their frameworks are put together, proofread your life before publishing. Beneath it all are the seeds of another break-out summer, as Jupiter turns direct just past the first week of the month after lingering in mid-Virgo since September, so big plans should be cemented and the decks cleared for the action that will be coming sooner than you may be ready for it. The big mutable grand cross and grand earth trine of last month will be repeating, then breaking up, so there continues to be lots of heavy stuff in the wind, just not final commitment to forward motion. There’s still a month or so of readjustment, backing and filling, and then it’s full-tilt ahead, take no prisoners. Now’s the time to make sure you’re set for the game. April editorial: ![]() ![]() April: murky skies above and thickening forest below mark incoming retrograde Mercury and Mars, Jupiter and Saturn at odds... April skies open briefly at the opening after a month of eclipse craziness, but it’s a small window for making as much normal progress as possible. After that, things begin to shut down as Mars goes retrograde mid-month, followed by Mercury retro at the end. The skies above turn murky at night, the earth below becomes a thickening forest. Mercury retro is common, happens three times a year for three-week stretches and is always much-discussed: technology glitches, systems interruptions, a time for re-editing the surface structures of life. Mars goes much deeper, happens only once every two years, lasts for two long months, diverting and diluting the energy that makes your clock tick and your race run. Often time to beat a retreat from recently-conquered territory and regroup for a more sustainable effort later. Strategic launches begun now end in defeat or stalemate, not a time to pull the trigger. A bit like slogging through a swamp until it’s over. But over it will be, soon enough, and come late spring Jupiter will turn around and rebuild its yearly giant wave that takes all to new heights...or crashes you on the rocks if you don’t ride it right, common of late because of Jupiter’s overwhelmingly-featured spot in the sky. So, take the time now to reposition your structures/plans and rebuild your energy resources, as once the summer comes, they’d best be in place for the race... March editorial: ![]() ![]() ![]() March:
total solar and luner eclipses plus Jupiter and Saturn retro and square
make for chop that could flip your sailboard!...
February editorial:March will come in like a lion, after this relatively quiet February, though don’t expect it to behave like the king of the beasts, just a bit beastly. That’s because it’s biannual eclipse season again starting with a total solar eclipse at almost 19 Pisces and a lunar eclipse two weeks later at 3 Libra-Aries. These two turnaround points (see this month's mileposts for details) stir the pot of a somewhat confused sea of Pisces conjunctions (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus) make events momentarily focus and then flip-flop against an unsteady and defocused background. Further, Saturn goes retrograde in square with already-retro Jupiter, so great leaps forward and determined efforts to impede progress equally tend to get in each others’ way, with much sturm und drang but to not much ultimate effect. This phase is seldom good for investing or major structural redesigning, so hang on and wait a bit to move your tangible commitments around. Finally, Mars moves into Sagittarius after a close-to-the-chest two months of Scorpio scheming, making energies outgoing and enthusiastic for a while, but that forceful orb is itself headed for a two-month retro turnaround later in the spring, so don’t expect the follow-through to be as exciting. After a tumultuous holiday season and a mid-winter hiatus, the celestial waves will be sloshing about unpredictably enough to capsize your sailboard, but without enough rolling swell to move your big ship forward. So play carefully in the surf, be ready to shift your weight repeatedly, and use the experience to caulk your leaky seams and learn what you don’t want to do, before the big summer tide rolls in and takes everything with it, when you’ll want to be certain where you do want to be carried to. ![]() February: the
firmament moves more gradually, and
even the shore below takes a rest, except for the occasional shooting
