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News and Editorial Archive
or, go to the entire Archive IndexHere's where we keep our old news and editorials after it starts taking up too much room on the main news page. Just in case there was something you forgot, or if we did (or didn't) get an editorial prediction or comment right...monthly forecasts/editorials listed first, or click here for old news stories:December editorial: Train Wreck!
![]() Last
month, as suggested, turned into an
ever-increasing stampede to nowhere,
with everything on the go but no particular
guidance, just things being swept along by the herd, an uneasy place to
especially with Saturn and Pluto in an ineluctable, grinding square. In
December, the pace continues to pick up with even less control,
as there are no
retrograde planets at all for almost three weeks
(a rare,
phenomenon), along with no planets in water except Uranus, so holding
back or
intuiting your way forward are limited as well. With
generally go-go
locomotive sky led by
Mars, that’s all a
recipe for a train wreck when leader
Mars goes retrograde on
December 20. It’s like the engine goes off the rail and all
rest follow,
resulting in a toppling tangle,
the results of which will take months
to sort
out, at least into the
spring. Those who are wise will take any
opportunity to
step, or even jump, off the train before becoming part of the accident
of near-miss witnesses. Like the
of the old ’97,
you’ll want
to be safely off the train and on the sidelines before the engine jumps
track and the cars tumble from the trestle with all aboard. So
the crazy ride as long as you can, but
don’t think you’re in control, and disconnect if
before that long Mars
retro period sets in just before the
winter solstice… [A note on the original wreck (not exactly as depicted above by Thomas Hart Benton): my great-great uncle Boyd Edwards was the first railroad inspector on the scene at this famous incident, reporting that the entire scene, casualties and all, was covered with singing canaries, which had broken out of a boxcar headed for the mines -- JT]. November editorial: Stampede!
![]() We
said October would be a rip-snorter,
and so it was,
with most of the month under a continuous locomotive-chart sky, led by a
high-speed Mars ripping into Leo.
This month, expect more of the
same, but even
more so as reluctant Neptune finally goes direct, leaving only Uranus
still in
reverse. Uranus itself turns forward at month’s end, ushering
a rare period
of no
retrogrades at all, a
real one-way street with life’s buffalo herd headed
in a single direction regardless of speed and risk, and getting trampled
is a
real possibility. Further,
it’s marking a major switchover
as Jupiter races
for the exit through the end of Aquarius and Saturn changes signs into
so it’s more like a stampede, with everything crowding
toward a new
dispensation – especially since the outer planets themselves
in the process
of changing signs. There’s a real overload of change
going on at every
not that you hadn’t noticed. But, it’s not exactly
straightforward, either.
Mars will run out of steam and go retro just before Christmas, which
will end
the rush with a stumble, and
it will be late spring before Mars
both turns
direct and finally gains new territory again, so don’t get stuck
in the middle
when the slowdown suddenly begins. Finally, the major new aspect of the month is Saturn just into Libra square Pluto already in Capricorn, where one stubborn planet grates against another, like tectonic plates – with Uranus ready to trigger release as it comes back into opposition to Saturn and makes it a T-square as winter progresses, with Jupiter joining the fray by early summer. In the short term, life is ripe for a quick set of pickings, but don’t tarry too long harvesting final fruit from a tree that may be about to shake and fall on you. Get in and get out before Christmas, or be prepared to hunker down for a gathering winter siege... October editorial: No Brakes!
We said early September’s sodden mud march would pick up speed at the end, as it did, so as October arrives, the race is really on. If your engine isn’t warmed up and ready to engage, you’re going to get buried when the starting flag goes down and the opening surge means everyone will jockey for position on the Hunter’s Moon Mars T-square of October 4. Indeed, as the month moves on, the sky totally changes shape from the indecisive, back-and-forth see-saw of late summer to a Mars-led locomotive chart that means action, action, action. As if that weren’t enough, Jupiter finally goes direct midmonth, and all those plans on hold or being refined over the summer suddenly spring to life and race for completion as that ambitious giant planet rips through the rest of Aquarius and heads for Pisces after New Year. As the fall progresses, the other two outer planets that drive large-scale change (Uranus and Neptune) also go direct, creating a snowball effect where you either get on board or get out of the way. Don’t expect to be effectively applying the brakes, either, as the only earth except now-direct Pluto (not exactly a stabilizing force) has been Saturn in late Virgo, but by month’s end, that will have changed to Libra, leaving little to slow anything down. So like at 1967 LeMans (pictured above), expect to be accelerating around those upcoming double curves and rely only on your clutch to rein you in, so you don’t burn out your brake pads. Don’t expect a natural slowdown until Mars begins its frustrating biennial retrograde on Midwinter’s Eve and yet another rearrangement begins to shape the skies for the great celestial confrontations of April and July. September editorial: Mud March!
September: Saturn-Uranus #2,
w/Pluto: battling
through a morass… As
predicted, for many the incredible
Mars-Pluto-Saturn-Uranus grand cross in the last week of August turned
the dog
days into a dogfight. It was
just a clue to what’s ahead
as the ever-tighter second opposition
Saturn and Uranus (exact
Sept. 15) square Pluto
and will
continue to do so for the next year. That will mean a grand cross with
the Moon
every month -- this one on Sept 12 leading to a new Moon on Sept. 18
conjunct Saturn. The summer’s breath of respite
is over and the slugfest
between old (Saturn) and new (Uranus) is in its second round. Third
round next April,
final one next July-August. Other
qualities to look for in the month will be Mercury
retro for most of it (Sept
7-29) in Libra and Virgo, so a lot of
time is spent dropping and
picking up
stitches you missed and need for progress. Pluto turns direct
Sept. 11, so
another round
of general dissolution of past patterns is on the way. Some comfort is
to be
found in Venus in Leo, the
only planet in
fire, attempting to warm a see-saw
of earth, water, and air
which mainly make mud, both for
slinging and for
slogging, one step after another, stumbling for stability. The hopeful
victories of last fall have morphed into the drudgery of pushing
through the multi-faceted
resistance that plagues even the most successful campaign, so battling
elements getting in your way is the job at hand. But every eventual glorious triumph is preceded by a mud march that tests patience, discipline, and all the other necessary elements of your personal crusade, sometimes all at once. Push on, push on, keep your wits about you and your powder dry – the skies will clear soon enough, in time to show your will of iron by trial has turned to hardened steel, ready for the final stages of the coming fray... August editorial: Re-Engage!You’re out rowing
under a clear, blue summer sky, and suddenly… The
Guns of August. Just
you’re getting over that
third eclipse (lunar, on
Aug.5, at 13 Aquarius-Leo) and it looks
like things might
be settling down, there it goes again. Although it’s been
been hope for change in the air, and something of a respite from the
turmoil that had everyone so freaked last fall. But, those same
conditions are
coming back big time,
starting toward the end of August, so
check out your future
cover, gather your wits, and get ready to play another round. The returning forces are, of course, the Uranus-Saturn opposition (old against new), and Pluto coming back to take another bite out of Capricorn (social and economic dissolution, restructuring). Technically it doesn’t really get fully underway until the fall, but you’ll see the opening round in a T-square with Mars, Pluto, Moon, and Mercury in the last week of this month. The forces that so recently unraveled an unsuspecting world are making their next push, like a tide coming back in, for which we are all hopefully a bit better prepared… Unfortunately, although everything seems to have changed, it really hasn’t quite, yet. People are still talking about returning to normal, which is not where we were to begin with, and that’s about to become clear. We’re still running the gauntlet, as talk turns to action, and the engagement is not over, but just mid-way – we’ve passed the end of the beginning, but yet to reach the beginning of the end, with apologies to Winston Churchill. The bright side? You’ll be able to say you were there when it all happened, right in the middle, more than just a witness to history…so do deeds, and take pictures, but don’t look back…there’ll be time enough for that when the dealin’s done…July editorial: Triple Shot!
![]() The
usual, biannual double-shot of eclipses is a triple this time, starting
hard upon 22 June’s new-Moon-opposition-Pluto confirmed our
to finish your act and temporarily or permanently leave town (Iranian
Michael Jackson, and lots more did, or should have), July will probably
out quite different. First, Saturn ends its dominance over half the
sky, giving
way to splash and see-saw patterns that enable more multiple,
efforts and changing possibilities. Second, Uranus turning retro helps
take the
pressure off ongoing new vs. old confrontations. But
it’s silly season again, eclipse
time, and this
one’s a triple
whammy, with an extra lunar
eclipse thrown in at the end, thanks to
featuring a prolonged solar eclipse precisely on the nodes. Instead of
usual set of two turnaround super-lunations, we get three –
July 7 (Lunar,
15 Capricorn-Cancer), July 21 (Solar, 29 Cancer), and August 5 (Lunar,
Aquarius-Leo). Moreover, the average chance of a triple set rockets up
only every eight or nine seasons to one in three until 2020. So,
instead of
mostly double shots, we get a swarm of triples, eight
in the next
There’s even a just-released book
about it,,
should you want to know more, from the Indian
perspective. Is
it dire? Is it
meaningless? Or something
else, entirely? Literally, it
indicates the
middle eclipse is extra close to the lunar nodes, making it fuller,
more exact,
and longer, perhaps exaggerating
its usual influence,
gravitational and
otherwise. However, the two on either side tend to be shorter, almost
near-misses, much farther from the nodes and thus probably weaker. As
for the track
record of
such multiples, calendar year 1973 saw not just
a triple but two
doubles as well, seven
eclipses in total, and most folks got through intact. But it was a
freaky year of unexpected,
critical changes, indeed: Watergate,
the pullout from Vietnam, the Yom Kippur war, doubling
oil prices, Roe vs. Wade, the Allende assassination, a recession, the
of China, and lots more. Any parallels coming up? Very
possibly…so, this
season, best hedge your bets
until you see not just two
reversals of
course, but three… June editorial: Final Flowers...
![]() If
hope and love seemed
to be in the air in May,
difficult circumstances, June
continues the trend for the
same reasons. Last month saw
the beginning of a seven-month Jupiter/Neptune
conjunction (expansive hope)
added to a Venus-Mars
(desire and passion) that began in mid-April
and doesn’t run out until the beginning of July. And, as
Venus/Mars danced
through Aries, both
dynamic duos fell into
perfect sextile. All the
the trouble indicators – Pluto advancing into Capricorn
(structural collapse)
and Saturn opposition Uranus (old vs. new) – backed off,
us all a
temporary breather. June sees more of the same, up to a critical point. Jupiter/Neptune (and Chiron with them) go into reverse together, and Venus and Mars spend the month in Taurus, sexier than ever, but headed for a big square with the others at month’s end that turns the general hope and love fantasy into something closer to seductive trickery and delusion on a grand scale, like a poppy evolving into an oozing pod of opium. So, the trick is to stay with the ride until it peaks just before Midsummer, when Sun and Moon trine Jupiter/Neptune before hitting the opposition to Pluto, and while Venus/Mars trine Saturn. Then bring your efforts quickly to fruition before it all turns problematical as the month wears on. As the Sun moves into Cancer (the first major water in several months of celestial drought), drink deep, collect your final bouquets, and then bow out for the moment, leaving others to dance into darkened, diminishing skies, fortunately temporary, when: The
final flowers of
spring Come
July, yet another, re-engaging story will have begun…
May editorial: Consecration
![]() The
Consecration of
Napoleon and Coronation
of Josephine, Dec.
2, 1804
blooms of late
April’s spectacularly sexy
beginning a rare three-month run, turn out
to have as many
thorns as roses, it could be for the absence of a critical romantic
feelings. Strangely, except for its first, intimate week or so in
Pisces, the conjunction’s entire
run will be waterless, along
with the rest of
the whole sky except for roughshod Uranus. Only the occasional lunar
transit will slake the drought until the first day of summer, so fill up your canteen
when the Moon is in water signs. But perhaps it’s all for a higher purpose, as May's big news is Jupiter running up to conjoin Neptune (and Chiron, to boot), which every 12.8 years forms this intensely devotional “high priest” aspect, which will continue for the rest of the year. Children, organizations, and events in general born from now through the middle of July will have both conjunctions, combining intense charisma and consecrated spiritual dedication to the service of the common good (Aquarius). If you’re looking for a “higher love,” this is absolutely, definitionally the time for it. With Mercury retro most of the month, it may take some inner reshuffling to manage the attitude elevation, but by month’s end the two combos are in close sextile, running beautifully hand in hand. Only when Venus and Mars begin to part company in July do they pull into a conflicting, dissembling square, more show and pomp than true, life devotion (like the event depicted above by Jacques-Louis David, which featured Jupiter-Neptune square Mars). It’s
also the
third and last time in many centuries
Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron will make it a triple
(last two
were 1945 and
1881). This enhanced combination even further suggests a marriage of reform,
healing, and rising social consciousness,
phrases we
don’t toss around
lightly on this sometimes-cynical site. It is the hopeful antiphony to
strident Saturn-Uranus opposition sharing the skies this
year, as
in the midst of hardship the voices of the future gather to
out the
shattered disharmony of the past, at least for a time. As Pluto in
Capricorn reforges
the very
structure of the chalice from
which we partake, this
represents the heady and rejuvenating wine that consecrates it.
And as
so often before, for most of us it won’t be champagne, but a
modest dram
of local
brew, made magic by the
communion it confers…
April editorial: Roses And Ruins
![]() April cruel, April
been a rough winter, driven by Pluto
forging through early Capricorn
and Saturn fighting it out with Uranus in an ongoing opposition of
change. This
month sees a break
from both, as Pluto finally goes retro (when it
turned direct last October, Capricorn-bound, the world economy
slowing the pace of wholesale deconstruction, further abetted by Saturn
backing off from still-racing Uranus. So,
it may
be a
good time to catch a much-needed
breath of air and regroup,
including some time
to reconsider more loving springtime pursuits, appropriately in order
as Venus
and Mars tangle and fall
together into Aries during the last two
weeks, like
into wild roses.
Between velvety petal, shiny leaf, and piercing stem,
the experience can vary – so watch those twists and turns,
rosy wreaths
turn tangled crowns of thorns, floral spirals dressing concertina wire.
In the
heart of it all, retro Venus shifts
direct again, so as you
emerge from this
period of reconsideration a sudden backward glance may re-reveal that
which you
must pursue, who is truly worth bleeding for, and who isn’t.