star... February enters in a celestial recovery mode, after a topsy-turvy holiday season and a Mercury retrograde sidetrack in January. Jupiter is still retro, which means the big wave that was pushing all the change has backed off, along with the unusual amount of madness it brought with its last surge. It was a lesson that the big planet just means more, not always better. Now comes a period of rest and recuperation, despite the occasional shooting star in the neighborhood, as big sky developments are relatively gradual for a while. It’s a good time to put things back in order and refine the directions of opportunity that came with the chaos, while adjusting course to see that the way is more clearly-defined and accident-free. And by the time all that is taken care of, Jupiter will make its next turn and the weather will start to rise again, the next chance to ride the big wave. In the meantime, tend to all that needs to be done to see that your ship is in good sailing condition, and enjoy the details of putting that all together... January editorial: ![]() ![]() January: the
sky above slows and buckles,
while below the days click by without seeming to notice the shift,
unless you look... January skies slow down from the hectic Jupiter-driven and T-square compounded holiday skies, and though the brakes may be on, it could still be a bit of a squealing skid until things steady. Mercury is retrograde most of the month, bringing attendant communications confusion and general editing of the best-laid plans. Further, Jupiter also comes to a halt and goes retro, pointing toward a season of retrieving the detritus strewn by the recently-choppy astral and terrestrial weather and trying to make those best-laid plans actually go according to plan. This time around, Jupiter’s more-of-everything moves didn’t always mean better, and sometimes it capsized a few boats that weren’t ready for the gusty crosswinds. But, the big planet still dominates leading mostly locomotive skies, turning into a big bucket pattern over the next few months. It’s still a ride. Further, the Saturn-Neptune square adds a somewhat treacherous and icily delusional tinge to matters, so be ready to put disappointments behind you rather than obsess over deceptions or betrayals that ultimately should matter less than what you’re trying to create to replace them. It’s easier to tear down than to build up, but you get less out of it in the end. So, look to what can be done under rearranging skies above instead of shaking with the shorter shocks of the flashing lights down below. Older News Articles, newest first, oldest at bottom (some links may have expired...): Changing Its Spots (NASA) – As Jupiter moves through Virgo, it appears to be morphing… Secret Storms (Agenciasinc) – If you’re matching solar outbursts with behavior, you’re missing some… 400 Planets (Express) – All right here in our solar system…the price of calling a once major one a dwarf…! Twin Tastes (Time) – Identical and fraternal twins have different aesthetics, seems it’s who’s inside that counts…astrologers take note… Ripples (Hubblesite) – Not happening locally, lately, but a reminder that waves (and these most mysterious) are what it’s all made of, here, too… Wahoo! (BDoutdoors) – Full Moon is always good for fishing, but this Blood Moon eclipse brought out the really big guys... Curious Orbits (Forbes) – The planets’ circles/ellipses are really kind of neither… Investor Psychology (CMmarkets) – The cycle graph here could describe a lunar, or any other astro cycle… World Without Ends? (Guardian) – Now that would be boring, wouldn’t it? So, now that the Blood Moon has failed us, here are some more dates for an imminent Judgment Day… Animal Moon (AZCentral) – Can animals sense the lunar cycle? You bet they can…and sportsmen know it... Bloody Weekend (Slate) – America managed a private blood bath on the Blood Moon weekend, because it’s individually armed to the teeth… Moon Surfing (theinertia) – Almost everything is better under the full Moon, it’s the happening thing… Perplexing Pluto (Jhuapl) – Snakeskin texture and unexpected land forms have experts baffled over new photos… More Blood (News.com.au) – Down Under lists all their versions off the Blood Moon…interestingly different… Singing Solar System (engadget) – This wonderful simulation program has been updated, so if you missed it before, it’s even better now… Mercury Won’t Collide With Us (Sciencemag) – Who thought it would? Under certain probabilities of chaotic orbit interactions, it still could… Shrinking Moon (NASA) – Earth is massaging the Moon, and squishing it in the process… Art Imitating Death (Express) – British TV show plot is shadowing the Blood Moon comet strike paranoia in almost real time… Big Data Astrology (Networkworld) – All kinds of diseases correlate to birth months in major study… Apocalyptic Trumpets in the Sky (Express) – The Express has been having a field day with the “Blood Moon” signs and portents…now, around the globe, a dark orchestra sounding from above… Astrology Startups (QZ) – They’re getting bigger on the Subcontinent, though investors are still wary… Looks Like Earth (JHUAPL) – That would be Pluto, astonishingly enough…how did it get that way?... All Hell Breaks Loose (Express) – That’s the laundry list of disasters in progress and yet to come from imminent final “Blood Moon”. The end of the world is always so interesting, each and every time…hang on to your hats!... Astro-Smackdowns (New Indian Express) – The Subcontinent is so much more intense about the subject, be it man, in this case woman, or occasionally child… Astrology War (Guardian) – In Myanmar, who gets elected may swing on who’s got the most convincing astrologer…shades of the English Commonwealth astro-politics of William Lilly and John Gadsbury… Can’t Tell The Difference… (LiveScience) – …between astrology and astronomy, 22% of everybody. And it goes downhill from there…and these folks vote, but for whom?Mercury’s Movements (AGU) – If Jupiter significantly imprints Mercury’s orbit and seasons, think what it does to us… SuperHenge (BBC) – Aligned, giant stone monoliths have been found just underground near Stonehenge that dwarf the original… Don’t Marry Yet (Greatandhra) – Good advice from an astrologer… Disguised to Kill (Times of India) – Murderer poses as astrologer to get cheating evidence, then on to homicide… The Weirdness of Twins (Patheos) – St. Augustine thought twins disprove astrology (they don’t, if only because of the butterfly effect), but perhaps he should have visited the mysterious town of twins or come across his own doppelganger… Shemitah Cycles (Money Control) – Jewish calendar rhythm coincides with market troubles, especially its last few days… Little Lunatics (Spencer) – When the Moon gets full, kids go nuts, just like the rest of the world… Nab Astro-Killers (Hindu) – Six rounded up by cops in astrologer murder case… Moon’s Gravity (MNN) – It affects us…most of this is familiar, except the “leaf tides”, which are another good place to start research… Can We Predict Death? (Mumbai Mirror) – A scientist takes a look at the issue after an astrologer succeeds, sort of… Last Blood Moon (CNN) – The final fling of the frightening four is upon us…so will the world end, again?... Dedicated Enemies (ANS) – Astrology nay-sayers in the scientific community are a determined lot, and they intimidate those who would do real research…nice piece by Ed Snow… Seeds of Life (CFA) – This is beyond everyday astrology, but the way it treats space and time scaling and its logic is magnificent… Astrology Seed Funding (VCCircle) – New astro-effort initiative receives investment funding… Moon Moves Plants (New Scientist) – Well, apparently it certainly helps to…maybe like a neon light…;-)… Festivals, Festivals (Glide) – Full Moon and even Moon phase festivals and events are just so in this year, even for international museums… When Asian and Western Astrology Collide (Standard) – Actually, they’re more alike than one might surmise… Equatorial Magnification (AGU) – Space weather is amplified at equatorial latitudes, not just nearer the poles…does this apply astrologically?... Cycles Fast and Slow (Cornell) – Sometimes we think fast, sometimes more deliberately, and it alternates in cycles…it’s evolutionary, and sounds suspiciously planetary… Greenwich Meridian Misplaced (Daily Mail) – To cast a chart correctly, you need to know where zero longitude is. Appears it’s not quite where we thought… A=432 (Epoch Times) – Or it should, if you want the right vibes…maybe even Stonehenge is tuned to it. Actually, that resonance is about midway between Neptune and Venus (the latter just barely flat of the current A=440)…here’s lots more… Converting Pluto (Mirror) – Thanks to a perceived script simulacra, ISIS supporters want to rename the Planet of Death in their own honor… Ancient Monolith (Daily Grail) – At least 9000 years old, maybe 40,000, could this huge now-underwater mystery stone pillar be part of another primeval astro-observatory?... Stolen Onions (Business Standard) – Someone nick your onion crop? Consult an astrologer, cops advise… Not Sunspots (IAU) – No, it appears global warming is not coming from the Sun…must be us…! Blue Moon Murder (WFLA) – Ritual Florida killing appears to be linked to recent full Moon. Witches afoot…more from the Washington Post… More Mini-Moons (Science News) – Like the always-vanishing planet Vulcan of old, captured and vanished, we seem to have a lot of little transiting Moons that are flashes-in-the-pan…would we had ephemerides to check them out… Medical Advice (Newslaundry) – It can be risky to give out planetary advice on medicine, as we have noted in our latest article… “Derogatory Remarks” (The Hindu) – PC is