Venus and Mars
remain conjunct
for a marathon three
months now, so buried in the
subtext of
this lately-wasted landscape is a spring and summer of love. Of course, Saturn still rules the sky until June, as the opposing bucket handle against the rest, so in this garden of Love Among The Ruins (our illustration above, by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, 1833-1898), you still may have to order from the right… March editorial: The
![]() After
February’s full-out Mars-Jupiter
race for shelter and a
favorable firing position, March brings
more of
same, as the bucket sky swings to oppose Saturn like a swarm of
descending on an enemy airfield. The month opens fast with Mars
encounters with
Mercury and Neptune, followed by a full Moon conjunct the very center
of the
fire, the Saturn-Uranus opposition. As all swirls around overhead,
Venus going
retro means the ammo is running low and a new plan for resupply is in
which will take
the rest of the spring
to properly spin out. Is there real progress being made? You might have asked that of the RAF in the summer of 1940. The gauntlet was thrown down between Saturn and Uranus exactly on election day, and the flat-out contest between the old and the new has been aflame every since. Now it’s the rest of us running the gauntlet and catching both hostile and friendly fire as the two giants in the sky battle for our destiny. With all the planets except for the occasionally errant Moon tightly lined up in a bucket making oppositions as they bear to the Saturn handle, you can’t say the sides aren’t clear. What’s not certain is what will be left when the celestial shooting finally stops. In Churchillian terms, the end of the beginning will be reached at the turn of summer when the opposing bowl breaks up and the inner planets go shooting past a momentarily-retreating Saturn. But there’s lots more to come, as the adversaries twist and turn with shifting strategies through the far reaches of Virgo-Pisces right down to an endgame Battle of the Bulge at the first degrees of Aries in June 2010. What to do in the meantime? Find cover where you can and trust in your own stars, and mutual support where you can find it, to help get us all through to the new dispensation to come. To quote “skypilot” Chaplain Howell Forgy aboard the USS New Orleans as he leapt to support a fallen turret gunner in the heat of the Pearl Harbor attack, just “praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.” (note the symbolic, but mistaken, substitution of “tradition” for “perdition” in the on-screen lyrics of this 1942 Frank Loesser hit). Something to tap your toes to while dodging the flak this month… February editorial: The Race Is On!
![]() As
February skies
feature basically a
Saturn bucket all month, with
planets inside a tight square
opposite and the Moon mostly outside the pail (except at
end), Saturn
really rules the attention, if not the day. Visually, it rules the
night, being
the brightest night sky object except for the Moon. If you thought last
election day opposition of Saturn and Uranus was a victory for the new
the old, you’ll now realize it was only
the beginning of a two-year confrontation.
There’s lots more
of the same to
come until at last Jupiter sides with Uranus and Mars and Venus briefly
Saturn right
across the equinoxes in
August 2010 to end the sky battle. Last time this happened? The middle
starting the year after Rev. Martin Luther Kings’s famous
at the March
for Jobs and Freedom in Washington and basically spanning 1964-66, also
finishing across the equinoxes (but the other way round), with Pluto
into the mix next to Uranus. The kind of times
you don’t forget. January editorial: Cold Cauldron! Mt. Aetna blows a volcanic smoke ring above its snowy peak January’s
temperament is like an icy volcano,
hot beneath wintry ice and snow, uncertain whether to
boil over or remain frozen until the spring thaw. Jupiter makes its big move into Aquarius
in time to be
hit by the solar
eclipse January 26,
as all the while a heavily Saturn-ruled sky tries to cope with a battered Saturn
still opposite
Uranus. Certainly the time for sharp and distinct change has arrived,
both by
the alteration in Jupiter style (Aquarius, the people, supplanting
the establishment) and the harshness of an eclipse punctuating its
opening bow
so strongly.
previous intensity of the
chilly beat remains, however, as
the sky continues to be a bowl
with Moon
either inside or out, first opposing the wintry cold of Capricorn and
then joining it again. Only a hopeful Venus in Pisces begins to peek
out the
edge beyond Uranus by month’s end, presaging the coming
bucket of the
next two months until the sky opens up with the coming of spring. In
meantime, it’s a relentless
act of making more out of less,
spreading the effect while
intensity and stability in the midst of upheaval. Everyone knows that
is what’s
happening economically, but it’s from
the inside out as well.
Traditionally, you find all sorts of turnabout
surprises in store between eclipses,
so expect some at
month’s end and into
February, especially since Mercury turns retrograde after the first
week. What makes
it the more tenuous is that a swaying tightrope between self-reliance
interdependence is being tread by all, and by and large without
a net…
Older News Articles, newest first, oldest at bottom (some links may have expired...): Sneak Peek (Ace Showbiz) – Trailer is just out for astrologer epic Agora, with Rachel Weisz… Cosmic Sympathy (RenewAmerica) – Is astrology a part of the new scientific environmental and evolutionary consciousness, as it once was?… New Solar Cycle Link (UCAR) – Tiny fluctuations of there have huge repercussion down here… Titling Earth (Medindia) – Global warming weight shifts will increasingly tilt Earth’s axis, and thus its relationship to the ecliptic, scientists report... Asteroid Watch (IB Times) – Its dial made from a piece of an asteroid, if you have to ask the price of this scintillating timepiece, you probably can’t afford it…maybe try cufflinks, instead… Ice Age Connection (Space Daily) – Tug of Jupiter and Saturn on Earth’s axis caused shifts that brought on the ice ages, new study concludes… False Fears (Canada Free Press) – Unfulfilled astrological prophecies are mixed with global warming in this “what-me-worry?” debunkfest… Pluto Plugs On (CNN) – Despite inaction in latest meeting of IAU (see below), Pluto does not rest easy… Another Woodhenge (BBC) – This one’s been discovered in Ireland, 4000 years old… Drought To End (Merimbula News) – Inigo Jones, using planetary cycles, predicted it sixty years ago. Next year, we’ll find out if he was right, again… The Cruellest Month (The National) – That would be August, in Russia, and astrologers agree… Online Astrology (Watblog) – It’s big business, and getting bigger as new companies, in new languages, hop into the pool… Planets and Disease (DNA India) – First it was Ketu to blame for swine flu (see below), now it’s Jupiter and Saturn, which are also to blame for encroaching Chikangunya (Google it, you don’t want to catch this one)… Still Not A Planet (USA Today) – Pluto planetary definition debate was ignored at this IAU meeting, except that it’s expected the new definitions will themselves soon fall into disuse… DNA Astrology (Singularity Hub) – Do eleven different DNA variations tell all? Chinese children’s program says so, others say it’s hogwash… Fun Signs (Colorado Daily) – National Center for Atmospheric Research puts together astrology-themed exhibit of poetry, paintings, and other artistic endeavors… Designer Babies (Asia One) – Human cloning may be illegal if you’re looking for the perfect child, but there is more than one way to skin a cat including, but not limited to, astrological timing… Thermodynamics of Astrology (Sify) – We are hard-pressed to follow this one, but maybe it’s cultural… Team Building (Business In Berkshire) – Want to fire up your corporate team? Try using astrology… Swine Flu (Sify) – It’s mostly the fault of Ketu (the Moon’s south node), say this India astrologer, using a little diagram of Vishnu… Comets Innocent (Astrobiology) – They may be harbingers of doom, but they didn’t kill the dinosaurs, or much of anything else… Monolith On Mars (Daily Mail) – Was this mystery standing stone put on the Red Planet by Stanley Kubrick?