everywhere, even in the Subcontinent… Birthday Travel (Daily Mail) – We swear by it, and so does friend and best-selling auther writer Wendy Leigh, who even gives us credit!... Moon Cycles, Market Cycles (Wall St. Sector) – They’re coinciding… Seasonal Effects (Alternet) – An obligatory dismissal of astrology, followed by a nice listing of actual astrological impacts…ah, science... Ancient Earth Magnetism (Sciencemag) – It’s older than we thought, our early-start protection… Blue Moon (NY Times) – It’s just another blue Moon, but nice NY Times pic and explanations of its varying definitions and relative commonality… Pluto Redux (ANS) – Astrologers have always known it’s a planet, not an "–oid" of any sort, with far-reaching effects. Now that it’s on camera, it’s more impressive than ever… Ancient Skies (CNET) – Tomb illustrations may show celestial patterns over Japan a very, very long time ago… Professional Standards (Business Standard) – That’s a call we’ve been hearing for years, now echoed in the Subcontinent…complete with some college courses to that effect… Full Moon Detective (NY Times) – Seems the hit cable series True Detective is tapping the full Moon, in tune with all those popular parties of late, must be a trend… Extinction Cycles (Forbes) – Wooly mammoths and all that, was it local or celestial rhythms that did it?...redux… To Consult or Ignore? (Economynext) – One minister in trouble for consulting astrologer, another in trouble for not listening to one…what to do?... Midwife Tale (Connection) – Full Moon bringing babies is not just an old wives’ tale, says young midwife… Maunder Minimum
Redux (New American)
– More details on the solar cycle cancellation theory supposed to
chill things down… Time’s Taboos (Night Shirt) – Maybe it’s the future that’s predicting the past…even the ancients were on to the multiverse… Mysterious Weather (BBC) – Solar effects drive weather effects drive really strange things that happen to you… Child Star (Times of India) – Casting horoscopes at age two, for this little one not even the sky is the limit… Greenland’s Icy Mountains…(AGU) –…are being kept cool by inner activity of the Sun, despite global warming… Thirteenth Century iPhone (Daily Sabah) – That would be the astrolabe, essential to any astrologer’s or navigator’s kit at the time, and a very cool piece of work… Arrival Pluto (NBC) – New Horizons has arrived, sending out pictures, the story is everywhere, too much to cover here, so look around…some of the new implications…to keep up with this go to NASA's Pluto page and its toolkit... Solar Ice Age? (RT) – In fifteen years? Internal rhythms in Sun may put a brief dent in global warming, would be nice…more here… Pluto Posing (Time) – This next week as New Horizons makes its rendezvous, the pictures are starting to arrive. Here’s a cool video, even ways to celebrate…Pluto party, anyone?... Glorious Failure (The Statesman) – Who knew astrologer/occultist Aleister Crowley was also a major mountain-climber? Well, he tried… Astrology Lab (Free Press Journal) – At the Sankskrit Institute, a new scholarly program… Sick of It (Cosmo) – Fourteen things astrology buffs are sooo tired of hearing… Double Dynamo… (RAS) – That’s what drives the heartbeat of the Sun… Zodiac Murders (Newsweek) – Western astrologers may compete, and many are charlatans, but on the Subcontinent, it’s becoming a hazardous profession. More on the lethal astro-turf wars here… Fractal Drumming (ScienceMag) – If variable frequencies is what astrology is about, here it is at another scale… Great Moon Hoax (Smithsonian) – Wonderful historical tale, a sign of its times… Astrologers Pip Counsellors (Times of India) – Kids like it better than going to a shrink…and who can blame them?... Hands-On Venus-Jupiter (NY Times) – This Polish photo of the Venus-Jupiter conjunction is hard to beat!... Self-Congratulations (DunyaNews) – Pakistani astrologers think Venus-Jupiter will improve the country’s lot… The Other Jones (Webwire) – What pioneer astrologer Marc Edmund Jones was doing when he wasn’t casting charts…new biography… Rare Moon (Forbes) – Lots of planets have moons our size, but ours is special. It’s virtually made of us… Iowa Fraud (KIMT) – “International Astrology Foundation” nabbed for scam. Saying it was “fiction and obvious fantasy”, they even used Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s photo, more here… A Crystal Glass (USM) – Is the Universe ringing like a crystal glass? How cosmic…well, it is the cosmos… Sun Sign Pregnancy (Harper’s Bazaar) – Most folks shoot for a specific day or even elect an exact time for a Caesarian…this one was easy… Election Sweep (Washington Post) – Yes, it’s almost 2016…so an astrologer, a