…article, unfortunately, doesn’t answer… Burma Bomb (Washington Times) – Astrology-driven dictator is now after the bomb…11 kilotons to be detonated on 11/11/11 at 11:11 AM, no doubt… Eclipse Market (Commodity Online) – This lunar eclipse will be good for gold, bad for the dollar… Hellish (Huffington Post) – It’s going to be as bad as the 1970s, astrologer tells journalist…we dread to surmise…beats the 1930s, we suppose… Mystic Time (Business Standard) – It’s all about analyzing time segments, improperly understood, within the business community… East Meets West (Business Standard) – AOL has just made a deal with India’s burgeoning astro-giant Ganesha Speaks for astrological services… Freakish Tides (Wired) – Anomalistic high tides have plagued the East Coast lately. Is it the Moon?… Bright Spot On Venus (New Scientist) – Suddenly, after a dark spot on Jupiter, a bright one on Venus…in sympathy?… Date With Death (eKantipur Online) – Only thirteen days after an astrology-timed marriage, he was the brother that perished… Asteroid Watch (NASA) – Worried the sky, or a piece of it, is going to fall? NASA now has a site updating those chunks that might hit us, and more… A Planet After All? (New Scientist) – Pluto, again. Turns out that Earth, if it were that far away, would be disqualified as a planet, too… Astrologer In Murder Plot (Aspen Daily News) – And now she’s on the lam… Our Benefic Protector (NY Times) – Jupiter took a bullet for us last weekend, in the bruise heard round the world…though, on the dark side, he occasionally slings some comets our way… Saturn’s Return (Australian Stage) – Now there’s a play around the event, not the first to use astrological crisis themes as the focus of stage drama…plus, how this one happened… Eclipse! (AP) – It came and went across Asia, to joy and worry from astrologers, astronomers, and common folk, and there are too many hundreds of stories to cover here…news-Google “eclipse” and read it all… Solar Cycle Linked To Climate (Science Daily) – We all knew that already, didn’t we? New research furthers the connection… Jupiter Smacked? (Universe Today) – Has the giant planet just taken another asteroid or comet hit, still mopping up the solar system? A suspicious new scar suddenly surfaces and...NASA confirms it... On The Block (Washington Post) – Astrologer Jeanne Dixon’s estate is up for auction…and there’s a lot of it… Gripped With Fear (Gulf Times) – That’s the effect of coming eclipse on India, says Qatari journalist… Missing Persons (The Irrawaddy) – Families are seeking astrological help in finding missing secret army tunnel project workers… “I Smell A Coup” (The Nation) – That’s one take on the coming eclipse, from a Thai astrologer in a volatile nation… Solar Eclipse in Hindu Mythology (Khabrein) – Nice wrap on how it’s looked at over there, from the earliest times… Planetary Bowling Pins (New Scientist) – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune once battled it out, switched orbits before locking into their current (but still possibly chaotic) life-shaping cycles…asteroids tell the “NICE” tale… Air Disaster Pileup (Rocky Mountain Independent) – An unusual spate of plane crashes lately? Who you gonna believe, The Wall St. Journal, or the astrologers? asks this journalist… Flawed Statistics (Einnews) – Test debunking astrology turns out to be full of holes… Taj Maharlem (NY Post) – Millionaire astrologer/real estate mogul flaunts NYC regulations with spiritual B&B plus… Magical Mandaeans (AllNewsWeb) – That mystery group in Iraq you occasionally hear about – big on astrology, and lots more… Plasma People (Thunderbolts) – Early myths may not have come from planets, but from plasma… Inauspicious (The Star) – The solar eclipse, very. To paraphrase Noel Coward, “In Bangkok, at twelve o’clock, they foam at the mouth and run, but mad dogs and Englishmen…” No To Gays (Bloomberg) – We missed this yesterday, now it’s huge. Astrologer brings major anti-gay suit in India’s Supreme Court…Google it for more links than we can possibly provide… “Scream” Sky – (Texas State Univ.) Famous Munch paintings are dated by planetary positions… Blind Seers (Joong Ang Daily) – This street of blind astrologers and other fortunetellers is a fixture in Seoul… Management by the Stars (Times Online) – In shaky times, business people are the big new market for astrologers and their advice… Did Galileo Find Neptune? (Science Alert) – Maybe so, according to new scholarly analysis, but knowing Neptune, it may never be resolved… Astrologer Released (Sunday Leader) – Questionable predictions, for the moment at least, aren’t the stuff of prison sentences in an astrology-ridden culture, says court…especially since he didn’t make them… Commodities, Commodities (Economic Times) – Gold, silver, what’s ahead in troubled times?… Meaningful Skyshows (Thunderbolts) – If planets have had meaning since prehistory, why not auroras?… Risky Resonance (Sky and Telescope) – The planets’ orbits and gravity affect each other more than you might think, to the extent that just the right gathering resonance could throw it all out of whack… Astrologer Arrested (Independent) – For making predictions contrary to oppressive new Sri Lankan government, as it consolidates supreme power…and UN may be next… Astrology Reporter Abducted (BBC) – Tamils start to suffer already from government “agents”… Astrology Lessons, Porno, and… (AP) – …horse manure, that’s what Brit politicos were spending public money on…priorities, priorities… Rocking with the Stars (Response Source) – Brit celeb astrologer will headline Glastonbury rock festival… A Rose By Any Other Name… (Huffington Post) – …might make more money from the same set of suckers…astrology plus, called “Human Design”… Astrology Hospitals (News Track) – Banaras university uses astrology to cure heart ailments… Upward Eye (Times of India) – Brick-and-mortar builder passed through astrology to astronomy, now forecasts weather… Triple Eclipses (Mid-Day) – Instead of the usual pair, we get three together this year, and six more triplets in the next decade. Does this mean a triple-whammy?… The Pagoda Peril (Taipei Times) – Astrologers continue to construe ominous future for junta after pagoda collapse… Celestial Engineer (Manorama) – Astrology site giant Ganesha Speaks was actually the inspiration of an engineer… New Despots (Asian Tribune) – In the wake of the demise of the revolutionary Tamil Tigers, true despotism is about to take over Sri Lanka, as per astrologer’s predictions… Lunar Assault (SFGate) – Dire results will come within a year of NASA’s attack on the Moon, say Moon Club… Huge Henge (National Geographic) – The remains of a giant circular temple complex 1,000 years older than Stonehenge has just turned up in crop-circle-like aerial photos… Solar Cycles and Climate (Examiner) – Part 1 of a series on how the Sun and planets interact to form historical climate variations… Laplace Resonance (New Scientist) – Jupiter’s moons are adjusting orbits through resonance, slowing volcanism, perhaps similar to our own planetary evolution… Sunspot Mystery Solved (NASA) – The Sun has been spotless for disturbingly long, but now there appears to be an explanation, deep inside its fiery furnace… Dog Stars (EIN) – Planetary positions are linked with puppy breeding and development in new experiments… Viet Vice (Vietnam Net) – Digital prognosticators are flaunting strict laws against divination… Star-Struck Temple (Asia Times) – Celestial skullduggery and desperate moves to ward off fate as temple collapses in astrology-wrapped Burma… Court Matters (Express Buzz) – Legal battle continues in ongoing astrology temple scandal we began covering years ago… Confidence Is Key (Newspost) – You do trust your astrologer, don’t you? It’s important… Astro Media Buy (Medianama) – Indian Astrolife.com picked up by media mogul, forges ties with Astrology.com in U.S. – look out, Ganesha Speaks… Revealing Eclipses (Astrobiology) – Lunar eclipses help spot exoplanets favorable to life… Clockwork Moon (NewsBlaze) – Was the Moon placed there deliberately to keep time?… Broken Dwarf (New Scientist) – Moon apparently took a bashing from pieces of smashed-up wanderer… Eclipses Forever (Science Daily) – Earthbound study of solar eclipses still leads to discovery, especially from upcoming, extra-long one… Worlds In Collision (Space.com) – The clockwork of the planets is more askew than we think, with chaotic potential down the road apiece… Charlatan Crackdown (Times Of India) – Counterfeit starcasters are getting culled by the cops… Fingerprints (St. Petersburg Times) – Astrologers are presumed guilty until proven innocent under blue law renewal… Apollo Meets Astrology (New Scientist) – Astronaut Buzz Aldrin intros Gustav Holst’s “The Planets”… The Mars Hoax Returns (NASA) – Don’t know how many time this hoary delusion has surfaced across the Net, or how many times we’ve mentioned it… Life On Earth… (Red Orbit) – … could last a lot longer, thanks to Gaia-like effect… Lunar Eclipse Tales (Softpedia) – What we see during a lunar eclipse could be clue to exoplanets and life in other solar systems… Lingering Snow (SFGate) – That interference on your now-useless analog TV wasn’t just noise, it was the universe whispering… Disastrous Date (ekantipur) – Astrologers picked a bad day to convene, indeed… Hot Coals (This Is Somerset) – Brit astrologer Jonathan Cainer can do more than interpret a horoscope, as amazed festival-goers attest… Cosmic Music (Philadelphia Inquirer) – Right here on earth, at the Franklin Institute’s Galileo exhibit… Weak Prediction (NASA) – The unusually silent Sun will return a year late, in 2013, and not with a bang but a whimper… Zoned Out (Chicago Tribune) – Fortunetellers are rezoned, astrologers object… Saturn’s Fault (Moscow Times) – Russian astrologers agree that unsettled times won’t end until Saturn-Uranus opposition is over in 2011… Got To Move (Daily Mail) – Wealthy Brit starcaster Russell Grant’s got to move out of his mansion, because his partner wears the pants… Canadian Casters Booming (Canada.com) – Insecurity north of the border has astrology in a growth spurt… Failed The Test (Times of India) – Astrologers didn’t collect a dime in election test… Rice Spin (NY Times) – After oxen give a bad crop forecast, local astrologer feels compelled to spin it to the press… Lethal Lunar (AJC.com) – A new book chronicles dozens of musicians who died at age 27, right on their progressed lunar return… And The Winner Will Be… (Samaylive, more) – In big Indian election, some starcasters say BJP will triumph, except for those who say the opposite…but the right forecast will win a prize… Placebo Effect? (Stuff.NZ) – California biologist turned starcaster tries to make it in more skeptical Kiwiland…hasn’t a clue why it works, but predicts more popularity as times worsen… Seeing Saucers (The Recorder) – Astrologer encounters UFOs down under, snaps photo… More Than One Moon (The Nation) – Our leftover satellite(s) may have been hiding at Lagrangian points, a hot topic these days… Name That Planet (Mail On Sunday) – If you can’t tell whether that’s Venus or Mars (or both right now) hanging like a harbinger overhead, point your cell phone at it, then ask Google… Stereo Moon (Universe Today) – This one works, even when you cross your eyes… Cosmic Cooling? (Cleveland Plain Dealer) – Sun losing its luster? Could be… Pluto Girl Passes (Fox) – Venetia Phair, the 11-year-old girl who named Pluto, has died at age 90, just two weeks after her documentary aired… Voting For Marriage (Times of India) – You get to vote again, you only get married once. The elections have been in conflict with the stars all over the Subcontinent… Apocalypse Soon!? (Newsreview) – Or is it just those lyin’ Mayans? More on 2012, etc.… Sun Revives (Wired) – Solar storms are rounding the bend, picking up after a long hiatus. Are we ready for the next round, or will it be a solar Katrina?… New Age Dead? (Llewellyn Journal) – Not according to its major publisher, but the term is getting a wee musty…neo-post-new-age, maybe?… It’s Franken! (Minnesota Independent) – This can’t drag on any longer, or the eclipses will cut in…oh-oh…! Sales Critique (Practical Commerce) – If you’re selling things like printed astrological reports, do a good job…tips purely from a presentation and sales point of view… Hungry for Predictions (Time) – The British Astrological and Psychic Society reports demand for readings rising faster than the country's national debt… Horoscope Bingo! (Webwire) – Starcaster to lead Brit bingo show, make player predictions…hungry, indeed… Planetary Apothecary (Examiner) – Medicine by the stars, leading with Hippocrates, is apparently OK if you call it “wellness”…and something about oats… The Finger (Times of India) – On astrologer’s advice, he gave the wrong finger, got in voting trouble… American Stonehenge (Wired) – Monumental slabs contain planetary-aligned instructions for civilization’s survivors in eight languages, its true origin a mystery already, though only built in 1980… Great White Pyramid (Histories & Mysteries) – Rediscovered in China…it’s twice as big as the Pyramid of Giza, and like it, celestially aligned… Starry Screening (Dive) – Astrologer-epic Agora will debut at Cannes Film Festival… Charmed Enforcer (Stuff.co) – Pro boxer turned private “enforcer” was sent to twist astrologer’s arm, wound up getting a reading… We Are All Related (Examiner) – Book review of a work that in part integrates astrology into, well, everything… Technical Aspect Oscillator (EIN Presswire) – That mouthful depicts another new proof of how astrological aspects may affect the markets… The Girl Who Named Pluto (BBC) – She was only 11 at the time. Her story in a new documentary… Trading By The Stars (Forexhound) – Harnessing the power of Gann mathematics, planetary cycles plus… Moon Wine (Toronto Life) – Canadian Niagara biodynamic wine, grown by astrological timing, debuts…meanwhile they're sipping it in Pittsburgh... Political Profits (Irish Times) – Astrologers are pulling in an estimated 93 million euro in Subcontinent’s frantic spring election competition… Flippy Future (American Chronicle) – Converging cycles have much in store, from flipping poles to flipping weather…Our Dimming Star (Daily Mail) – The Sun is not only unusually spotless, its whole output has weakened…could be historical key to recession?… DoomTube (2012thetruth) – According to “new” Nostradamus verses, 2012 videos claim we might not even make it that far… Prediction Panic (Novinite) – Astrologer’s earthquake warnings fill southern Bulgarians with terror and dread…starcaster may get sued... More Peril (Assam Times) – Assam has even worse to look forward to, say starcasters… Venus Disappears (NASA) – Between a meteor shower and an occultation, the planet of love will momentarily vanish in a very sweet lunar occultation, the morning of April 22… French Pastries (NASA) – When the Sun chooses to blast us, it sends out croissants… Thai Chaos (Wall St. Journal) – Leading astrologer says current state of emergency will dissolve government, while former strong man Thaksin lurks… Believers (Daily Mail) – Astrology belief up to 22%, as pollster admits “Enlightenment optimism in the ability of science and reason to explain everything ended decades ago….” Other Believers (DNA India) – Of course, others are turning to astrology instead of religion and spirituality… Predictor Palaver (ExpressBuzz) – In the country with the most astrologers, starcasters huddle to peer ahead, including possible partition of Pakistan coalition in India… Remains In The Night (NASA) – Twin satellite probes are searching the skies for the remains of an ancient planet near Earth, perhaps the source of the Moon… All Agog (Thai Indian) – The Subcontinent is a-buzz with celestial predictions on coming election cycle… Math Whiz Flees Fury (Indian Newslink) – Renowned mathematician and astrologer slips up in New Zealand, takes it on the lam… The Silent Sun (NASA) – Like the economy, the sunspots still aren’t coming back… Midnight Magnetism (New Scientist) – Fluctuating geomagnetism directly effects your dreams, according to new research… Banned In Britain (The Hindu) – Pundit’s promo is pulled for promising personal predictions… Incest, Rape, and Dysfunction (Huffington Post) – The HP picks up on Indian astrologer sex scandal and wraps it up with the rest of the month’s similar depravities…must be percolating down from above… Astro-Opera Is Back (Times Online) – Brit revival of Le Grand Macabre includes “the S&M scene between the crossdressing astrologer Astradamors and his dominatrix wife, Mescalina, who spanks him with a spatula and threatens him with a cooking spit and a huge pet spider…” Times review here... Body Parts (DNA India) – Stories of Subcontinental astro-mischief are always a bit more colorful… Epochalypse Soon (The Phoenix) – More fun with the Mayans, as The End gets ever more play on the Web… Fighting For His Name (Money Times) – Famed Latin starcaster Walter Mercado is in legal battle for the rights to his own name… Banned Down Under (Beliefnet) – One of Lynn Hayes’s “Astrology Musings” put on Aussie computer nanny-list…way to go, Lynn!