numerologist, and a psychic walk into a bar, and… Uranus + Neptune = Salt? (Carnegie) – Well, maybe, yes, but literally…who knew? Aquarius craves salt (some say) and Neptune rules the briney… Moon Paddle (Gulf Coast News) – Full Moon is all the rage, with notorious parties around the globe, lighthouse tours, now paddleboats, beach camping, what’s next…? Solstice Silliness (Discovery) – Solstices are a bit more rare than full Moons, so they get to ramp up the festivities even more… Femmaliths (EpochTimes) – Did mysterious females raise the Portuguese “stonehenges”? There was a time, it seems, when everyone on earth felt compelled to arrange rocks against the sky… More Blood (Express) – The final “blood Moon” is on its way, last chance for the end of the world… Solar Pains (Medical Xpress) – Arthritis is linked to solar cycles… Financial Madness (TradingFloor) – Full Moon gets the trading floor all freaked out… New Seismic Cycle? (Channel News Asia) – Historic upswing in earthquakes, a long-term planetary rhythm? Star Listens to Stars (Boston Globe) – After making astrology-themed hit album, this recording artist is heeding his astrologer… Full Moon Fishing (Advocate) – If there’s one set who indisputably follow the Moon, it’s fish… Sun Blaster-caster (Sci-news) – New tool may allow prediction of coronal mass ejections a day in advance, before they disrupt Earth’s communications… Vancouver Full Moon Party Watch (News1130) – B.C. cops will have upcoming Canadian lunar revelries on their radar, based on their track record elsewhere… Life on Pluto? (Express) – Not likely, but the like of its chaotic Moons might do things like that, somewhere… MP Progress (Mirror) – The UK MP who promoted astrology for health appears to be moving up in the world…but supporters in trouble... Disease of the Month (Time) – Now that Time has the seasonal disease story wrapped, astrology will become rampant in the halls of medicine…;-) Could Astrology Save Your Marriage? (Daily Mail) – Well, the Mail seems to think so… Kernel of Truth (LaboratoryEquipment) – Interview with the author of the recent Connecticut celebrity database study…from the horse’s mouth… Moons in Chaos (Hubblesite) – Before New Horizons even scores, new light on Pluto and its mad moons emerges, a system in chaos…pix, story, video… Doomsday Missed, Again… (Inquisitr) – Astrologer’s prediction of CA monster quake May 28 missed the mark, though the big new earthquake movie San Andreas opened right on time…a little viral promotion going on here…? ;-) Pluto Approach (Space.com) – New Horizons ever closer to the mysterious Planet of Death, so far, so good…rendezvous in July… Here’s The Moon! (Daily Mail) – In fabulous, mind-boggling detail…fabulous compiled photo… Prediction Leads To Death (See and Say) – The often-tragic twisting self-fulfillment of vague predictions hews close to the bone… Astrological Linguistics (New Indian Express) – Looking into the cultural aspects of astrology as expressed in language itself, fascinating work… Galactic Evolution (Larouche) – Despite the source, it’s worth considering whether our galactic revolutions help drive evolution of life… Abo Sky Riffs (BBC) – A fascinating blend of sky lore, catastrophic history, and spirituality infuse Australian aboriginal beliefs and memory… A Second Moon (Gizmodo) – What if we had one, like many other planets? How would it change our lives? Are we going to build or import one? Possibly… Solar Arteritis (Healio) – Solar cycles, geomagnetic effects may be linked to giant cell arteritis, RA incidence… Nature or Nurture? (The Guardian) – Which is it? Both, according to this pointless look that of course leaves out planetary influences, which are both… Avoiding Belief (Fusion) – That’s a problem astrology researchers have – to keep from biasing their own investigations… Seasons Influence Personality (Medical Xpress) – Well, so this says, based on celebrities, which may be a bit suspect…here’s the Daily Mail’s take… Don’t Predict Earthquake #1 (ThaiVisa) – … in the Far East, because it scares people, says Thai government… Don’t Predict Earthquake #2 (Slate) – …in California May 28, because it’s not going to happen, planetary alignment is bogus…we agree, at least about the alignment… Gene Cycles (New Scientist) – As the Sun moves through the signs, your genes switch on and off…be careful!... Golden Jaguar (Indian Express) – Just for good luck, says astrologer, treat yourself to a yellow Jag… Bad Moon for Bucks (ANS) – Research shows that investments don’t go well made on a void-of-course Moon. But hey, we knew that… Perilous Path (Nature) – New Horizons is threading its hazardous way through multiple (and perhaps some yet-unknown) moons of Pluto to get a closer look… Life Cycles (Daily Mail) – Freezing and thawing cycles, fundamental to our Goldilocks water planet, may actually have created the stuff of life… Clear The Beach! (Village Soup) – It’s the full Moon of the horseshoe crabs, and time to make some yearly space for them… Cycles of Consciousness (NY Times) – We don’t have a “stream of consciousness” it appears, but more like cyclic pulses of it, like everything planetary… The Moon’s Real Name (Universe Today) – All the other planets’ moons have proper names, so what is ours? Just, The Moon?…well, actually… Asteroid +