… Vedic Watch (Walletpop) – Like, the watch on your wrist. This one, by premium Swiss watchmaker Borgeaud, will warn of “Rahu Kaal” and start at $2000…see it here… Spring In August (Top News) – Spring on Saturn comes on August 11, as first the moons cast shadows on the rings, which then go dark… Prosperity Rape (Hindustan Times) – The seamier side of Subcontinent starcasters and their clients…more details here… and yet elsewhere, a murder… Stars Destroyed Marriage (UPI) – Wife let astrology ruin their relationship, says estranged hubby… Presley Horoscope Auction (Gottahaverockandroll) – The King’s horoscope hand-drawn by Dane Rudhyar, plus 23 pp of interpretation, on the block for $4,000-$6,000… 2012 Bonanza (2012thetruth) – A bonanza, a veritable plethora of how many ways Mayan astrological prophecies could doom us all… Baby Planning (mysinchew) – Burmese astrologers to launch site for expectant moms to pick auspicious birth times, for arranging Caesarians… Astro Cocktails (laist) – Astrology-themed cocktails for $12 apiece? In whose universe?…Deathwatch Cycles (Examiner) – Watching them die…Maria Barron in a thoughtful mood… Bad Timing (Times of India) – Election timing augurs ill for the Subcontinent, say starcasters. Could it be entwined with no booze at the wedding (see spirits story below)?… Pluto Girl (Offbeat O.C.) – She won’t quit until the dwarf planet’s back on top… Unified Cycle Theory (PR.com) – Well, maybe not all that unified, but very cyclical, anyway... Environment-Including Science (PEJ) – Is the “new” astrology ultimately a finely-tuned environmental endeavor?…a well-presented argument, we’ve been buying that direction for some years… Good Aspect, Ill Spirits (DNA India) – On the most auspicious marriage day of the year, when tens of thousands will get hitched, the government is banning alcohol… Mixed Results (BloggingStocks) – Astrologer Arch Crawford did proud most of 2008, calling for meltdown, but missed this full Moon call (we reckon two murder sprees took up that explosive energy)… A Serious Science (Moscow News) – From Kremlin starcasters: Obama slain, World War III, women rule world, financial crisis ends Dec. 27, 2020…and, lobbying for scientific recognition… First Tongue (ViewZone) – Ancient language stone inscriptions may bear imminent prophecy of the Sun… Planet P? (Time) – Another massive unknown planet lurking? Nope, this one’s a golden oldie, from 1931, which didn’t turn up… Garden Of Eden? (Daily Mail) – Here’s a stone circle we overlooked, a really major one…a Kurdish Avebury?… Fruit Astrology (Express India) – Following in the footsteps of parrots and palm leaves, fruits…succulent, delicious and meaningful… Astroshrinking (Irish Times) – Psychology and astrology, together, who’d have thunk?…Ireland catches up… Birth Month Blues (Yomiuri) – April is the coolest month for baseball player births in Japan, similar to August in America… Islamic Ruling (Saudi Gazette) – If you even approach an astrologer, Allah will not hear your prayers for forty days… Doom Debunked (Cornell Sun) – Pole shift in 2012 planetary cataclysm is a red herring…at least, that part of it is… Asteroid Void (U of AZ) –Jupiter and Saturn’s resonance cut a swath through the asteroids, leaving giant holes… Offensive Stereotypes (CJNews) – The astrologer, the czar, the warrior, the Jew, Death and the goat…should we be offended?… Astrology Epic (YouTube) – Epic, like in wide-screen. First trailer for lavish tale of female astrologer-philosopher (Rachel Weisz) trying to save the library at Alexandria (hint: it burned, anyway)… Red Or Black? (Examiner) – Tibetans caught in astrological new year color dispute with communist government… Astrologer Picks Oscars (Houston Chronicle) – Back to the drawing board for this starcaster. Against all odds and favorites, she only got two right… Eyes On Skies (Washington Times) – Why, even astrologers are watching the one-shot, backwards, green comet Lulin, reports astonished DC daily…is it an omen?…here's where to see it... Illinois Supports Pluto (Daily Herald) – Illinois State Senate Executive Committee has unanimously recognized Pluto as a planet, Friday, March 13 declared “Pluto Day,” full Senate to vote on measure… “Earth’s Second Satellite” (MaterialIntangible) – That would be asteroid 1685 Toro, and an Apocalyptic connection… Sun Signs for Rug Rats (PR.com) – They’re starting them young these days… Lurking ‘Roids (The Telegraph) – NASA may have to blow up killer asteroids hiding in those free-floating Lagrange point areas, if they find any… Jupiter Aligns With Mars (This Is Somerset) – Glastonbury partied as the song lyrics come true, yet again, while America actually gets a bail-out, maybe…is it The Age this time, yet?… Dark Comets (New Scientist) – Comets appearing overhead have always been harbingers of doom, but it’s the ones we don’t see that might get us… China Nixes Starcraft (IncGamers) – Socialist morality officially forbids “astrology” and “ghost” as “feudal superstition”… Fortune Mantra (Business Standard) – Ganesha opens his astrological arms to day traders… Lunar Yoga (FeelGoodStyle) – Yoga by the Moon is not so new as this suggests… Margie Moves On (Baltimore Sun) – Astrologer Margie Herskowitz, familiar to many of us, dies at 83… UnderwaterHenge (Chicago Tribune) – Was mysterious underwater stone circle man-made, another ancient skywatch site?… All In The Wrist (The Times) – Was it retrograde Uranus affliction that forced famed pianist to play with only one hand for four decades?… Lunar Eclipse In Indian Mythology (Khabrein.info) – Lots of historical information, with chapter and verse references, fascinating… Scientific Proof (Examiner) – Of astrology, of course, this mostly quoting Dr. Percy Seymour, along with the Gauquelins in the previous segment… Astrological Discrimination? (UPI) – Austria clears major insurance company under investigation for hiring only certain signs, because they do better…we’ve been waiting for this one… Changed Careers (News and Star) – Former pop music star-finder is now finding his way among the stars… Blood Type Personality (Calgary Herald) – Japan’s perennial fad takes a bow in Canada… Celestial Fruits (Jewish Press) – Wonderful metaphors from the trees of life… Noticing Pluto (Coastal Post) – The demoted planet is getting a whole issue devoted to it by The Mountain Astrologer…hope that helps…Beating The Rap (Law.com) – Latin astrology star Walter Mercado wins a very big lawsuit, gets out from under a massive raw deal… Newspapers Doomed (Examiner) – After much insightful “thought and heavy-heartedness,” astrologer predicts difficulties for print newspapers, and then another one closed! Like predicting more snow in winter?…astrology vindicated… Comet Backs Through (Times Online) – Comet Lulin will be passing through this winter sky – a rarity, as it moves backwards through the sky, its orbit opposite the rest of the solar system… The Astrology Game (Casual Gaming) – Wealthy Brit boffin Russell Grant enters the videogame market as astrology (and the rest of media and publishing) struggles to find the format that finally focuses interest and sales… From Gypsy Blood (Halifax Courier) – This third-generation seer is also just a devoted mum, despite starry past… Asteroid Stalks Earth (Universe Today) – We’ve got a mysterious companion… Feng Shui Index (Financial Standard) – Forecasts, forecasts, economic, social, and udderwise… Ox Eclipse (The Star) – Chinese New Year starts Year of Ox with an eclipse, making red a risky color to indulge in… The Dark Side of the Sun (NASA) – Soon we’ll be able to see those crazy solar storms while they’re still lurking around the corner… Planetary Scraps (National Geographic) – Mars and Mercury are just leftovers from Earth and Venus (well, that was a long time ago)… Poisoned (Times Online) – Danish royal astrologer Tycho Brahe may have been done in with Mercury slipped into his drink by Hamlet prototype… Sworn-Again (Washington Times) – Obama was sworn in a second time at 7:25 PM, 1/21/09 to get the word order right…a whole new inauguration chart with 0 Virgo Ascendant, Mercury back in Cap, and Moon solidly in Sag, instead of the original Cazimi Mercury retro, VOC Moon…?! Hmmm… Severe Weather (NASA) – It’s not planetary transits, it’s solar storms that could crash your world… Rocky Ring (SoftPedia) – Were Mercury and Saturn part of the same cluster, when massive object collision carved Moon from Earth?… Obama To Be Reelected (AFP) – In Burma, they’re getting ahead of themselves, but isn’t that what astrologers do, then?… Peace And Prosperity (The Moderate Voice) – Ganesha likes Obama… Vedic Version (WestEnder) – This view puts Obama above it all… Galileo DNA (AFP) – Was the great astronomer too blind to know what he was looking at? DNA may tell all… Mars Not Dead (NASA) – That’s because it’s breaking wind, sort of. Newly-discovered methane production means either active volcanism or there’s life giving off gas… Plumbing The Future (Park Record) – “Joe the Plumber” can’t hold a candle to this guy…Should You Invest In Stars? (USA Today) – Maybe so, maybe no… Wall St. Retro (iStockAnalyst) – What to do with your money when Mercury backs off… Rats (Gather) – Twenty things you might not know about them, even if you were born one… Astrologer Heart of New Comedy (The Statesman) – Half feng-shui, half-vasta conman has them rolling in the aisles…Bollywood loves it… Warm Plasma Cloak (National Geographic) – Snuggle up, it’s just been noticed and it’s protecting you more than you think… 2012, Long Island (Long Island Press) – The coming end of the world, at length, from the Apple’s own suburbia… Lake Michigan Stonehenge (BLDG Blog) – It’s under water now, but did it once track the skies?… Monster Moon #2 (NASA) – It’s the second full Moon at perigee in a row, so on January 10, get out your camera…as it rises in the east, looking 30% bigger than normal, watch for Venus brilliant in the West…last month’s example Oceania, causing 50,000 flood refugees… Back In Bay City (Michigan Live) – If you’re looking to cut costs, don’t lay off the astrologer… Bad Predictions (Daily News) – Not prophetic doomsaying, quite the opposite -- just total misses… Remembering the End of the World (Thunderbolts) – There used to be a lot more going on in the sky, or so this film avers… Surprises In The Sky (Thunderbolts) – There are still a lot of shocks being delivered up above, just this year alone…follow the links… Sky Diamonds Underfoot (LA Times) – It seems that mysterious, barely-prehistoric comet strike left us with diamonds in the soles of our shoes… Big Apple Sparklers (NY Times) – More recent diamonds tell a similar celestial story around the New York City area… Thai Troubles (Asia One) – A boatload of bad-luck ministers are in for it next year, say Thai astrologers, and even the German-trained ones are predicting doom… Malay
Hope (The Star)
– South of the border, in Sugar And Saints (Mumbai Pulses) – On the Subcontinent, the rise of sugar, and a new saint… Booming Business (Niagara Falls Review) – More on recession-driven upturn for futurecasters on this side of the pond and, of course, India… Presidential
Preponderances (Astroved)
– A Vedic look at the
planetary proportions of the Crazy Christmas Tilt (NASA) – That’s Saturn, rings flat on toward us now, its autumnal equinox, so point that new telescope you got for Christmas skyward… Tense
Aspects, Struggling Markets ( Magic Squares (Meadow Free Press) – Planetary magic squares from the time of Agrippa, as talismans…what fun… Ancient Skywatchers (Kennebec Journal) – Of course they followed the stars, their lives depended on it…nice seasonal piece… Astrology
Therapy (Daily Mail)
– The latest astro-hybrid fad from LA lands in a
mystified Stars
Ceylon ( A Positive Forecast (Commodity Online) – Oil may be crashing, but red chilli and turmeric markets look good, according to the stars… A New Christmas Star? (News With Views) – Will another mysterious star herald the coming of a world savior? Change you might not believe in, but no doubt a sign of the times… Reaping the Retro (Llewellyn Journal) – There are reasons to look forward to Mercury turning retrograde – it has all kinds of advantages, it would appear… Oh, Little Star (Scientific American) – As we have said, it’s that time of year for theorists to wax on about the “real” Christmas star, but this gives a nice wrap on what’s around… A Chink In Our Armor (NASA) – Earth’s protective magnetic shield is being cracked open by the Sun’s field “like an octopus wrapping its tentacles around a big clam,” paving the way for “stronger geomagnetic storms than we have seen in many years"… Lunar Crime Spree (Northern Star) – As if Pacific flooding wasn’t enough, this SuperMoon seems to have roused the criminal element down under… The Antikythera Mechanism (Astrological Musings) – We’ve covered this one a lot, as specific news developed, but here’s a really good wrap on this amazing, ancient astro-device, with video… When The Sun Is Resting (Fiji Live) – That would be Dec. 15 - Jan. 15…Not the time to get married, according to Hindu astrology…Sagittarius, in their system, but dead of winter, by any… Your Own Soul (Potter World) – Do twins with same chart share astro-karma or is each unique beyond that?…an old chestnut revisited… SuperMoon Tidal Catastrophe (Market Watch) – Last week’s unusual full Moon has made 50,000 homeless in Micronesia flooding… A Passing Shower (Space.com) – Catastrophic showers of comets may rain down on us when a passing star rolls by… Thirty-One Percent… (MarketWatch) – That’s the proportion of people who believe in astrology, almost even with Darwin among Protestants, in yet another Harris poll… Jesus Was A Gemini (The Telegraph) – It’s that time of year again…more speculation about the Star of Bethlehem… Biggest And Brightest (NASA) – That’s this full Moon, 14% bigger and 30% brighter, at its closest to earth this year…and, though NASA doesn’t care, it’s part of a grand cross with Saturn and Uranus, very tense, indeed… Weddings Soldier On… (Times of India) – Despite the downturn, when the stars are right, marriages turn up on schedule…35,000 in Delhi alone… Reward Offered (Daily Nation) – African skeptic group offers big bucks for proven predictions from astrologers or witchdoctors…we’re betting on the witchdoctors… The Lieberman Conundrum (Capitol Weekly) – D.C. astrologer looks at a senator whose loyalties seem mixed, to say the least… Smiling Prophecy (The Irrawaddy) – Was the Venus-Jupiter-Moon smiley face a sign from heaven for star-crossed Burma?… Mars Has Rhythm (Univ. of Arizona) – Who could ask for anything more? Like earth, the Red Planet has regular cyclic changes due to its tilt, which describe its evolution, but at twice our tempo… Hot, Stormy, and Mysterious (European Space Agency) – That’s Venus, unveiled in the infrared and ultraviolet. A violently volcanic, torrid, tempestuous terror… A Bad Name (Economic Times) – Mumbai should change its name back to Bombay to avoid further terrorism, say astrologers and numerologists… The Voice of the Turtle (Cebu Daily News) – Did unique planetary alignment cause rare sea creature to wander?… Astrology Terror Victim (Lynchburg News & Advance) – Vedic astrologer Alan Scherr and his daughter Naomi were among those killed by terrorist gunmen in Mumbai attacks… The Newton Effect (The Guardian) – Newton’s theory of gravity gave astrology a big boost… The Year Of Astrology (Mathaba) - Arab astrologers built this remarkable observatory 500 years ago, about to be celebrated in Iran... Like A Rock (Eurekalert) – Jupiter’s nothing but a big rock, with a whole lot of wrapping… Autumn’s Child… (CityNews) – … is more likely to get asthma, by 30%… Astrologers Make Merry (Economic Times) – Since the economic woes began this fall, astrology site traffic on the Subcontinent is up 25-50%, as the worried are clutching at…the stars… Love, Jobs, and 401(k)s (NY Times) – And, it’s happening right here in the States, too, as practitioners attest… A Refined Clientele (Boston Globe) – That’s who comes to this Cambridge astrologer. So what about the rest of us, chopped liver?