Volcanoes = Pluto Horizons (ANS) – New book about Pluto covers all kinds of aspects of the distant dwarf planet: from science, mythology, history, poetry, more… Planets in Glass (Al.com) – Artistic and crafty new way to illustrate your horoscope… Springtime on Mars (Nature) – And here, too. Does that mean our respective tropical Zodiacs are aligned, for the moment? Think about it… Is the Universe a Hologram? (Science Daily) – Could be reality is as flat as the sheet your horoscope is printed on… Earthquake Cycles (LA Weekly) – It could be more than just aftershocks…megaquakes seen as long-term, planetary-length, linked patterns… Lighthouse Moon (HamptonRoads.com) – What better place to enjoy a full Moon than from atop a lighthouse? Sign on for it if you’re in the Hampton Roads area… Upside-Down Moon? (Zee News) – Only in the rumors of the great Subcontinent… Astro-Tolerance (Salon) – A refreshing sign of individual acceptance in a world of arbitrary and ill-considered intolerance… Every Shape and Size (io9) – Here’s a cute spiral in which to put every piece of orbiting space stuff, from Jupiter down to those pebbles in your driveway… Glassy Beads (AMNH) – Earth and everything else solid started out as little pebbles, like in your driveway…fun video here…Moon Affects Your Health (Newsmax) – In all sorts of ways, various studies… Seafloor Skies (Glacierhub) – The records of the heavens are inscribed on the ocean floor. Astrologer Superstar, Internet (Verge) – Yes, Susan Miller, who does talk incessantly about herself, and Twitter followers love it… Astrologer Superstar, Fiction (Badger Herald) – That would be the movie, and a terrible one, but classic for just that reason… Swallowed Mercury? (Discovery) – Who did? We did…or something rather like that small planet… Water, Water Everywhere (NextBigFuture) – Right here in our solar system…and maybe life with it, the last thing creationists want… Demystifying Pluto (Vox) – The coming snapshots should do that, for sure. Here’s the first one, more details here… Saturnian Types Live Longer (ANS) – Do says this study, or, in fact, doesn’t. They just bloom later and hang on, anecdotally… Senseless Controversy (ANS) – The Beeb re-starts the now-ancient “13 Constellations” irrelevancy flushed away decades ago… these junior journalists aren’t old enough to remember the dreadful Sky Diamonds...Robert Currey corrects… Stormy Saturn (JPL) – The dour planet’s epic seasonal weather tantrums may have been explained… Martian Briney (JPL) – The Red Planet may have brine brewing about its midriff, as well as glaciers… This Astrolabe’s for You (Christies) – Oh yes, you know you want your very own historic astrolabe, and the venerable auction house has the best choices ever… Astrology Street (Hindustan Times) – A whole section of Punjab town is home to a 5,000-year old astrological tradition… V is for Vendetta (Times of India) – Family feud leads to attempted murder charge on gang as astrologer escapes with his life… Signs and Seasons (Washington Post) – The turn into Aries turns attentions to love, but how and why?... Glaciers on Mars (NBI) – The hot planet turns out to be covered in moving ice, hiding beneath its red dust… Seasons of the Sun (UCAR) – Our own star has its own seasons, which may tell us a lot about how, and when, it affects us… Sister Spat (Science News) – The planet that smashed into us, ultimately forming the Moon, turns out was our sister… Drop That Crystal Ball (Bangkok Post) – That’s what Thailand’s new PM would like to see happen, as astrologer predicts he’ll stay too long, just as he’s selling new deal… Full Moon Parties Only (Bangkok Post) – No more new Moon, or quarter-Moon celebrations, too controversial, risky…! Rage Into Adolescence (Mission Local) – Might be more interesting lunar libations closer to home… Blood Moon Wrap (Washington Post) – Nicely-done summation of the whole thing…just as Israeli mystic conflates it with Obama, Iran deal, Messiah… Fertile Full Moon (EarthSky) – Plant discovered that pollinates only at full Moon…a botanical werewolf?... |
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