… Copernicus, At Last (AFP) – The remains and tomb of the renowned astrologer are no longer in doubt… You’re Hired! (Times of India) – More than just a potential career, it’s a job!… Mars On Ice (MarketWatch/NASA) – Actually, it’s ice on Mars. The planetary symbol of heat and energy is covered with cloaked, monster glaciers, it seems… He Killed Pluto (Explorer News) – At least he thinks he did, but increasingly, not all scientists agree…and of course astrologers know better… There’s A Future In It (Telegraph India) – Astrology is turning into a college-based profession with bright prospects… Cold Comfort (Scoop) – It’s the planets’ barycentric orbits that actually control climate change, say these folks, and the future looks frigid… Heavens Set To Smile (Bangkok Post) – Coming up, a rare smiley face in the sky, of the Moon, Jupiter, and Venus…but what will it augur?… Distant Early Warning (MIT) – A new system will soon be in place to tell us when an unexpected planetary transit might become an earth-shattering collision… The Grand, Grand, Grand Conjunction (Times of India) – How about all the planets lined up together in a single, straight line? What a concept…but alas, not to be in this solar system’s lifetime… Charmed For Success (The Peninsula) – As Subcontinent elections gear up, politicians are pulling out all the stops, above and below… Saturn All A-Glow (Space.com) – Saturn has a switched-on aurora like no other planet, another new mystery… Fatwa On Astrologers (MEMRI) – Saudi sheikhs more than dislike astrologers, they want them killed, forthwith… Saturn Returns (NY Times) – The Times takes a critical look at the new play with a planetary life-theme, at Lincoln Center… Stars Over Ireland (Mayo News) – Landmark mountain Croagh Patrick may be part of an ancient astrological network… Astrology Stock Up (MarketWatch) – While traditional market forecasters are eating crow, financial astrologer Arch Crawford’s in the catbird seat… Sun Restarts (NASA) – "I think solar minimum is behind us," says sunspot forecaster David Hathaway of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Is this a metaphor, is there a connection? Sunspots have finally kickstarted after a record lull… Obama Apologizes (AP) – To Nancy Reagan, for his flip remark about séances. What she actually did, of course, was consult an astrologer… Cosmic Tug (National Geographic) – There’s something over the horizon – like, seriously over the horizon – that’s pulling the entire universe towards it… Obama, By Jupiter! (The Guardian) – Brit columnist Neil Spencer looks at the prospects… A Man Of Conviction (Lanka Everything) – Local astrologer who predicted McCain victory still says Obama won’t make it… Hard Times, Big Hits (PC Advisor) – Insecurity about the economy is driving up UK astrologer’s web and mobile hits, and what he’s saying just feeds it… Toxic Employers (Hindustan Times) – Astrologers’ clients most popular question is when their bosses will be gone… You Won’t Like It…(Houston Press) – …no matter who wins this election, says Houston pack of prognosticators. The election day aspects are just too weird… …Perhaps Because…(BeliefNet) – …of exactly those weird aspects, as astrologer Lynn Hayes further details… …It’s Really Heavy…(Oregon Live) – This is no lightweight contest, and its historical ramifications aren’t easy… Astrologers Just Stupid? (Sky News) – Depends on your point of view, it would seem… Good Luck Gamblers (PR Web) – If you haven’t succeeded in losing all your money in the stock market yet, this might finish the job… Portals To The Sun (NASA) – They open and close, connecting us with our soul star, passing particles between us… Sun
Sign Cell
Phone (Business
– It’s way behind India, but
now you can get Susan Miller on your iPhone telling you about the Sun
signs of
the people you meet in the lounge, and what cars they drive… It’s A Sweep (AFP) – Indian astrologers jump on Obama bandwagon, but say he might be in danger in April, should wear rubies for strength… Fostered By The Moon (New Nation) – All kinds of reasons to snuggle up to the Moon at Diwali… The Ventiplexian Zodiac (io9) – Astrology from the universe before the Big Bang, in the latest plot of kids’ series The Sarah Jane Adventures… Outsourced Predictions (Wall St. Journal/LiveMint) – A vastu take on the elections, complete with map, details Obama’s planetary momentum… Nepal Tips for Obama (Sify) – In the international astro-biz, everyone’s throwing hats into the ring… Recovery Ahead (Bloomberg) – According to the stars, happy days will be here again…next year… Stars Favor McCain (Times Herald Record) – NCGR seers see comeback by election day… Stars Favor Obama (Contra Costa Times) – And Biden’s beat Palin’s as well… Panic Cycle (Wall St. Journal) – Stock traders brace for recurrence of historical lunar phase that have marked previous crash lows… Starry Meltdown (Radar) – The astrology of the current economic crisis is explained, as Radar magazine itself succumbs to it (this is their last issue)… Two Cows (BeliefNet) – Astrologer Lynn Hayes has some wonderfully pastoral political metaphors…country and city mice, check your horoscopes… Moon Mission Questioned (ExpressBuzz) – …By astrologers, like why pay to go there, when people are starving here?… Saturn Return, the Play (Beliefnet) – It’s opening off-Broadway, another example of real astrology going mainstream… Heavenly Investments (NJ Star-Ledger) – You can’t pick everything by the stars, but they sure can help… Gardening By The Stars (The New Nation) – Plant the right thing at the right time and, voila, green thumb… Faith Floats (DNA India) – In economic crisis, folks turn to guns and religion…and astrology?…well, why not?… Don’t Worry, Be Happy (Financial Express) – This financial crisis will pass, in October, maybe November…if you’re in India… The Root Of Christianity (Allhiphop) – That would be: astrology. Or so explains this video and extensive historical article by Edmond H. Wollmann with top astrologer Lee Lehman… Not A Science? (Express India) – Horrors, astrology has failed the test! Exactly what the test and its results are don’t seem clear, but hardly unexpected… Amateur Software (Bangkok Post) – Several new entry-level programs announce as consumer interest in astrology expands… Bunk, Bunk! (Science Blogs) – That’s what astrology is, according to a debunker who talks about Mercury “in retrograde” (the equivalent of Bush/Palin’s “nucular”) and totally misdefines void-of-course in the process…glad this guy’s not running NASA… Eid Moon Sighting (PakTribune) – Eid Moon? An integral part of the Muslim calendar, even when it can’t be seen, these days…interesting thoughts on calculation from an experienced mariner… Call Home, Call Your Astrologer (IT News) – Emergency cell phone consultations with your personal astrologer have moved across the pond to Canada, 49 cents/minute… Testing, Testing (Express India) – Another contrived “test” to see if there is anything to astrology, results later this week… Telltale Trio (Sunday Sun) – A financial expert, an astrologer, and a gypsy opine on our economic future… Reversing The Field (Universe Today) – Will the earth’s magnetic field flip catastrophically in 2012? Not likely… Cherish Eris (Redorbit) – Say that three times quickly, and chaos results…maybe not really, but there aren’t going to be many more like her (or Pluto) likely to turn up in an increasingly impoverished Kuiper Belt… Life In A Bubble (Live Science) – Are we living in a bubble? If so, then everything is different…isn’t it?... Parrot Poverty (Express India) – Traditional parrot astrologers have fallen on hard times… Big Bang, Little Bang (Science Daily) – A nearby nova set the planets in motion to begin with, or so it seems… No Spots, No ‘Canes? (Thaindian News) – Sunspots and hurricanes proportional, maybe… Cantaloupe Skin (NASA) – The Sun is not a sphere, it’s a melon… The Blankest Year (NASA) – There has never been such solar silence, since before the beginning of the Space Age… Dark Matter Orbiting Earth? (arXiv) – Satellite flyby anomalies suggest dark matter orbiting our planet – could this be the traditional, but mysterious, Dark Moon Lilith?… |
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